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    Algselt postitas eston maravilha Vaata postitust

    norra parim ründaja*

    * - kui ole gunnar on vigane
    suurepärane uudis, ammu ootasin teda premier league


      kahju, et borš ää läks
      see ei ole minu süü, et sa okaspuu oled

      "joon palju ma tahan, aga ikka ta ei saa minust aru"

      "Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple."


        uute tüüpide palgad on siis vastavalt nii Carew pidavat saama samat palka mis Lyon talle maksis (ok seda suurust ma ei tea) ja Young ligi kaudu £30000 nädalas (selle järgi http://soccernet.espn.go.com/team?id=362&cc=5739, sry ei viitsi otse link teha)...ning kasvandik Green lasti vabaks et see saaks liituda League Two klubiga
        Last edited by avfc; 23.01.07, 22:26. Põhjus: andmed uuenevad
        Proud to wear Claret & Blue!


          ei ole nii palju



            New chief executive Richard FitzGerald has set his sights on Aston Villa competing in the Champions League in five years time.

            And FitzGerald, who took up his post on January 1, believes Villa can look to exploit the fast-growing soccer market in the United States.

            FitzGerald, 44, brings a wealth of experience to the role and was formerly senior vice-president at leading sports marketing and media agency IMG.

            He faces a daunting task to help Villa re-establish themselves as a leading Premiership club 11 years after their last trophy success - the League Cup in 1996 - but he is not lacking in ambition.

            FitzGerald said: "Actions speak louder than words but the board is committed to developing the club and providing the platform for Aston Villa to compete at the highest level of the Premier League and in Europe.

            "In a year's time, we would like to see an infrastructure being built to support a club competing for top honours, competing in the top half of the Premier League and for a European place.

            "In five years time, we aim to compete in the Champions League.

            "My brief from the board is clear - to fill the stadium week in and week out, create an infrastructure to support a top club."

            FitzGerald aims for Villa to spread their commercial net far and wide once they have established strong links on a local basis.

            He said: "We are very aware the local population of 5.3million is a vast potential supporter base and we will focus the core of our commercial ambitions here.

            "And, although the global growth of our fan base is not presently the club's most urgent priority, it is nevertheless of strategic importance to the long term.

            "We will potentially look to the United States as we deem it a fast growing soccer market. Our US connections make it more achievable.

            "There are also a lot of opportunities around Asia, particularly for the bigger clubs. The Premier League is incredibly popular.

            "But international expansion at this moment will require strong partners that we do not currently have for it to work effectively - and a winning team."

            FitzGerald added: "There is much to learn from other clubs. The English clubs are at the forefront of developments so, initially, we need to make sure we look and learn from clubs in the Premier League.

            "But my key focus will be to bring a fresh commercial approach to the club and, in particular, reconnecting to the Birmingham business community.

            "I also want to cultivate a 'can do' culture and attract world-class partners to work with."


              Baros väitis, et on veel veidi kibestunud, et kadus võimalus liituda klubiga nagu Chelsea. Samas tunnistas 2004. aasta EM-i parim väravakütt ka heameelt, kuna sai talle vastukarva olnud Villast minema.

              Kus alles turtsub.


                huvitav. asjad hakkasid meil perse kiskuma siis, kui moore viga sai ja baroš pingilt platsile saama hakkas. ei saa salata, et tal on annet, aga kahjuks ei oska ta seda kasutada.


                  Algselt postitas eston maravilha Vaata postitust
                  huvitav. asjad hakkasid meil perse kiskuma siis, kui moore viga sai ja baroš pingilt platsile saama hakkas. ei saa salata, et tal on annet, aga kahjuks ei oska ta seda kasutada.
                  no shit sherlock
                  see ei ole minu süü, et sa okaspuu oled

                  "joon palju ma tahan, aga ikka ta ei saa minust aru"

                  "Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple."


                    john carew 10
                    ashley young 17


                      uued poisid räppimas


                        Nüüd ma tean miks Villa koduka vaatamiseks peab sisse logima- muidu poleks estoni pildiseeriatel käesolevas teemas mõtet


                          räpime veel


                            kas loodate nende vendadega 10ne hulka tulla??
                            Mis on ühist Tallinna jõulukuusel ja Cristiano Ronaldol? Mõlemad kipuvad ümber kukkuma, aga süüdi on alati teised!
                            Ott Järvela


                              ei. loodame conference'i kukkuda


                                letaalne lee litumas stoke'ga hooaja lõpuni. ilmselt on ta oma viimase mängu meie eest juba pidanud. 309 mängu ja 32 väravat rohkem kui 10 aasta jooksul peaks talle ka testemoniali tagama. toredaid kaklusi kohtunike, vastaste ja fännidega stoke'i rivistuses

