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    Vastus teemale \'AVFC vs SUFC\'

    Algselt postitas eston maravilha

    Algselt postitas eston maravilha


    Proud to wear Claret & Blue!


      Vastus teemale \'AVFC vs SUFC\'

      igatahes on klubi ametnikud ennast selle mängijate ühiskirja tulemusel täis teinud ning alustanud sisemist uurimist


        Vastus teemale \'AVFC vs SUFC\'

        DoL on läinud

        Kes järgmiseks? Curbishley?
        Feel the strength of a hundred thousand heartbeats,
        Cry welcome to the song.
        And as it lifts you, time to move on.
        We go!


          Vastus teemale \'AVFC vs SUFC\'

          Minu raha on Venables\'il...
          "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


            Vastus teemale \'AVFC vs SUFC\'

            esialgu öeldi ära õnneks Portsmouthi £4.5millioni pakkumine Barry eest
            samas jätkub ülevõtmise saaga jälle
            Proud to wear Claret & Blue!


              Vastus teemale \'AVFC vs SUFC\'



                Vastus teemale \'AVFC vs SUFC\'

                walsall 0
                villa 5
                ga 2
                lm 2


                  Vastus teemale \'AVFC vs SUFC\'

                  Ilus poiss või mis?


                    Vastus teemale \'AVFC vs SUFC\'

                    ilusam kui malcolm glazer


                      Vastus teemale \'AVFC vs SUFC\'

                      Kas see on see kutt, kellel on pornonäitleja nimi. Dirk diggler vms...
                      "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


                        Vastus teemale \'AVFC vs SUFC\'

                        hi, im randy and i would like to buy your villa


                          Vastus teemale \'AVFC vs SUFC\'

                          meie lokaalkonkurent on soetanud endale suure raha eest uue ründaja.


                            Vastus teemale \'AVFC vs SUFC\'

                            hull 0
                            villa 2


                              Vastus teemale \'AVFC vs SUFC\'

                              Open letters to Mr Lerner, Mr Neville, the board of directors and the supporters of Aston Villa

                              To Mr Randy Lerner, Cleveland, Ohio

                              Dear Mr Lerner

                              I don’t know why, but I feel as if we owe you an apology. You travelled half way around the world to buy our club and were faced by, instead of the willing seller you might have expected, the mad, pompous old fool who is strangling our dreams every day. He might claim to represent Aston Villa, but he sure as hell doesn’t represent me.

                              This is a bit of a begging letter really. You can see now what we, the supporters of this club, have had to endure for 24 years. You have witnessed first hand the lengths this maniac will go to in order to cling onto power in his dotage. Please, we need you. You can still save us from this interminable nightmare. What’s in it for you? Well, you’ve done your research I am sure, you know what this place can be. I was around when this club was great, and I can truly say that there was none greater. The rewards, both financially and personally, for the owner that brings that back are huge.

                              Please, come back and save us.

                              To the board of directors, Aston Villa PLC


                              You are supposed to be custodians of our club. You are supposed to be there to protect the interests of the shareholders and other stakeholders in this club.

                              Hang your heads in shame you weak, spineless puppets.

                              To Mr Michael Neville

                              Dear Mr Neville

                              It is your claim that you are a lifelong supporter of Aston Villa. If this is true then I hope that you take a moment to think about what it is that has unfolded here.

                              I can understand that after so much work on your part you are now desperate just to close the deal. I will warn you now though that the events of yesterday mean that any new owner that retains Doug Ellis in ANY CAPACITY whatsoever will be viewed with huge suspicion by the supporters of this club.

                              I urge you, if your intentions are genuine, to make a statement to the press stating exactly and specifically what role you have in mind for Ellis, and how much influence he will have over you and the day to day running of the club. If, as it appears, you will be required to “report to him” then you might as well forget it now, you will not be accepted.

                              To the supporters of Aston Villa

                              Ladies and gentlemen

                              The cat is now out of the bag. There can no longer be any pretence. There can no longer be any doubts in anyone’s mind. It must now be perfectly clear to even the most dyed-in-the-wool Ellis man that whatever it was that he did in the past, he has blown the chance to make this club great. The offer from Mr Lerner that was put in front of him would, in all seriousness, have enabled this club to become great again, as great as ever. Mr Ellis refused, for one reason and one reason only, selfish self interest.

                              Will you stand for it? He is killing us. Stand up and be counted, and take the bloody blinkers off.

                              YOU must make this the end for him.



                                Vastus teemale \'AVFC vs SUFC\'

                                hundid 0
                                lõvid 3

