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    no seda jah. ta kiitis avramit ka taevani aga keda ikka asemele tuua on?
    Legend has it that when N'Golo Kante lost his virginity, he immediately won it back again.


      Algselt postitas BlueForce Vaata postitust
      Fergie's praise won't save Ancelotti from sack

      “I have every respect for Carlo, an outstanding man and a great coach with a dignity that has helped him shrug off the unfounded criticism that dogged him a little while ago,” wrote Ferguson in his programme notes.
      “Where it comes from I’m not sure. To a certain extent he will understand criticism, because there is plenty of it in Italy, but what he has experienced in England seems particularly unfounded.
      “He has won both the European Cup and the Scudetto as a player and manager and last season did the Premier League and FA Cup double with Chelsea.
      “He doesn’t deserve to be questioned or have his future queried the way it has been this season"

      Vaata, mida see rebane teeb. Fergie on äärmiselt salakaval, läbinägelik ning vapustavalt terava vaistuga Coach. Ta teab mida teeb. Ta tunnetab selle ära, milline on ühe või teise treeneri sisuline pool ja milleni ta küündib. Fergie ei toetaks iialgi Chelsea treenerit, kui ta näeks temas ohtlikku rivaali.

      Carlo on ju iseenesest igati tore treener, samuti intelligentne ja suurepäraste omadustega isiksus. Kuid ta on liiga pehme loomuga. Tal puudub "kiskja(murdja) instinkt"; tugevalt jääb vajaka "võitja mentaliteedist" ega pole ta ka eriti hea "motivaator". Fergie terav vaist fikseeris selle ära ning sellepärast püüab anda oma panuse sellesse, et toetada Carlot ... tunnetades, et ta on mugav oponent.

      Liigne toetumine vaid vanadele mängijatele ja noorte mitteusaldamine, on samuti tema suureks miinuseks. Valus on vaadata, kuidas meie üliandekad noored on kõrvale jäetud.

      Ka mina olen väsinud nendest sagedatest treenerite vahetustest ja igatsen stabiilsust, kuid sorry, mitte ainult Carloga. Ja mis puudutab eelmise hooaja edu, siis seda tuleks peamiselt Wilkinsi teeneks lugeda.
      sul on jube 'terav vaist'. millega sa seda toidad?
      jokers to the right
      clowns to the left of me


        Ma kah punanina suhtes nii skeptiline poleks...m2letan, et isegi Mourinhot toetas raskel ajal.


          Ja imelik, et ta Paksu Hispaania kelnerit ega Wengerit taoliste ütlustega toetanud pole. Blueforce, ma arvan, et see on su enda puhas fantaasia praegu. Fakt on see, et Carlo on oma karjääri jooksul võitnud kõik mis võita annab. Päris võitjamentaliteedi puudumisega seda seletada ei saa ju. Ja ei olnud see Milani tiim ka mingisugune unistuste sats, millega iga treener oleks suutnud suurte kõrvadega karika võtta. Sellega peab vist nõustuma, et ta on vahel liiga pehme. Võib olla seetõttu ka ta mitte nii kõva rekord liigas nii makaronimaal kui ka saare peal. Fakt on see, et niimoodi jätkata ei saa. Tuleks mingi asjalik säga talle sinna kõrvale saada (Zola, Di Matteo, vb isegi Super Dan??). Aga keda näeks kodanik BlueForce Carlo asendajana? Hiddink ei taha, Mou´d ei tahaks ise peale seda CL-i jama. Mingid Bastenid ja Rjikaardid oleks väga kõvad ja mõttetud gämblid, kes ilmselt kaua vastu ei peaks. Inglasetest ei suuda kedagi head välja tuua. Hughes ei tundu suurklubi materjal. Moyes ei liigu Evertonist kuhugi, Arry pole piisavalt stabiilne ja tasemel minu arust. Minu soov oleks jätkata sama peatreeneriga ja tuua ta kõrvale õpipoiss, kes siis 2-3 aasta pärast üle võtab. Hiddink´u võib tuua sinna jalgpalli osakonna juhiks. Selleks peaks tal jõudu olema. Aga öelda, et eelmise aasta edu on puhtalt Wilkinsi töö..... no palun. Mängivad ikkagi mängijad ja Butch oli alguses pigem tõlgi rollis ju. Nüüd suudab Carlo ka ise hakkama saada ja kui kuulata Wilko kommentaare Sky´s siis pole kindel, et tal see taktikaline vaist nii super hea on. Pean Clarke´i palju paremaks abitreeneriks ning jõle kahju, et ta koju tagasi ei tahtnud tulla

          PS! Reservide finaalivastane on üllataval kombel hoopis Blackburn. Manu sats, kuhu kuulusid teiste seas ka Fletcher ja Rafael, said 2-1 ära. Poistel tuleb silm peal hoida mingil Barca produktil, kes otsustanud saareriiki tulla ja suutis punastele 2 lüüa. Tea kas teda hoitakse järgmiseks esmaspäevaks või lastakse ka sama vastase vastu laupäeval lammutada. Hollandi jutust on mulje jäänud, et meie poisid esindusmeeskonnast abi esamspäevaks ei saa ja hea olekski. Paulo´d, Yuri´d jne võiks isegi ju mängida, aga see oleks pisut ebaaus noorte poiste suhtes, kes meeskonna sinna viinud on. Mäng esialgse kava kohaselt esmaspäeval koduseinte vahel.


            Algselt postitas Stok
            Moyes, muuseas, ei olegi inglane. Ja mõned peavad teda Man Unitedi shotlase väljavahetajaks.
            Sorry, tahtsin kirjutada britt, kuid mõte jääb samaks

            Ja pühapäeval saab meeskonda juba uues rüüs mängimas näha.


              T2itsa kena teine ja lausa "winner badge-d" kah maha kruvitud


                "When I do retire, which hopefully will be in four to five years' time, I will step into management."

                "I understand it [Chelsea] is such a big club and I will need to get experience first. I don't just want to be thrown in at the deep end, that would not be fair on the football club.

                "I would like to go away, learn and hopefully come back to Chelsea with good experience and manage the club I have always loved.

                "I have started my badges, but it's difficult to fit it in because we don't get too many days off because of the Champions League, FA Cup and so on.

                "It's finding the right balance, so I have not done as much as I have liked. It has been a lot slower than I thought but I will go again next year."

                Ehk siis 6-7 aasta pärast peaks vähe püsivam treener tekkima Materjali igatahes on.


                  Lamps vai?


                    Algselt postitas alvarez Vaata postitust
                    Lamps vai?
                    Kapten hoopis

                    During his time on screen he spoke about the injury suffered during the Man United game on Sunday that resulted in him hobbling during the second half.
                    'I'm okay,' Terry said.
                    'Wayne Rooney caught me in the top of my hip quite early in the game so I had a scan on Monday but I am totally fine. I just have a bit of bruising and it is okay now and I will be okay for the weekend.'

                    The captain was asked by one caller for his thoughts on Carlo Ancelotti.
                    'I love Carlo,' he replied. 'He did well, obviously, in the first season winning the Double and this year with what he has done despite the injuries and releasing a few players who could have served us well.
                    'It has been tough for him as well and I know the fans love him as well. We have not won anything this year but if we can cement second place at the weekend, that will be great and he has my full support, that is for sure.'

                    Terry explained further his views on squad strength this season.
                    'In the first couple of years when [Jose] Mourinho was here we had a very big squad and players who could come in but that brings financial problems for the football club and players becoming unhappy - but we had 10, 11, 12 players who weren't involved but were very good quality players and I think we miss that a little now.
                    'So somewhere between where we are now and what we had [would be ideal]. We released a lot of big players this year and we maybe could have done with just a bit of a bigger squad but that is no fault of Roman [Abramovich] or this football club. What he has done for this club I could not put into words and I am sure every Chelsea fan feels the same.
                    'He dedicated an awful lot of time, effort and money into making this football club what it is now.

                    With 501 games under his belt, Terry is feeling good for plenty more.
                    'I have three years left on my contract and I am hoping to get an extension for another year at least.
                    'I am in good condition physically, in five out of the last seven seasons I have played almost every game which is credit to the way I look after myself, and I can continue doing that.
                    'I realise when you get older things become more difficult and I am a realist as well, I know a time is going to come when the club don't want me. And we have some great players coming through. We have signed David Luiz who has proved to be a great signing and Branislav Ivanovic is very young as well.
                    'David Luiz is a great lad to have around and a talent on the field,' Terry said. 'He will be a future Chelsea legend.
                    'He is young and likes to enjoy training but it is important the fans know that on a matchday David is very serious and very focused in the dressing room.
                    'With his ability on the ball, being a Brazilian, he could step into midfield quite easily and that is not ruled out for the future but at the back he reads it so well and he has shown great confidence as a young boy.

                    'He is always asking questions to me and Alex and the others around. He wants to learn and he wants to stay out longer in training, whether it be practising free-kicks or passing with his left or right foot. We stay out quite a bit. He is someone who wants to learn and cares for the football club and that is something that has touched me quite a bit.'

                    In the wake of weekend game at Old Trafford, Terry reflected when asked on the significance of that result and other away defeats this season to teams at the top of the table.
                    'Nothing has been too different from last year. The players have been very well prepared going into these games and I have always felt we can go into them and win, as we did last year in these very big games in very big stadiums.
                    'When you go to Old Trafford or Arsenal, they are very good teams and you can win or lose those games, and we have got the quality to go there and win, but the game away to Wolves this season stands out for me, and there have been more like Newcastle away. Those are the ones you have to win and if you drop points in those, that puts pressure on the bigger games.'


                      Fernando Torres will return to the starting line-up for Sunday's game against Newcastle having been used as a substitute last weekend.
                      As well as announcing that selection decision, Carlo Ancelotti reported a fully-fit squad apart from two full-backs.
                      Jose Bosingwa will not play in the final two games of the season due to a knee injury. Ryan Bertrand suffered a small hamstring strain in the reserve team's game on Monday and is unavailable this weekend.

                      Ehk saab ka Joshi, Yossi´t ja Yuri´t mängimas näha viimases kahes mängus. Essien tundub nii väsinud, et võiks talle vähe kergema koormuse anda nüüd.


                        Yossi Benayoun and Josh McEachran both start for Chelsea today. #CFC

                        Tehtud raisk!


                        Ametlikult siis selline seis:
                        Petr Cech

                        Pingike ka: Turnbull, Ferreira, Luiz, Mikel Obi, Essien, Malouda, Drogba.
                        Algselt postitas zip
                        Tundub, et Kivi77 on Soccerneti ka ülejäänud pereliikmetele tutvustanud.


                          Täielik deja vu on see, mis väljakul toimub. Hoitakse palli ei lööda, võimalusi eriti ei teki, siis lüüakse ära ja lõpus saadakse tagasi.
                          70% kindel, et Ancelottil minek.


                            Legend has it that when N'Golo Kante lost his virginity, he immediately won it back again.


                              Ei ole ikka see Torres keda mina olen harjunud nägema. Aga ehk on siis järgmine hooaeg tema oma...
                              U-21 on minu elu mõte!


                                You're Not Champions!You're Not Champions!You're Not Champions Anymore!

                                Midagi on väga väga mäda teil igatahes.
                                Kas mulle tundus ainult või oli Drogba kuidagi väga sõbralik Newcastle mängijatega täna ja ka Padrew-ga.
                                Mida see küll tähendada võib

