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Manchester City

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    Rõõmustage, järgmise korrani!
    Manu võidab!!!
    #Manchester United


      Yeah shitty my ass.ManU on sitt,SAF on idu.


        Algselt postitas supermario Vaata postitust

        Seda põnevam korduskohtumine tuleb, lahinguväljal näeme, raisk!
        Kle keri perse, eks. -.-
        Ela ja tunne, et elad
        see on kõige lihtsam
        filosoofia, mis toimib
        sule silmad ära vaata
        tagasi, hinga sügavalt ja
        hüppa üle iseenda varju
        tule koos minuga.


          Algselt postitas MatiLume Vaata postitust
          Yeah shitty my ass.ManU on sitt,SAF on idu.
          Jep, MatiLume on kunn
          "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF


            Kõik Man City fännid on kunnid ja Manu fännid on kõik meie sibid.
            Ela ja tunne, et elad
            see on kõige lihtsam
            filosoofia, mis toimib
            sule silmad ära vaata
            tagasi, hinga sügavalt ja
            hüppa üle iseenda varju
            tule koos minuga.


              Algselt postitas MatiLume Vaata postitust
              Yeah shitty my ass.ManU on sitt,SAF on idu.
              Kui teises poolfinaalis City poistel müts silme ette tõmmatakse, siis pole see United nii sitt enam midagi.


                Nii nad ainult võidavadki


                  Carlos Tevez has launched an incredible fresh attack on Gary Neville, accusing his former team-mate of being an "boot licking moron" following their confrontation during the Manchester derby on Tuesday night.

                  The Manchester City striker described his side's 2-1 victory as "revenge" and insisted that his provocative goal celebration was directed only at Neville and not Alex Ferguson or the United fans, joking: "Ferguson loves me."

                  Before the game, the United right-back had announced that Tevez was "not worth" the £25m it would have cost his club in the summer to keep him. Tevez was so incensed that he made a gesture towards Neville after scoring his first goal from the penalty spot, to which the England veteran responded by flashing his middle finger.

                  Speaking in a radio interview on ESPN Argentina, Tevez said: "My celebration was directed at Gary Neville. He acted like a complete sock-sucker [boot-licker] when he said I wasn't worth £25m just to suck up to the manager. I don't know what the hell that idiot is talking about me for. I never said anything about him.

                  "I will never show a lack of respect towards anyone. Just as I was running off to celebrate the penalty I had scored, I came across Gary and I said to myself: "Shut your trap, keep quiet". I didn't go overboard in my celebration and it was directed at Gary, not at Ferguson and not at the fans.

                  "I think he did the wrong thing because I was his team-mate and I never said anything bad about him. He was saying that Ferguson was right when he said that I wasn't worth £25m, when he was saying this and that ... I always respected Neville."

                  Despite playing in England for four years, the Argentinian still has difficulty speaking English. His comments yesterday to the British media accusing Neville of being "disrespectful" were released through his representatives and had a measure of calm.

                  But speaking in his native tongue, Tevez made his feelings about Neville clear. "I was at lunch with the players in the team hotel and all the papers were laid out. I read them – well, 'read them', obviously I don't read [English].

                  "My team-mates were telling me about it and asking what I thought. And I wondered to myself: what's the tarado [moron] talking about me for when I never said anything about him, when there was never any [issue] with us. It was a lack of respect for a compañero [fellow footballer], aside of the fact that we had won a lot of things together.

                  "You have to do your talking on the pitch. I don't talk much in England – mainly because of the language. I don't like to get involved in conflict. I'm happy because I know what I am. Thank God I had the chance to get revenge with City, although there is still the second leg to come," he added, concluding with a joke: "I know that Ferguson loves me, that's why he always talks about me, ha ha."


                    Ega see Neviller on nagu ta on. Pole miskit teha kui ei suuda normaalne olla


                      Pole midagi öelda - Tevez ON ikka üks üle keskmise suurem draamaqueen.

                      Ei püüa siin Neville'i sellega kaitsta ega midagi - paras vastik ManU higihais.


                        Tevez ei suuda ju ingliskeelt õppida ja plaanib kunagi kindlasti Bocasse naasta.
                        Victoria Concordia Crescit


                          Tevez on rahaboss. Inglise litsid õpivad tema pärast hispaania keelt, mitte vastupidi


                            Vladimir Weiss on liitunud Boltoniga hooaja lõpuni!


                              Agbonlahor on klubi vahetanud.


                                Tevez on ju üldse mingi daun. Ega normaalsele endisele tiimikaaslasele ju ni ei näitaks. Tema nn normaalsust näitas juba see kuidas ta halas eelmine hooaeg ja suvel.

                                Mõned lahingud see hüpik võib ju võita, kuid sõdu ta ei võida.

