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    Omaette ooper oleks kui Te mingi ime läbi CLi kinni paneksite, ent järgmine aasta Euroopa tiitlit kaitsmagi ei pääseks CLi.
    On sellist asja juhtunud varem üldse?


      Algselt postitas jamesblake Vaata postitust
      Omaette ooper oleks kui Te mingi ime läbi CLi kinni paneksite, ent järgmine aasta Euroopa tiitlit kaitsmagi ei pääseks CLi.
      On sellist asja juhtunud varem üldse?
      CL-i võitjale on peale Livepooli 2005/2006 kaasust garanteeritud koht alagrupiturniiril.


      The UEFA Champions League titleholder is guaranteed a place in the group
      stage even if it does not qualify for the competition through its domestic

      If the titleholder comes from an association entitled to four places in the
      UEFA Champions League and qualifies for the UEFA Europa League
      through its domestic competitions, the lowest-ranked club of the association’s UEFA Champions League representatives is automatically transferred to the UEFA Europa League (into the latest possible round where there is a vacancy). In this case, the number of places to which the
      titleholder's association is entitled in the UEFA Champions League and
      the UEFA Europa League does not change.

      If the titleholder comes from an association entitled to four places in the
      UEFA Champions League and does not qualify for the UEFA Champions
      League or UEFA Europa League through its domestic competitions, the
      lowest-ranked club of the association’s UEFA Champions League
      representatives is automatically transferred to the UEFA Europa League
      (into the latest possible round where there is a vacancy). In this case, the
      association of the titleholder is entitled to one additional place in the
      UEFA Europa League.

      c) If the titleholder comes from an association entitled to fewer than four
      places in the UEFA Champions League and qualifies for the UEFA
      Europa League through its domestic competitions, it is entitled to play in
      the UEFA Champions League in addition to the association’s other UEFA
      Champions League representative(s). In this case, the combined number
      of places to which the titleholder's association is entitled in the UEFA
      Champions League and UEFA Europa League does not change.

      d) If the titleholder comes from an association entitled to fewer than four
      places in the UEFA Champions League and does not qualify for the
      UEFA Champions League or UEFA Europa League through its domestic
      competitions, it is entitled to play in the UEFA Champions League in
      addition to the association’s other UEFA Champions League
      representative(s). In this case, the association of the titleholder is entitled
      to one additional place in the UEFA Champions League.

      jokers to the right
      clowns to the left of me


        Täitsa okei mäng oli, keegi ansamblist väga välja ei langenud, aga keegi väga super ei olnud ka. Vähemalt oli võidutahet näha meestes, nii et peab rahule jääma.


          noh nyyd v2hemalt ylej22nud m2ngud on n6rgemate teamide vastu. Ainult Arsenali m2ng on veel eest.


            Algselt postitas ROMELU LUKAKU Vaata postitust
            noh nyyd v2hemalt ylej22nud m2ngud on n6rgemate teamide vastu. Ainult Arsenali m2ng on veel eest.
            Liverpooli poisid rääkisid sama juttu nädal tagasi, täna aga tehti neile Wigani poolt korralik tagantvõtt.
            Inimesed, olge valvsad! Ma armastan teid ikka veel! Minu armastus – see on jube ja õudne, seepärast te peategi olema valvsad.


              Algselt postitas Rein Vaata postitust
              Liverpooli poisid rääkisid sama juttu nädal tagasi, täna aga tehti neile Wigani poolt korralik tagantvõtt.
              ära meid küll shitpooliga võrdle palun


                Liverpoolil ja Chelseal on kahjuks või õnneks suur vahe vahel


                  assi poisid pole kunagi osanud võita. homod, noh.
                  see ei ole minu süü, et sa okaspuu oled

                  "joon palju ma tahan, aga ikka ta ei saa minust aru"

                  "Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple."


                    Paneme siia ka siis Franki näitlejatöö. Howard Webb ja MOTD seltskond olid ka päris mõnusad.


                      Issand Hea leid, elevant
                      Algselt postitas zip
                      Tundub, et Kivi77 on Soccerneti ka ülejäänud pereliikmetele tutvustanud.


                        Mingid uued papud on moes?Juan Matal,William Gallasel,Adam Johnsonil,Cristiano Ronaldol ja Franck Ribery´l olen tähele pannud neid, mingid oranžikad.


                          Eden Hazardil ja Dmitri Payetil panin ka tähele.


                            Aga Messil? Või Raio Piirojal?
                            Legend has it that when N'Golo Kante lost his virginity, he immediately won it back again.


                              who tha fuck is that guy
                              Legend has it that when N'Golo Kante lost his virginity, he immediately won it back again.


                                Chelsea are considering whether to launch an incredible €100 million (£83.6 million) bid to sign Cristiano Ronaldo and Gonzalo Higuaín as part of a major overhaul of the squad this summer.

