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    ma eriti väga briti vutieluga üldises plaanis kursis pole ja siit tekkis küsimus, et kas kõik klubid, kelle vastu Diouf mängib, annavad talle solidaarselt vilet või on Tottenhami fännidel miskit temaga mis kahe silma vahele jäänud?
    Catalunya is not Spain!


      Algselt postitas lorenzo Vaata postitust
      ma eriti väga briti vutieluga üldises plaanis kursis pole ja siit tekkis küsimus, et kas kõik klubid, kelle vastu Diouf mängib, annavad talle solidaarselt vilet või on Tottenhami fännidel miskit temaga mis kahe silma vahele jäänud?
      kõik on vitupead
      aa, sunderlandi omad on veid mõistlikumad


        Tontneeger Diouf ei peagi kellelegi meeldima ja põhjusega !!


          Rafael van der Vaart:

          "Harry is a very special man, that's why I already feel at home at Spurs. It feels like I'm back on the street. There are no long and boring speeches about tactics, like I was used to at Real Madrid. There is a board in our dressing room but Harry doesn't write anything on it.''

          "It's not that we do nothing - but it's close to that. For instance, last weekend Gareth Bale scored a header against Blackburn from my corner. But we didn't train one minute on it, it was pure luck. Good kicking, good heading, nothing more. And our win at home over Champions League winners Inter Milan was a clear example of playing on intuition. You can't train the goal I scored in that game.''


            Algselt postitas Wingback Vaata postitust
            Rafael van der Vaart:

            "Harry is a very special man, that's why I already feel at home at Spurs. It feels like I'm back on the street. There are no long and boring speeches about tactics, like I was used to at Real Madrid. There is a board in our dressing room but Harry doesn't write anything on it.''

            "It's not that we do nothing - but it's close to that. For instance, last weekend Gareth Bale scored a header against Blackburn from my corner. But we didn't train one minute on it, it was pure luck. Good kicking, good heading, nothing more. And our win at home over Champions League winners Inter Milan was a clear example of playing on intuition. You can't train the goal I scored in that game.''
            Jalgpallurit on lihtne õnnelikuks teha. Ära vaeva tema pead mitte millegagi.
            the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
            because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


              Holy fuck!

              Kuradi Arsenali fagid on ikka julmad jõhkardid, no ega nad muud moodi Bale vastu ei saa.




                  Uskumatu tiim, uskumatu! Ootan juba huviga millal CL-is järgmise suure vastase kotti panete, uskumatu lihtsalt, uskumatu!!!!

                  “I am Zlatan. Who the hell are you?”


                    Algselt postitas Wingback Vaata postitust
                    Rafael van der Vaart:

                    "Harry is a very special man, that's why I already feel at home at Spurs. It feels like I'm back on the street. There are no long and boring speeches about tactics, like I was used to at Real Madrid. There is a board in our dressing room but Harry doesn't write anything on it.''

                    "It's not that we do nothing - but it's close to that. For instance, last weekend Gareth Bale scored a header against Blackburn from my corner. But we didn't train one minute on it, it was pure luck. Good kicking, good heading, nothing more. And our win at home over Champions League winners Inter Milan was a clear example of playing on intuition. You can't train the goal I scored in that game.''
                    Jutu järgi tundub nagu oleks Redknapp inglaste versioon Aivar Tiidusest...või siis vastupidi
                    Joga Bonito!!!


                      Väheke statistikat: Mängude arv viimasest võõrsil võidust Sky-4 vastu: 0.

                      Novembrikuu on päris tore. Kui nüüd suudaks ka Werderiga midagi teha, siis 5+.

                      Pooli osas eriti ei koti, kuigi Liverpool nutulauljad juba panevad endale 0 punkti tabelisse. x2 on palju reaalsem panus, sest kui viimati mängiti üliolulist CL mängu (ehk Berni Noorte Poistega teist eelvooru mängu), siis õnnestus kodus Wiganile kaotada.

                      Veidi statistikat 2: Pärast CL mängu Premiershipis 6st mängust 3 võitu 1 viik 2 kotust (Wigan, Notlob).
                      "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


                        Arse mängu kommentaariks:

                        1. Gallase kapteniks tegemine oli päris naljakas "näpud teile silma Arse fännid"-liigutus Redknappi poolt. Ja töötas perfektselt, selle mänguga läks munnimeetril Gallase reiting ikka oma 2-3 palli madalamaks. Ja paistab, et Redknapp jätab ta kapteniks edasi ja ega enam see mõte ei tekitagi okserefleksi.

                        2. Nasri on little bitch. Ma vaatan seda käe mitteandmise videot ja irvitan, G.Neville evil stare tuleb meelde selles legendaarses Keane vs V****a intsidendis. Kahju, et W*n*er ei teinud Nasrit kapteniks, mängu alguses kaptenite käesurumise ajal oleks see "statement" olnud oluliselt mõjusam.

                        3. VDV oli sitt. Kui välja jätta need 2 väravasöötu ja värava, siis ta ei teinud eriti midagi. Modric oli 2. pooaeg monster ja suuresti tema teene, et teine poolaeg oli selline nagu ta oli.

                        4. Terve Defoe = näm-näm-näm...
                        "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


                          Algselt postitas vello99 Vaata postitust
                          Väheke statistikat: Mängude arv viimasest võõrsil võidust Sky-4 vastu: 0.
                          Ei saa aru sellest lausest...

                          Enne Arsenali mängu aga toodi välja selline huvitav fakt:
                          Incredible stat: Tottenhham have not won in their last 68 Premier League visits to the 'Big Four' teams. They have drawn 20 and lost 48 away matches at Chelsea, Manchester United, Arsenal and Liverpool since their 2-1 win at Anfield on August 25, 1993.

                          edit. Okei, hakkasid uuesti nullist lugema jah?
                          Joga Bonito!!!


                            Algselt postitas daywalker Vaata postitust
                            Ei saa aru sellest lausest...

                            Enne Arsenali mängu aga toodi välja selline huvitav fakt:
                            Incredible stat: Tottenhham have not won in their last 68 Premier League visits to the 'Big Four' teams. They have drawn 20 and lost 48 away matches at Chelsea, Manchester United, Arsenal and Liverpool since their 2-1 win at Anfield on August 25, 1993.
                            No mis seal siis aru saada on. Laupäeva hommikul oli number 68, nüüd on 0.
                            the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
                            because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


                              noh vitupead. go go go. VDV küll väljas, aeg näidata kuidas Põhja-Londonis ikka CL-i mängitakse...
                              "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


                                LOL. Nad midagi muud vist trennis ei harjuta, kui seda Crouch kellegile kes laseb palli endast mööda ja siis pussitab.. 2x on see olnud DVD täna modric ja paar korda on DVD peaaegu sama teinud.

                                Ja nüüd näidab Põhja-Londoni klubi kuidas 2:0 poolaja eduseisu hoitakse...
                                "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend

