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    Fikstuurid Avamäng harakate vastu ja viimane Sunderland. Nagunii muutub kõik. Augusti lõpus loositakse Euroopa Liiga grupid ja esimene mäng 24 v 25 sept.


      Fak jeah...


      Posted 27 June 2012 2:51pm

      The Club is delighted to announce that Gareth Bale has signed a new four-year contract, committing his future to the Club until 2016.

      On signing his new deal, Gareth said: “I’ve been here for five years now and I’ve enjoyed every minute. The fans have been great to me and I’d love to re-pay them and do the very best for them. The Club is progressing and I want to be a part of that, so it was great to get the deal done.

      "I love the Club and the fans and I want to play my part in trying to get us back into the Champions League - where we belong. We’ve a good, young squad and we need to work together to get back on the biggest stage again."

      The popular left-sided player's performances over recent seasons have attracted worldwide acclaim and have seen him named in the PFA Premier League Team of the Year in the past two seasons as well as the UEFA Team of the Year last year.
      A winner of the PFA Player of the Year award in 2011, Gareth has not looked back since establishing himself in the First Team at the start of 2010, making a key contribution not only to the Club securing Champions League football but also in the competition itself, notably with his performances against the trophy holders Inter Milan.

      Signed from Southampton in the summer of 2007 at the age of 17, the Wales international has won the Club's Young Player of the Year award in two of the past three seasons and has made a total of 160 appearances in our colours so far, scoring 29 goals.
      "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


        Positiivne uudis. Eriti, et ei tehtud standard diili Citysse, Reali või Barcasse. Seniks, siis rabab Tottenhamis edasi.


          Kyle Walker ‏@kyle28walker
          Wat a great Achievement to be named spurs all time best right back by @SpursOfficial in only my first season. But I wont stop here still...

          Lihtsalt, hahahahahahahaha


            Et siis ühest enam vähem normaalsest hooajast piisab, et olla oma tiimi viimase 20 aasta parim RB? Täiesti normaalne ju
            Samas vaadates, mis nimed seal teised olid siis rasket konkurentsi ei olnud ka


              balei diil on küll super, saan oma särki rahus edasi kanda ja ei peagi kappi peitu panema


                Corluka rändas Moskvasse kohaliku auruveduri rivistusse. Modrici eest võiks 30M PSG käest (reaalsus ManU või City nagunii) välja pigistada siis võiks rahul olla. Gylfi tulek kohta ka mingi info, et 10M, aga kinnitatud pole. Gio rändab hispaaniasse.

                Bond ja Jordan tegid ka minekut. Villas-Boas tundub kõige tõenäolisem hetkel.


                  + Vertongheni üleminek venib loodetavasti vaid viimaste formaalsuste tõttu


                    Mida Tottenhami fännid arvavad üldse Villas-Boas`i tulekust?


                      Algselt postitas SainAru Vaata postitust
                      Mida Tottenhami fännid arvavad üldse Villas-Boas`i tulekust?
                      ühele pidavat meeldima ja teisele mitte eriti. Kolmas ja ühtlasi viimane ütles elutargalt-elame näeme.
                      How dare you? You have stolen my dreams, my childhood.

                      Banging your head against a wall, burns 150 calories an hour


                        Ledley King retired


                          Ka puhkusel olevad mängijad ootavat lahendust treeneri osas ülima huviga. LOL
                          Minu nimi on jyriöö, aga sõbrad kutsuvad mind tavaliselt külla.


                            Andrei it is.

                            Uploaded with ImageShack.us
                            Legend has it that when N'Golo Kante lost his virginity, he immediately won it back again.


                              Andre Villas-Boasist sai Tottenham Hotspuri peatreener :-) Kahju, et ML ei pääsenud.
                              Manchester United Forever


                                Saaks ta modrici diiliga higuaini vastu ja meelitaks džagoevi ka kohale, siis võivad asjad huvitavaks minna..

