Loen seda foorumit peaaegu igapäevaselt juba mõned aastad. Ei ole tundnud vajadust tihedalt postitada ja nagu ma juba ütlesin, siis sitad ajad äratavad "talveunest" üles.
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Chelsea FC
Algselt postitas M1kker Vaata postitustMina kolin vastavalt liiga liidrile.. truu fänn surmaniGiggs will tear you appart.
Jälgin samuti siintoimuvat igapäevaselt. Kirjutama panigi mind see pikk vaikus, mis varem tekkinud oli. Soovisin vaid mängus toimunu üle arutleda.
...aga vist peaks katki jätma selle postitamise. Muidu läheb Tofoa liigselt endast välja, mine tea mis see sellise hapra inimese meelega teeb...
Algselt postitas Janno91 Vaata postitustJälgin samuti siintoimuvat igapäevaselt. Kirjutama panigi mind see pikk vaikus, mis varem tekkinud oli. Soovisin vaid mängus toimunu üle arutleda.
...aga vist peaks katki jätma selle postitamise. Muidu läheb Tofoa liigselt endast välja, mine tea mis see sellise hapra inimese meelega teeb...The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.
Algselt postitas StokSelle võib anomaalia alla liigitada. Tavaliselt äratab ikka edu "talveunest" üles. Aga Chelsea fänn(id) kolis(id) ju Man City teemasse?
Aga et teemas püsida, siis Prantsusmaa meedias liikusid vahepeal jutud, et venkust omanik näeb Mourinho asendajana praegust Monaco lootsi Leonardo Jardimi, kes muudeti suvel eelkõige Martiali (aga ka Abdennouri ja Carrasco) müügiga päris rahutuks. Need jutud on küll peale Chelsea võitu CL-is vaibunud aga mina isiklikult ei usu, et Mourinho kevadeni vastu peab ja Jardim oleks loogiline asendus (hea taktik, pooldab sarnast stiili, portugallane, head tulemused kodus ja Euroopas jne). Lisaks on Monaco sisuliselt nõus sobiva summa eest absoluutselt kõik rahaks tegema. Ka peatreeneri. Ja noh, kaua ka Jardim viitsib tuuleveskitega võidelda, kui tal iga suvi koosseisu jagu mehi maha müüakse.
Algselt postitas Tofoa Vaata postitustAitäh, juba olingi aknast alla hüppamas. Päästsid mu elu.see ei ole minu süü, et sa okaspuu oled
"joon palju ma tahan, aga ikka ta ei saa minust aru"
"Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple."
Algselt postitas krissucool Vaata postitustFollow the money! Am i right?Algselt postitas zipTundub, et Kivi77 on Soccerneti ka ülejäänud pereliikmetele tutvustanud.
Algselt postitas wordprez Vaata postitustmillal T-Bo tagasi tuleb?
Stoke'i vastu on väljas Falcao (veel paar nädalat nagu öeldi) ja eespool mainitud Courtois.
Ülemusel homseks siis staadionibänn, mille ühe kuuluka kohaselt lahendas kunagi kümme aastat tagasi mingi hiiglasliku pesukorvi koosseisus staadionile sisenedes Lubas homme midagi sellist mitte teha.
Ja üks vähemtähtis point ka:
Algselt postitas wordprez Vaata postitustKui juba semiusaldusväärsed allikad räägivad, et pärast Stõuki on resultaadist sõltumata minek, siis võib vaikselt hakata halvimat kartma neh.
Igaüks võib omad järeldused teha, mis on õige ja mis mitte. Minu algne post põhines uskumusel, et DLi kirjutisi võib teatava kindlusega viidata ja kuigi koondisepaus pole käes ja kõik tema poolt esialgu kirjutatu veel võimalik, siis igaks petteks enam fakti pähe sellist kraami ei edasta, pardon.Legend has it that when N'Golo Kante lost his virginity, he immediately won it back again.
Algselt postitas olegtoivo Vaata postitustLoogiline oleks, et talle antaks aega ning kõigil teistel on siis mingi x-hetkeni naljakas. Ja praegu on naljakas. Igavesti see muidugi ei kesta. Kuigi Mourinho kaarjäär on klubides ikka väga kahtlaselt tsükliline. Mingi kolme-nelja hooajaga laguneb kogu see ilu koost ja terve maailm on tema vastu. Näis, kas ta ujub sellest välja või murdub.
Aga rotatsioon hea point, viimasel paaril hooajal seda vist ülemäära ei harrastatud ning kui ühed on ülekaalulised, teine vananeb ja kolmandad lahkuvad, siis nii ongi. Ma seda tagatoa (Eva) rongi alla viskamist ka ei alahindaks.
I think we are suffering from many issues, and there isn't one single one that's the most defining. But I'm most interested in the tactical part of the game, so I'll go from that angle.
It's been abundantly clear to everybody I think, that our extreme narrowness in attack is backfiring against us. This is most often what our attack looks like in terms of shape when Fabregas picks up the ball in possession: http://lineupbuilder.com/?sk=9by7d
While that doesn't look so bad at first glance, it's important to know that because our attacking 3 are so narrow, teams can congest the middle of the pitch with lots of numbers and close down the passing lanes, making Fabregas play a sideways or back pass. And since opposition are dedicating so many numbers in the centre of the park basically daring us to attack down a wing, they can press our midfield players often Matic and Fabregas on the ball. Matic will always play the safe pass, but that will eventually lead to the same cycle being rinsed and repeated, and Fabregas has been caught in possession a lot this year, and given the ball away high up in midfield, which leads to quick transitions and counter attack possibilities.
I actually don't think our defense is as tragic as everybody thinks it is. Everybody looks and sees 22 goals conceded in 11 matches and goes, jeez, our defense is terrible. But there have also been a fair amount of goals where people turn around and say wow we have no luck. And naturally people ask, how much of our goals conceding is bad defense or just dumb luck. And well, using Michael Caley's widely applauded expected goals formula, it's more the latter. We have conceded 22 goals, but only 11.8 expected goals allowed, by far the biggest differential in the PL between actual goals allowed and expected goals allowed. A lot of that is luck, and a lot of that means teams are converting some ridiculous chances against us that have an extremely low probability of scoring, as well as taking the chances they do get very well. We are 7th in expected goals allowed in the PL despite allowing the 2nd most goals, which leads me to believe that we are due for a run of clean sheets.
The area I'd be more concerned with is expected goals, which, even though we have scored 16 this year, we only have 12.2 expected goals, which is largely due to the fact that we have hardly scored any goals from open play, and goals like Willian's free kicks have a low expected value due to how freaking hard it is to score from them even though he makes it look easy.
TL;DR The narrowness in attack is hurting us in our attack and defense, but our defensive woes are vastly overstated and the expected goal #'s (9th in expected goals, 7th in expected goals allowed) leads me to believe we'll do better over the course of the season than we are doing at the present time.
For anybody who's interested about expected goals and some other stats like that about Chelsea and the rest of the Premier League, here's a great link: http://cartilagefreecaptain.sbnation...hot-statistics <-- read the glossary first at the bottom to help understand the stats!Legend has it that when N'Golo Kante lost his virginity, he immediately won it back again.
Algselt postitas Tofoa Vaata postitustJah, pikalt vaikus, ja siis järsku hüppavad välja sellised tegelinskid:
Usun, et vähemalt pooled on tegelikult wordprezi varikontod. Küllap ei suutnud enam vastasfännide mõnitusi ära taluda ning hakkas russidele fänne juurde genereerima.FCTW
Algselt postitas alvarez Vaata postitust*Firstrow-le ei saa enam ligivarupallivarupumpaja
Algselt postitas alvarez Vaata postitustAvast blokib...
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