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    Algselt postitas rainis007 Vaata postitust
    Nojah. Eks kui väljakul oleksid olnud varumehed oleks Bale'il olnud ju sama suur võimalus vigastada saada...
    ...ma olen juba ammu mõelnud, et tegelikult tuleks trennid keelustada, sest suurem osa mängijatest saab seal vigastada.

    Kui vigastuse tingib (üle)väsimus, siis võiks pahane olla meedikute peale, mitte ELi, CLi, treeneri või jumal teab kelle veel.
    see ei ole minu süü, et sa okaspuu oled

    "joon palju ma tahan, aga ikka ta ei saa minust aru"

    "Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple."


      Algselt postitas zelee Vaata postitust
      Statistikapornot eile mängu kohta.

      Spurs Basel
      Pallivaldamine 56 - 44
      Söödutäpsus 83 - 76
      pealelöögid 15 - 21
      raamidesse 6 - 8

      Parker tegi Torrest

      Mis teeb selle gifi toredaks, on et Adekas arvas, et talle oleks pidanud söötma.
      "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


        Algselt postitas zelee Vaata postitust
        ma olen ainuke, kes nägi, kuidas maaslamaja selle löögi tõrjus pannes oma jala ette?
        jokers to the right
        clowns to the left of me


          Tottenham boss Andre Villas-Boas believes a knee injury Sandro suffered in the 0-0 draw against QPR is not as serious as was first feared.
          Sandro limped off in the 24th minute of the game at Loftus Road after falling awkwardly.
          It appeared as though the player may have sustained ligament damage, but Villas-Boas is confident a scan will confirm there is no major problem.
          Villas-Boas said: “He should be fine. He felt a big knock on the knee and thought there was ligament damage but on a further look it looks okay.”
          "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


            peaaegu. Ma nägin ka seda mängus ja kommentaatoridki ütlesid, et holtby jalg oli ees.

            e: siiski oleks pidanud söötma või mööda mängima sel juhul


              Algselt postitas Jasper Vaata postitust
              ma olen ainuke, kes nägi, kuidas maaslamaja selle löögi tõrjus pannes oma jala ette?
              Pall riivas jah Holtbyt, aga ma ei ütleks, et ta tõrjus selle.


                Holtby on ju Evertoni fänn, loomulikult ta tõrjub Sp*rsi pealelööke.
                Victoria Concordia Crescit


                  BREAKING NEWS :
                  As Tottenham got injured and may stay in the hospital for the next 2 months , the FA have decided to reduce the number of teams in english premier league to 19.


                  Lisatud failid



                      Spursi foorumid juba räägivad erinevatest diamondi formatsioonidest. On ainult üks ainus ja õige diamond:

                      "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


                        Sellised jutud liiguvad

                        Both Bale and Lennon have been scanned this morning, along with Gallas.

                        Lennon badly bruised knee, difficult to tell from the scan as it is swollen but no break and looking like no ligament damage, monitored over the next few days- definitely out Sunday. Bale also scanned this morning, slightly positive as he has done ligament damage previously in the same part of the ankle- but also swollen and cant give a clear diagnosis as of yet. No break though. Both lads at Hotspur Way for treatment now. Gallas felt his muscle pop out and could be out for the rest of the season. All three out for Sunday. Coming back into the squad will be Tom Caroll who has recovered from his knock.


                          BBC: "Gareth Bale's ankle injury not as bad as feared. Scan went well, not out for season & Tottenham hope he'll be back for Manchester City on 21 April."


                            Koduleht kirjutas, et kõik pidid 2 nädala pärast tagasi olema.


                              Nojah, kuna seisud on, nagu nad on siis peaks vist mängima 4-3-3 ?



                              Suurt muud nagu üle ei jää.Aga võtke kokku ennast ja tooge need ülivajalikud punktid ära, kerge see olema ei saa muidugi.
                              COYS !!

                              Edit: sellise koosseisu juures oleks pingilt võtta vaid Friedel, Caulker, Naughton, Huddlestone, Dempsey. Eks keegi noortemeeskonnast saab ka WHLi õhku lähemalt nuusutada. Väga nutune.


                                Algselt postitas rainis007 Vaata postitust
                                Sigurdsson võib vabalt alustada ka vasakul äärel, kus ta saab keskele sisse lõigata ja peale kõmmutada nagu viimati Baseli vastu. Nii neljapäeval (pärast äärevahetust) kui ka tegelikult varasemates mängudes on tema kasutegur paremal tiival selgelt väiksem olnud.

