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Chelsea FC
Jah, ees on ootamas vägagi oluline mäng. Võitu on vaja! Õnneks on tagasi JT ning loodame, et nüüd ei lase me seljataha kolme palli:S Kahjuks on koosseisust välja jäänud Essien. Põhjust ma kahjuks ei tea- äkki keegi oskab öelda?:P samuti on Ševat vaevamas väike vigastus ning jose usaldas algkoosseisu viimastes mängudes head vormi näidanud Kalou.
Algselt postitas chelseafan112 Vaata postitustKahjuks on koosseisust välja jäänud Essien. Põhjust ma kahjuks ei tea- äkki keegi oskab öelda?:P/
On's Mourinho järjekordne hala üksnes eelmäng demoraliseerivale kodukaotusele Sheff U vastu. Ega ma ei imestaks küll, sest the mighty Rob Hulse comes calling.
"I said, who am I to question the owner of the club - Abramovich is the almighty in Chelsea."the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire
In a move that is bound to infuriate vegetarians, Chelski have taken the unprecedented step of banning celery from Stamford Bridge.
Following complaints from two referees that celery was thrown at recent Chelski matches, the club has set up a hotline where supporters can report celery-throwers 'in confidence'.
In a statement released on their website, Chelski announced: 'The throwing of anything at a football match, including celery, is a criminal offence for which you can be arrested and end up with a criminal record.
"The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend
Algselt postitas mcnamara Vaata postitustOn's [I]the mighty Rob Hulse comes calling.
Algselt postitas timmu99 Vaata postitust
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