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    Kas Spurs Euroopa liigat saab mängida järgmine hooaeg vähemalt?


      Algselt postitas Kivi77 Vaata postitust
      Kas Spurs Euroopa liigat saab mängida järgmine hooaeg vähemalt?
      Jah, saab.
      The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


        Manchester City striker Emmanuel Adebayor on Twitter: "Loved my spell at Tottenham. We are working hard with the chairman to make it permanent. Will keep you informed!!"


          Algselt postitas Jack19 Vaata postitust
          Manch€$t€r Cit¥ $trik€r €mmanu€£ Ad€ba¥or on Twitt€r: "£ov€d m¥ $p€££ at Tott€nham. W€ ar€ working hard with th€ chairman to mak€ it p€rman€nt. Wi££ k€€p ¥ou inform€d!!"
          Tegin teksti Manu jaoks korrektsemaks.


            Algselt postitas -thierry-
            igreki oleks võinud veel jeeniga asendada.
            jep. lazy fuck
            Legend has it that when N'Golo Kante lost his virginity, he immediately won it back again.


              This is London magazine has been established for over 65 years, providing readers with information about events, exhibitions, music, concerts, theatre and dining. As life returns to normal, Londoners are heading back into the Capital and many visitors are already coming from further afield.


                printsess luka saaga algab....nüüd!
                buy the ticket, take the ride.


                  Daily Fail kirjutas et Levy sõitis Hollandisse eile Vertongheni järgi. Ei usu.

                  Modric Diarra vastu. Mille kuradi pärast me veel ühte kaitsvat poolikut vajame. Ei usu.

                  Üks pikem artikkel ka http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2...iel-levy-spurs


                    Jätkame monoloogi siis. Verthongen, suitsu palju aga tuld pole ollagi. Bale'ile pakuti uut lepingut 70K nädalas + lubadus, et suvel tehakse täiendusi.


                      Noored käisid Saksamaal palli mängimas VolksBank Cupil kus jõudsid finaali välja, kuid kaotasid penaltitega Club Americale 4:3(mäng 0:0). Teel finaali alistati Hannover 96(3:0), RCD Mallorca(1:0) ja Werder Bremen(3:0).


                        Sahast saadi väidetavalt lahti, aga seda räägib ainult päikeseleht ja keegi teine pole senimaani kinnitanud. Eile levis uudis, et Vertongheniga olevat kaubale saadud ja täna peaks teatavaks tehtama. Gio on lukikede huviorbiidil.

                        Faaaak, ma loen ja edastan kuulujutte selleasemel et eksamiks õppida Millisele tasemele ma langenud olen


                          Algselt postitas King
                          "I’ve been discussing things with the Club and my contract expires this summer. The Club has been fantastic in supporting me and given me several options to stay involved with Tottenham. I shall take a view with them pre-season on my future.

                          "Tottenham has been the only Club for me and if I can’t play here then I shall look to be involved in another capacity."
                          E: BREAKING: Ajax defender Jan Vertonghen says he will join Tottenham in the next few days

                          Oleks see vaid nii.


                            tottenhami released players : Alnwick, Jansson, Lassen, Nelsen, Oyenuga, Ranieri, Saha
                            "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF


                              Dos Santos olevat brasside vastu MoM olnud. Loodetavasti tulevasel hooajal saab tast asja või siis tehakse heaks rahaks vähemalt. Mõttetu raiskamine teda pingil hoida.


                                Niko Kranjcar to join Dynamo Kyiv in £5.75m deal. Head teed talle.

