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    Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

    mis m6ttes? see on ju v2hemalt teemasse,
    aga Tommy\'t ei ole t6esti kauaks enam, sest ta on money grabbing bastard...
    then again, v-o on see (palgan6ue) lihtsalt ettek22ne, et 2ra saada
    GEORGE: No, no, no! Nothing happens /-/ RUSSELL: Well, why am I watching it?
    GEORGE: Because it's on TV RUSSELL: Not yet..
    (Seinfeld, The Pitch)


      Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

      Algselt postitas vaikiv mees

      mis m6ttes? see on ju v2hemalt teemasse,
      aga Tommy\'t ei ole t6esti kauaks enam, sest ta on money grabbing bastard...
      then again, v-o on see (palgan6ue) lihtsalt ettek22ne, et 2ra saada
      Noh, ikka selles mõttes, et ta võib ju teemasse olla, aga Prasi jaoks ei anna see ikkagi asjaliku postituse mõõtu välja.
      It\\\'s always better on holiday...


        Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

        Eston loves Leeds! Yes, yes he does!
        Eston loves Leeds! Yes, yes he does!

        When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


          Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

          YES I DO!
          YES I DO!


            Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

            peter whittingham on sadetud meie reservmeeskonda laenule. whitts liitub burnley\'ga algselt 1 kuuks, selle perioodi lõppedes vaadatakse kõik uuesti üle ja kui kõik klapib siis võetakse ära kuni hooaja lõpuni


              Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

              tänaõhtuses reservide mängus üritab taas kammbäkki darius vassell. vastaseks walsalli bescot stadiumil on meile bolton. mängus astuvad platsile ka martin laursen ja mathieu berson


                Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

                Algselt postitas eston maravilha
                peter whittingham on sadetud meie reservmeeskonda laenule. whitts liitub burnley\'ga algselt 1 kuuks, selle perioodi lõppedes vaadatakse kõik uuesti üle ja kui kõik klapib siis võetakse ära kuni hooaja lõpuni
                Mingi hetk oli kuuldus, et ta peaks Leedsi siirduma. Laenule samuti. On üldse midagi asi mees?
                When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                  Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

                  eelmise hooaja esimene pool õnnestus tal päris hästi, siis hakkas kas siis noorusest tingituna või mõnel muul põhjusel ära vajuma ja hooaja lõpus enam meeskonna eest eriti ei figureerinud. see aasta on teinud 7 ilmumist põhimeeskonna eest. kõik minuteada vahetusest. divar peaks hekel tema tasemel kõige rohkem vastama. loodame, et sellest on kasu tema edasis arengus


                    Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

                    eilse reservide mäng võitis oodatult villa teine eshelon. tulemuseks 2-1 võit. meite poolt lõid väravad 2 minutil stefan moore ja 39ndal minutil stuart bridges. boltoni vastuvärava lõi üllatuslikult aga keegi inglane..

                    juba täna õhtul on claret and blue poisid taas tules, seekord fa youth cupi raames. vastaseks ipswich portman road\'il. meilt on vigastusega puudumas influencial keskväljakunn craig gardner, kes jääb platsilt eemale pikemaks ajaks põlve ristsidemete vigastusega. õnneks on ka traktoristidel vigastusprobleemid.. ja meil on gabriel agbonlahor

                    COME ON VILLAINS!!


                      Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

                      see läks nüüd küll sitasti. eile õhtul häviti noortekarikas põssaarmastajetele 1:3. meie poiste ebatavaline taktika hakata mängima peale 60ndat minutit läks vett vedama, sest selleks ajaks oli põllumehed juba 3-väravalises eduseisus. löödi küll üks tagasi ja oli ka võimalusi kammbäkkiks, kuid keegi oli oma traktori värava ette parkinud

                      möödunud laupäevasesse meeskonda, kes reisis lõunarannikule, et pompey ahju ajada, oli kaasatud ka gabriel, kellest räuskab ka tänane päikeseleht. debüüt ei saa enam kaugel olla.


                        Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

                        fänndie küsimused meie parimale mängijale

                        DO YOU NOW FEEL SETTLED AT VILLA? Alan Perrins, Newton Abbott
                        Definitely! I\'m happy here and I\'m now used to this area. People at the club treat me well and that\'s the most important thing for me and my family. It took time to get used to a different culture, different language - different weather! But I\'m now very settled and I feel great.

                        DO YOU PREFER SCORING AT THE HOLTE END OR THE NORTH STAND? Sebastian Green, Erdington
                        As a striker, you want to score, no matter where you are. It\'s always nice to score in front of the Holte End and I seem to have scored most of my goals there. But it doesn\'t really matter - I like to make Villa supporters happy, no matter where they sit!

                        WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR BEST MOMENT IN A VILLA SHIRT SO FAR? Phillip Russell, via email
                        My first goal, against CoventryCity, was a very nice moment because it was such a relief for me, especially after the things I went through after I joined the club. I felt everyone was expecting me to score, so it was great when I finally did it. But my goal against Chelsea in the Carling Cup last season was a special moment and it was great to beat a team like that and reach the semi-finals.

                        I\'ve played so far in three leagues - in Colombia, Argentina and now the Premiership and this one is quicker and more physical than the other two. It\'s also much more professional and there\'s a higher tempo, but I feel I\'ve adapted to it. It\'s a big help having Ulises de la Cruz and Nobby Solano around, too.

                        WHICH PREMIERSHIP STRIKER DO YOU MOST ADMIRE Terry Bishop, Great Barr
                        I like different things about different strikers. The best striker around at the moment is Thierry Henry. He is a natural athlete with great pace and what he has achieved over the past two or three years has been fantastic. For killer instinct, I would go for Ruud Van Nistelrooy because he\'s a natural predator, always in the right place and the right time.

                        HOW DID IT FEEL TO SCORE OVER 20 GOALS FOR VILLA LAST SEASON? Helen Tomkins, via email
                        It was great. I really enjoyed last season and so did the rest of the players. The way we played was exciting and it was great to finish in the top six. It was a remarkable season and it was wonderful for me to score so many goals. To be in double figures is an achievement in the Premiership because it\'s so difficult to score in this league. Defenders never give you much space so I was really pleased to score 23.

                        WHICH IS MOST MORE IMPORTANT TO YOU - CLUB OR COUNTRY? Joel Sheldon, Hodge Hill
                        Both are very important, in different ways. You always want to do well for your country because of the pride it gives you to represent a whole nation, but doing well for your club is essential for your career. In my case, it\'s difficult to combine the two because Colombia usually play on Wednesday night and I have to be back here on Friday, ready to play for Villa the following day. That\'s obviously not easy when you\'ve been on a plane for 13 or 14 hours.

                        WHERE DO YOU LIKE TO SHOP? Daniel Rowson, Nottingham
                        I\'m not a shop man, to be honest. I usually leave my wife to do the shopping and I don\'t really have a favourite place.

                        WHAT\'S THE BEST GOAL YOU\'VE EVER SCORED? Byron Gough, County Kildare; Liam O\'Dwyer, Stockport
                        My goal against Chelsea is possibly my best for Villa but my first derby goal for River Plate against Boca Juniors was also pretty special, particularly as we won 2-0. Then there was one which clinched the Colombian title for Nacional.

                        WHAT WAS IT LIKE GROWING UP IN COLOMBIA? Chris Jones, Coleshill
                        I had a wonderful childhood and I have so many good memories. My family were great and school was great. My father didn\'t really want me to play football but when the time came to choose between university and football, I chose football - and thankfully I\'m still here!

                        UNDER GRAHAM TAYLOR, DID YOU THINK YOUR PLAYING DAYS WERE OVER? Anthony Hurley, Sheldon
                        No. It was difficult, because I wasn\'t the type of player he wanted. But football is always changing and I\'m really enjoying myself now. Football is like life. I went through a bad situation but I felt I dealt with it pretty well. I never had doubts about my ability, it was just a case of being given the chance to show what I can do.

                        IF YOU COULD BE ANY FAMOUS PERSON FOR ONE DAY, WHO WOULD IT BE? Dave Smith, via email
                        I never think about it. I\'m happy as I am. I\'m pleased with what God has given me. I\'m just a family man and I spend most of my time at home. When I go out, it\'s nice to feel the love and respect you get from people but sometimes I\'m embarrassed to even sign an autograph! I\'m no-one special. I just want to be respected.

                        HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE VILLA\'S RECORD SIGNING? Craig Thompson, Tamworth
                        I never put any pressure on myself because I wasn\'t the one who decided on the figure. Clubs pay what they think is right and the player has nothing to do with it. I just came here to prove myself because it was a great challenge for me to come to Europe. Newspapers sometimes don\'t even write my name, they just say \'the £9.5m player\' but it doesn\'t bother me. I just have a job to do.

                        HOW FAR CAN VILLA PROGRESS UNDER DAVID O\'LEARY? Adam South, Halesowen
                        We have a great manager who has proved himself. He did a great job last season and he is continuing that. We need more players and more consistency but I believe David O\'Leary can take us into Europe. We all want that and we\'re moving in the right direction.

                        WHY DO YOU KISS YOUR WEDDING RING AFTER SCORING? Clare Wetton, Bedworth
                        I decided to get married while I was in Argentina but my manager said I had to wait until the end of the season. But I flew back to Colombia on the Monday, got married on Tuesday and was back with River Plate on Wednesday. The manager was so annoyed so he left me out of the next game - and we lost! I told my wife that from then on, every time I scored a goal, I would share it with her.

                        WHAT DO YOU THINK OF ROY AITKEN\'S IMPACT? Matt Jennings, Somerset
                        Our assistant manager is great, a really passionate guy. He works hard and gets the best out of us as individuals and as a team. Our fitness coach Steve McGregor also does a great job and we are one of the fittest teams in the country.


                          Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

                          eile hommikul suri meie klubi viimase 30 aasta ametlik fotograaf terry wier - mees, kelle elu kulges aston villa roller-coasteril. from div 3 to chapions of europe and down again

                          TERRY WIER RIP

                          GREATEST CLUB THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN!!


                            Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

                            villatalki lehel on selline tore rubriik enne igat mängu ning kuna seekordne on eriti hea siis mõtlesin seda teiega jagada

                            WHY WE MUST BEAT..EVERTON

                            Ladies and gents, this week our proud team entertain the less good half of Liverpool, that’s right- hold on to your purses and watch your pockets. Everton are in town!

                            So, Scousers eh? Such a laughing stock, they even made us laugh at Harry Enfield. After playing a gig in Liverpool, Cher famously wrote her ode to all things Scouse, \"Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves“. That’s right, the little scamps will have the coat off your back as soon as look at you. You’ll be able to spot an Evertonian approaching you around Villa Park on Saturday, as they’ll be head to toe in JJBs own brand sportswear, and quite possibly walking all hunched up after spending the entire train journey down here hiding in the toilets to avoid the ticket inspector. My advice is to simply keep an eye on your personal belongings, and DO NOT talk to them under ANY circumstances. Unless you want to hear them gushing on for close to an hour about the Beatles and the Liver Birds, with your only thanks being a liberal coating of phlegm.

                            It’s also possible that you’ll meet a member of the Merseyside Vice Squad, who’ve got a lot more time on their hands since their most loyal fan/player Rooney moved to Manchester. And despite that huge income boost in the summer, they’re still in more debt than even another Band Aid single could repay.

                            A small town in North Wales, voted European City of Culture 2008? The only culture in Liverpool is the bacteria growing between the toes of the locals’ Reebok Classic clad feet. They’ve given the world nothing except a higher crime rate, and a hatred of curly hair and moustaches. The Beatles? Think 60s Take That. Bread? Well, at least the subject matter was right. Dole bludgers, as daytime soap legend Alf Stewart might say. Ferry Cross the Mersey? Well, better on a ferry than swimming it. Unless you want cholera. Those Mersey Brown Trout bite, y’know. And sure, us Brummies aren’t blessed with the most socially acceptable accents in the world, but Scousers? Mocked throughout the land, I’m afraid.

                            Anyway, what of Everton? A ridiculuous nickname for a start. \"The Toffees“, so called because their fans are so poor that even to this day they employ a woman to trot round the pitch handing out free sweets to the crowd, enabling them to go on sugar-fuelled looting missions as soon as the final whistle has been blown.

                            Truth be told, they’ve got a lot in common with ourselves, actually. An old club with a long tradition, a proper football ground and a name not derived from their home city. We were both succesful in Europe during the 80s. But whilst we were the best team in European, the competition won by The Toffees has since been disbanded by UEFA as it was, quite simply, rubbish. Whilst Villa dazzled crowds across the continent with players like Gary Shaw and Tony Morley, Everton resorted to frightening the opposition with players like Peter \"Cat Flap“ Reid and Neville \"Vaseline Face“ Southall. Their one saving grace was Salt and Lineker, and he quickly left for a team who played in proper colours.

                            That’s right, Everton play in blue and white, aligning these northern urchins more comfortably woth our horrible cross-city neighbours than ourselves. They’ve spent their entire history in the shadow of their more illustrious rivals, and have constantly had to fight to even try and be equal. Today, despite making strides they, like Small Heath Alliance, are just not good enough.

                            Star player Thomas Gravesen saw the light and headed off, leaving only his less-good twin Lee Carsley to boss the midfield. Oh, and Kevin \"Karen Carpenter“ Kilbane.

                            Yes, they \"beat us“ to the signature of James Beattie. The story was that Ellis frightened him off by not showing him enough respect. This despite Beattie’s claim to be able to \"run through defenders“ and his subsequent attempt to prove it against Chelsea.

                            In defence they’ve got Joseph Yobo, and another yob up front in Drunken Ferguson. He’s just rubbish, but respect for wearing wristbands in the modern game. To be honest though, he was out of his depth as soon as he left Dundee United. Marcus Bent? Well, there’s a joke in his name somewhere.

                            A rich history of top goalkeepers has recently been tarnished by Nigel \"Where’s me washboard“ Martyn and old Teflon gloves himself, Richard Wright. Yep, Wright behind you, in the net Rich.

                            Former Preston striker, David \"Mac and Me“ Moyes is their gaffer, and a more annoying Scotsman you’ll be hard pressed to find outside Salford. Following in the footsteps of other managerial „greats“ like Joe Royle and Howard \"Mine’s a Double“ Kendall. Who are both, incidently, former Bluenoses.

                            Their badge truly does look like a mix between the Disney castle and a helter skelter, whilst the words Nil Satis Nisi Optimum are Latin for \"Nothing but the best will do“. Keep trying.

                            So, you see, scratching the surface shows you why we should beat Everton. Becuase they’re living a lie and always have done. Despite their league placing this season, they’re utter tripe. I’m sure normal service will be resumed next season and they’ll be fighting relegation and drawing more teams than anyone else in the Western world.

                            But they wont be getting a point of us. No chance. An easy win, and another dent to the Bluescouse’s laughable Champions League ambitions.

                            We must beat Everton because they’re Vermingham City in disguise. And it’s not even a very good one- just a curly wig and a stick on moustache.


                              Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

                              Слава Україні! Героям слава!


                                Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

                                adffjkladgkadfjgaeriogjeriopgjm,.zxcvm,bndlgjegjlk gnmdfm,dfgwerioptuqropksgfthetyjghhfgdgsdgghdmvxcx vvnmdfbgjkhweukrhjklnfjkdfhgdfjkgjqerioqeruighjnxc vm,xcvm,bvdfjkhgiowerutqeijrklgm,bncvm,gnlsdfighqe rioghighm,nvm,xcvvndfilsiowergheriqjgkdfnbm,cvnhbi lwegqpgjqlkgnjggjhjydrm,fnwrljgfiohjweroprmsm,gnsd fbjtigmrm,.gnsdfjklbntjwömfdfmbnighweripgfmfkbninj tigmegntradffjkladgkadfjgaeriogjeriopgjm,.zxcvm,bn dlgjegjlkgnmdfm,dfgwerioptuqropksgfthetyjghhfgdgsd gghdmvxcxvvnmdfbgjkhweukrhjklnfjkdfhgdfjkgjqerioqe ruighjnxcvm,xcvm,bvdfjkhgiowerutqeijrklgm,bncvm,gn lsdfighqerioghighm,nvm,xcvvndfilsiowergheriqjgkdfn bm,cvnhbilwegqpgjqlkgnjggjhjydrm,fnwrljgfiohjwerop rmsm,gnsdfbjtigmrm,.gnsdfjklbntjwömfdfmbnighweripg fmfkbninjtigmegntradffjkladgkadfjgaeriogjeriopgjm, .zxcvm,bndlgjegjlkgnmdfm,dfgwerioptuqropksgfthetyj ghhfgdgsdgghdmvxcxvvnmdfbgjkhweukrhjklnfjkdfhgdfjk gjqerioqeruighjnxcvm,xcvm,bvdfjkhgiowerutqeijrklgm ,bncvm,gnlsdfighqerioghighm,nvm,xcvvndfilsiowerghe riqjgkdfnbm,cvnhbilwegqpgjqlkgnjggjhjydrm,fnwrljgf iohjweroprmsm,gnsdfbjtigmrm,.gnsdfjklbntjwömfdfmbn ighweripgfmfkbninjtigmegntradffjkladgkadfjgaeriogj eriopgjm,.zxcvm,bndlgjegjlkgnmdfm,dfgwerioptuqropk sgfthetyjghhfgdgsdgghdmvxcxvvnmdfbgjkhweukrhjklnfj kdfhgdfjkgjqerioqeruighjnxcvm,xcvm,bvdfjkhgiowerut qeijrklgm,bncvm,gnlsdfighqerioghighm,nvm,xcvvndfil siowergheriqjgkdfnbm,cvnhbilwegqpgjqlkgnjggjhjydrm ,fnwrljgfiohjweroprmsm,gnsdfbjtigmrm,.gnsdfjklbntj wömfdfmbnighweripgfmfkbninjtigmegntradffjkladgkadf jgaeriogjeriopgjm,.zxcvm,bndlgjegjlkgnmdfm,dfgweri optuqropksgfthetyjghhfgdgsdgghdmvxcxvvnmdfbgjkhweu krhjklnfjkdfhgdfjkgjqerioqeruighjnxcvm,xcvm,bvdfjk hgiowerutqeijrklgm,bncvm,gnlsdfighqerioghighm,nvm, xcvvndfilsiowergheriqjgkdfnbm,cvnhbilwegqpgjqlkgnj ggjhjydrm,fnwrljgfiohjweroprmsm,gnsdfbjtigmrm,.gns dfjklbntjwömfdfmbnighweripgfmfkbninjtigmegntradffj kladgkadfjgaeriogjeriopgjm,.zxcvm,bndlgjegjlkgnmdf m,dfgwerioptuqropksgfthetyjghhfgdgsdgghdmvxcxvvnmd fbgjkhweukrhjklnfjkdfhgdfjkgjqerioqeruighjnxcvm,xc vm,bvdfjkhgiowerutqeijrklgm,bncvm,gnlsdfighqeriogh ighm,nvm,xcvvndfilsiowergheriqjgkdfnbm,cvnhbilwegq pgjqlkgnjggjhjydrm,fnwrljgfiohjweroprmsm,gnsdfbjti gmrm,.gnsdfjklbntjwömfdfmbnighweripgfmfkbninjtigme gntradffjkladgkadfjgaeriogjeriopgjm,.zxcvm,bndlgje gjlkgnmdfm,dfgwerioptuqropksgfthetyjghhfgdgsdgghdm vxcxvvnmdfbgjkhweukrhjklnfjkdfhgdfjkgjqerioqeruigh jnxcvm,xcvm,bvdfjkhgiowerutqeijrklgm,bncvm,gnlsdfi ghqerioghighm,nvm,xcvvndfilsiowergheriqjgkdfnbm,cv nhbilwegqpgjqlkgnjggjhjydrm,fnwrljgfiohjweroprmsm, gnsdfbjtigmrm,.gnsdfjklbntjwömfdfmbnighweripgfmfkb ninjtigmegntradffjkladgkadfjgaeriogjeriopgjm,.zxcv m,bndlgjegjlkgnmdfm,dfgwerioptuqropksgfthetyjghhfg dgsdgghdmvxcxvvnmdfbgjkhweukrhjklnfjkdfhgdfjkgjqer ioqeruighjnxcvm,xcvm,bvdfjkhgiowerutqeijrklgm,bncv m,gnlsdfighqerioghighm,nvm,xcvvndfilsiowergheriqjg kdfnbm,cvnhbilwegqpgjqlkgnjggjhjydrm,fnwrljgfiohjw eroprmsm,gnsdfbjtigmrm,.gnsdfjklbntjwömfdfmbnighwe ripgfmfkbninjtigmegntradffjkladgkadfjgaeriogjeriop gjm,.zxcvm,bndlgjegjlkgnmdfm,dfgwerioptuqropksgfth etyjghhfgdgsdgghdmvxcxvvnmdfbgjkhweukrhjklnfjkdfhg dfjkgjqerioqeruighjnxcvm,xcvm,bvdfjkhgiowerutqeijr klgm,bncvm,gnlsdfighqerioghighm,nvm,xcvvndfilsiowe rgheriqjgkdfnbm,cvnhbilwegqpgjqlkgnjggjhjydrm,fnwr ljgfiohjweroprmsm,gnsdfbjtigmrm,.gnsdfjklbntjwömfd fmbnighweripgfmfkbninjtigmegntradffjkladgkadfjgaer iogjeriopgjm,.zxcvm,bndlgjegjlkgnmdfm,dfgwerioptuq ropksgfthetyjghhfgdgsdgghdmvxcxvvnmdfbgjkhweukrhjk lnfjkdfhgdfjkgjqerioqeruighjnxcvm,xcvm,bvdfjkhgiow erutqeijrklgm,bncvm,gnlsdfighqerioghighm,nvm,xcvvn dfilsiowergheriqjgkdfnbm,cvnhbilwegqpgjqlkgnjggjhj ydrm,fnwrljgfiohjweroprmsm,gnsdfbjtigmrm,.gnsdfjkl bntjwömfdfmbnighweripgfmfkbninjtigmegntradffjkladg kadfjgaeriogjeriopgjm,.zxcvm,bndlgjegjlkgnmdfm,dfg werioptuqropksgfthetyjghhfgdgsdgghdmvxcxvvnmdfbgjk hweukrhjklnfjkdfhgdfjkgjqerioqeruighjnxcvm,xcvm,bv dfjkhgiowerutqeijrklgm,bncvm,gnlsdfighqerioghighm, nvm,xcvvndfilsiowergheriqjgkdfnbm,cvnhbilwegqpgjql kgnjggjhjydrm,fnwrljgfiohjweroprmsm,gnsdfbjtigmrm, .gnsdfjklbntjwömfdfmbnighweripgfmfkbninjtigmegntra dffjkladgkadfjgaeriogjeriopgjm,.zxcvm,bndlgjegjlkg nmdfm,dfgwerioptuqropksgfthetyjghhfgdgsdgghdmvxcxv vnmdfbgjkhweukrhjklnfjkdfhgdfjkgjqerioqeruighjnxcv m,xcvm,bvdfjkhgiowerutqeijrklgm,bncvm,gnlsdfighqer ioghighm,nvm,xcvvndfilsiowergheriqjgkdfnbm,cvnhbil wegqpgjqlkgnjggjhjydrm,fnwrljgfiohjweroprmsm,gnsdf bjtigmrm,.gnsdfjklbntjwömfdfmbnighweripgfmfkbninjt igmegntradffjkladgkadfjgaeriogjeriopgjm,.zxcvm,bnd lgjegjlkgnmdfm,dfgwerioptuqropksgfthetyjghhfgdgsdg ghdmvxcxvvnmdfbgjkhweukrhjklnfjkdfhgdfjkgjqerioqer uighjnxcvm,xcvm,bvdfjkhgiowerutqeijrklgm,bncvm,gnl sdfighqerioghighm,nvm,xcvvndfilsiowergheriqjgkdfnb m,cvnhbilwegqpgjqlkgnjggjhjydrm,fnwrljgfiohjweropr msm,gnsdfbjtigmrm,.gnsdfjklbntjwömfdfmbnighweripgf mfkbninjtigmegntradffjkladgkadfjgaeriogjeriopgjm,. zxcvm,bndlgjegjlkgnmdfm,dfgwerioptuqropksgfthetyjg hhfgdgsdgghdmvxcxvvnmdfbgjkhweukrhjklnfjkdfhgdfjkg jqerioqeruighjnxcvm,xcvm,bvdfjkhgiowerutqeijrklgm, bncvm,gnlsdfighqerioghighm,nvm,xcvvndfilsiowergher iqjgkdfnbm,cvnhbilwegqpgjqlkgnjggjhjydrm,fnwrljgfi ohjweroprmsm,gnsdfbjtigmrm,.gnsdfjklbntjwömfdfmbni ghweripgfmfkbninjtigmegntradffjkladgkadfjgaeriogje riopgjm,.zxcvm,bndlgjegjlkgnmdfm,dfgwerioptuqropks gfthetyjghhfgdgsdgghdmvxcxvvnmdfbgjkhweukrhjklnfjk dfhgdfjkgjqerioqeruighjnxcvm,xcvm,bvdfjkhgiowerutq eijrklgm,bncvm,gnlsdfighqerioghighm,nvm,xcvvndfils iowergheriqjgkdfnbm,cvnhbilwegqpgjqlkgnjggjhjydrm, fnwrljgfiohjweroprmsm,gnsdfbjtigmrm,.gnsdfjklbntjw ömfdfmbnighweripgfmfkbninjtigmegntradffjkladgkadfj gaeriogjeriopgjm,.zxcvm,bndlgjegjlkgnmdfm,dfgwerio ptuqropksgfthetyjghhfgdgsdgghdmvxcxvvnmdfbgjkhweuk rhjklnfjkdfhgdfjkgjqerioqeruighjnxcvm,xcvm,bvdfjkh giowerutqeijrklgm,bncvm,gnlsdfighqerioghighm,nvm,x cvvndfilsiowergheriqjgkdfnbm,cvnhbilwegqpgjqlkgnjg gjhjydrm,fnwrljgfiohjweroprmsm,gnsdfbjtigmrm,.gnsd fjklbntjwömfdfmbnighweripgfmfkbninjtigmegntradffjk ladgkadfjgaeriogjeriopgjm,.zxcvm,bndlgjegjlkgnmdfm ,dfgwerioptuqropksgfthetyjghhfgdgsdgghdmvxcxvvnmdf bgjkhweukrhjklnfjkdfhgdfjkgjqerioqeruighjnxcvm,xcv m,bvdfjkhgiowerutqeijrklgm,bncvm,gnlsdfighqerioghi ghm,nvm,xcvvndfilsiowergheriqjgkdfnbm,cvnhbilwegqp gjqlkgnjggjhjydrm,fnwrljgfiohjweroprmsm,gnsdfbjtig mrm,.gnsdfjklbntjwömfdfmbnighweripgfmfkbninjtigmeg

