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    Kas Liverpool mitte sarnast statement'i ei teinud päev-paar enne Torrese müümist?


      Algselt postitas vello99 Vaata postitust
      "In respect of Luka Modric, we are not prepared to sell, at any price, to Chelsea Football Club or any other club."
      Tõlge: "Roman, situ pappi!"
      Victoria Concordia Crescit


        Romani vastus oli £25M . Naljaninad.


          Algselt postitas zelee Vaata postitust
          Romani vastus oli £25M . Naljaninad.
          Väga õiglane hind.


            Algselt postitas Makuz Vaata postitust
            Kas Liverpool mitte sarnast statement'i ei teinud päev-paar enne Torrese müümist?
            Sellepärast ka küsimuse retoorilisus. Modrici jäämine oli kindel seni kuni ta ise vait oli. Niipea kui ta moka lahti tegi minemise kohta, siis olid rattad veerema pandud. Kahju. Igasuguste Berbawankide, cärrikute, juudaste kõrval on temast kõige rohkem kahju, suht asendamatu vend tundub olevat.
            "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


              Kuigi allikas pole just maailma usaldusväärseim, siis sellegipoolest see uudis sealed the deal for me .
              "Asi pole rahas vaid ambitsioonis bla-bla-bla" eks ikka ambitsioonis ju kui valida on ManU ja Chelsea vahel (loe: Roman pakub märgatavalt suuremat palka).

              Seda koomilisem on vaadata pidevaid Harry ja teiste klubijuhtide avaldusi stiilis, et "Luka on Tottenhamis väga rahul ja meil ei ole plaanis teda müüa..." Mis tast siis ikka kinni hoida, kui ise tahab mujale. Kasseerige korralikult pappi sisse ja vsjo.

              Siiski loodan, et kui ta lahkub, siis läheb ManU-sse.


                Chelsea could face a point deduction as Spurs are considering reporting them over their pursuit of Luka Modric
                Mõtlesin mis ma mõtlesin aga jäi segaseks. Äkki mõni targem teeb selgeks mida siin täpselt mõeldakse.

                Tsitaat ka Arrylt
                Harry Redknapp's said several clubs have been in for Modric. "Chelsea are not the only club that have been in for him," he said. "There have been other clubs - top, top clubs -but if Tottenham are looking to go anywhere we can't be selling Luka."
                Jään paadunud optimistiks ja ütlen et Luka jääb. Loodan et tippklubid kulutavad oma rahad teiste mängijate peale ära ja Luka jaoks ei jätku enam. Artikkel ka.


                  Algselt postitas zelee Vaata postitust
                  Mõtlesin mis ma mõtlesin aga jäi segaseks. Äkki mõni targem teeb selgeks mida siin täpselt mõeldakse.
                  Ehk, et formaalselt ei tohiks teise klubi ja mängija vahel kontakti olla, enne kui mängija praegune klubi selleks loa annab. Spurs ütles Chelskile, et vedage kätte, ei võta tee mingit kontakti, aga see reegel vaevalt kedagi kinni peab. A la, et punasega ei tohi üle tee minna. Berbawanki tehingu puhul jõuti isegi vist teha ametlik kaebus Manure vastu FA-sse, mis siis diili osana tagasi võeti.

                  De ja vue all over again...
                  "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


                    Huvi pärast otsisin ülesse Levy statement'i seoses Berbawanki ja Keane'iga. Positiivne on, et seekord on vähemalt konkreetselt öeldud, mitte mingi "sõltumata, mis saab Berbawankist ja Keane'ist elu läheb edasi". Aga võib-olla on siin pigem õlekõrtest kinni haaramine...

                    There has been substantial speculation in respect of the
                    futures of Dimitar Berbatov and Robbie Keane, including press comment
                    from both Sir Alex Ferguson and Rafa Benitez. In response our Chairman,
                    Daniel Levy has made the following statement:

                    "Today's public comments by Manchester United's
                    manager, announcing that he has made an offer for Dimitar and is
                    confident that the deal will go through with time working in their
                    favour, is a blatant example of sheer arrogance and interference with
                    one of our players. It is also probably one of the worst offences by
                    any manager in the Premier League to date and is unbelievably
                    hypocritical given his recent comments in respect of Cristiano Ronaldo
                    and Real Madrid.

                    "This comes after a series of events, dating back to
                    last summer, which have shown Manchester United to be in breach of
                    Premier League (PL) rules. As a result, we have today made an official
                    complaint to the PL about the conduct of Manchester United. Benitez
                    made similar comments in respect of Robbie recently and we made an
                    official complaint to the PL about the conduct of Liverpool earlier
                    this week.

                    "The behaviour of both clubs has been disgraceful.
                    We told both clubs very early on that we had no interest in selling
                    Robbie or Dimitar, respectively, and that they should refrain from
                    pursuing the player. Both clubs arrogantly chose to ignore this request
                    and we now have evidence that both clubs have systematically been
                    working to prise the players away from us, outside of PL rules of

                    "Our subsequent position has been severely
                    compromised by both clubs making their intentions widely known and
                    indeed making contact with the players and their agents, without the
                    Club's permission.

                    "I have absolutely no wish to sell either player and
                    to date we have not accepted any offer for either. However, when a
                    player's head is turned and their commitment is absent, particularly
                    when they occupy key positions such as that of striker, they become a
                    negative influence in a team dressing room in which they were once a
                    positive addition and influence. This is the situation we now have on
                    our hands, with both Dimitar and Robbie having made it clear that they
                    wish to leave for Manchester Utd and Liverpool respectively.

                    "Irrespective of the outcome and futures of Robbie
                    and Dimitar, we are continuing to seek to bring in quality, talented
                    players for the future, who want to play in a Spurs shirt."
                    "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


                      Chelseal on Modrici vastu ikka päris suur huvi. Nüüd pakutakse Modricile 3-kordset palgatõusu ja Drogbat tottenhamile. Huvitav kui ka selline pakkumine tagasi lükatakse, siis millega Roman järgmisena välja tuleb.


                        Äkki jagad uudist ka. Ei suutnud praegu midagi leida selle kohta.


                          Algselt postitas zelee Vaata postitust
                          Äkki jagad uudist ka. Ei suutnud praegu midagi leida selle kohta.
                          Selline käkerdis oli Delfis natuke aega tagasi ...
                          Victoria Concordia Crescit


                            See diil kõlab juba natukene paremini, kuna Drogba still got it.
                            "Ajakirjaniku eelis on see, et tema saab oma arvamuse avaldamise eest raha, tavainimene aga peksa."


                              Check my collar

                              Welcome to the new Tottenham Hotspur website The page you were trying to access is no longer available. Please visit our homepage.


                                Sinises vormis neid küll eriti tihti mängimas ei tahaks näha. See näeb välja nagu ärapleekininud C**lsea vorm.

