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    Vastus teemale \'WE HATE SHA!!\'

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      Vastus teemale \'WE HATE SHA!!\'


      Kas järgmisel hooajal läheme Leedsi PLi vaatama ja teid Ch\'sse?
      When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


        Vastus teemale \'WE HATE SHA!!\'



          Vastus teemale \'WE HATE SHA!!\'

          vahet ei ole mis meist saab, aga me oleme sellise asja kunagi võitnud


            Vastus teemale \'WE HATE SHA!!\'

            Ollakse O\'Leary peale ka pahased?


              Vastus teemale \'WE HATE SHA!!\'


                Vastus teemale \'WE HATE SHA!!\'

                oli vist esmaspäeva õhtu kui notlobi teine meeskond 4-0 ahju peksti. shane paul oli staar 2 värava ja 1 sööduga

                järgmine mäng on võõrsil scumiga. issand kui tore. võimalus langeda punasest joonest allapoole


                  Vastus teemale \'WE HATE SHA!!\'

                  ridgewell kirjutas alla uuele 3-aastaselel lepingule


                    Vastus teemale \'WE HATE SHA!!\'

                    stuart taylor teeb suure tõenäosusega pühapäeval oma villa debüüdi, sest thomas sörensen tuli taani koondisest katkisena koju


                      Vastus teemale \'WE HATE SHA!!\'

                      lõpuks ometi

                      Villa today unveiled plans for a new, state-of-the-art £8million Training Ground development - with facilities to at least match the very best in the Premiership.

                      Operations Director Steve Stride will reveal the completed plans to shareholders at this morning\'s Annual General Meeting, after contracts for the purchase of additional land at Bodymoor Heath were completed and exchanged on Wednesday evening.

                      And we can give you an exclusive sneak preview of designs for the development.

                      Work on the first of two phases will start immediately, with club officials predicting the new complex will be among the best in the country.

                      Stride told www.avfc.co.uk: \"These facilities should ensure a training ground that is comparable, if not better, than any of those of our competitors.

                      \"We recognise this is an important ingredient when attracting quality players to the club. It should be stressed that the overall cost of both phases will have - and has not had - any effect on the manager\'s ability to sign players.\"

                      The club\'s current training facilities on the same site were opened in 1971and, at the time, were considered to be the most advanced of their type.

                      Since then, demand for extra space and facilities for additional playing and support staff has increased dramatically and the purchase of extra land will allow the two phases of construction to each occupy 40,000 square feet (4,000 square metres)

                      Chairman Doug Ellis has long recognized the need for development and is delighted work can finally begin on the new look training ground.

                      He added: \"These new facilities will be state-of-the-art and will provide the very best players with everything they could wish for at a Premiership football club.

                      \"Bodymoor Heath has given us tremendous service over many years but we have recognised for some considerable time that a complete re-development was necessary.

                      \"In order for us to do the job properly, it was vital to secure additional land around the existing site and the extra time it has taken in doing so will undoubtedly prove worthwhile.\"

                      Phase one of the development will include the construction of:
                      undefinedFour new full-size grass pitches with a goalkeeping training area.
                      undefined15 changing rooms for sides from Under-9s through to the seniors.
                      undefinedPhysio conditioning facilities.
                      undefinedWet area including swimming pool for resistance work, hot and cold plunge pools and submersible treadmill with video analysis.
                      undefinedThe new professional facilities include offices, dining area, meeting room and recuperation area.
                      undefinedThe new Academy facilities include a classroom, IT room, dining area, parents\' lounge and offices.
                      Total area of phase one is approximately 40,000 square feet (4,000 square metres)

                      Phase two of the development will include the construction of:
                      undefinedAn indoor playing area (50m x 70m).
                      undefinedA new floodlit all weather pitch.
                      Total area of phase two is approximately 40,000 square feet (4,000 square metres)


                        Vastus teemale \'WE HATE SHA!!\'

                        Pandiani Belittles Villa

                        Birmingham striker Walter Pandiani has confidently predicted a win in Sunday’s derby against Aston Villa.
                        \"Aston Villa are an inferior team to us and we’ll clearly show that this weekend,\" said the Uruguayan.

                        \"Personally, I don’t only like to win these games. I like to score goals against Villa - so they can remember well who the best team in the city is.

                        \"Last season, I experienced the 2-0 win and now I would like to experience the taste of victory again.\" :P


                          Vastus teemale \'WE HATE SHA!!\'

                          form is temporary calss is permanent


                            Vastus teemale \'WE HATE SHA!!\'

                            Müüa Aston villa talvemütsi 50.-
                            kui tahate, võin southamptoni salli ka müüa.
                            pilt on ka olemas


                              Vastus teemale \'WE HATE SHA!!\'



                                Vastus teemale \'WE HATE SHA!!\'


