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    Algselt postitas Nohik Vaata postitust
    Kas Arsenal tegi avalduse erakorralise laenu jaoks?
    Ma ei tea, aga ma ei näe nagu mis alusel täpselt see luba antakse siis kui on reaalselt olemas 2 meest 1 mängu, teine pingile
    Victoria Concordia Crescit


      mõtlesin et pigem City vastu, andesta.

      Taylor mängis jaanuari lõpus Scunthorpe vastu. Nielsen kõlbab mängu panna küll, aga sellisel juhul peab tema vigastuse korral väravasse minema keegi väljakumängijatest. (kõigil pole John O'Shead võtta). mh ah. ja ilmselt on see fitnessi värk siiski miskiste paberite alusel tõendatav ja pole selliseid piiranguid ehk igat olukorda arutatakse eraldi juhtumina. Aga mida ma võitlen siin, sa tead kindlasti palju rohkem Premmist ja elust ning millest iganes veel.

      Kes need City 2 meest on ma ei saa aru?
      Algselt postitas JT8055
      Olge aktiivsemad!


        Paistab, et Fulop mängib juba laupäeval.

        Algselt postitas mingi friik kes iga jumala trenni jälgib
        All eyes on Fulop today as a few extra photographers were there. He's a big guy for sure and although one training session proves nothing he had a really good day today from what I saw. Good hands when taking crosses and he actually gets high for them as well. I felt he had a bit of a presence about him too and he made some excellent saves to show good agility. I could say he was crap because Zaba beat him in a one to one but Zaba could do that to anyone!

        I do recall the first time I saw Shay in practice he was awful but the next day he took on Middlesboro and we all know what he did in that match. As for the rest NDJ was back out and fully training today but Ade and Bridge were doing more gentle work.They took part in everything but the contact stuff where they went off to work with a physio. Ade looked fine but Bridge has a very heavy strapping on his right leg and isnt ready yet. The fact that he is out there suggests that he has a good chance for Saturday though I am sure.

        Barry wasn't training with the group but did come out for some jogging with Carminati doing laps of the full field.The training itself was fairly standard stuff with Mancini as usual taking different groups behind the fencing to work on specific things. Defensive units first before going into the attacking aspects. All the time he is at the centre talking to them and pointing and making sure the message is getting across. Ibrahim and Nimley were the two main reserve extras helping today and even Massimo the keeper coach was involved for a time as a wide right midfield player.

        Fulop was involved in some of these exercises with Mancini and his voice could be heard which was good. A bit later he was deep in conversation with Toure and once everyone had gone in the keeper coach was going back out. Quite possible to do extra work with Fulop.Overall today I felt a little more energy in the group as we build up to the weekend. Even in the very early warm up bits there seemed more life and fun.

        The last group Mancini had were pure attacking , crossing and finishing and sadly as I have said before Mancini was the best crosser on view. Good to see AJ working from the left for quite a while but early on with him and SWP crossing Mancini stopped it , walked over took one himself which was perfect fro RSC to power a header in.So simple and he demonstrated very clearly what he wanted.They simply don't have the natural ability the boss has.In the session though RSC did get better service overall and hit the net a lot.Bellers decent and Tevez clearly saving it for when it matters.He did get alitle frustrated at the end and simply picked a ball up and booted into the field behind the goal.

        One incident to report from the 6 a side game that was played alongside Mancini's work. NDJ who always gives his all in training went over the top with studs showing in what was a clear leg breaker. It was all in frustration after he missed a chance and fortunately it was the goalpost he went for about 4 feet up! And his scream was very loud as he did it as well. Almost as loud as Bellers a few times today when something wasn't right. He could be heard a long way off but the players just ignored him and got on with it. I must balance that to say that yet again he trained really well and often with a smile and is a great influence to those around him as AJ said last night.


          Algselt postitas WeThePeople Vaata postitust
          Kes need City 2 meest on ma ei saa aru?
          Mingid reservi jorsid peaksid ju ka arvesse tulema, üks on vist laenul ja üks katki, aga kaks nime leiab veel?

          Algselt postitas WeThePeople Vaata postitust
          ilmselt on see fitnessi värk siiski miskiste paberite alusel tõendatav ja pole selliseid piiranguid ehk igat olukorda arutatakse eraldi juhtumina. Aga mida ma võitlen siin, sa tead kindlasti palju rohkem Premmist ja elust ning millest iganes veel
          Päeva lõpuks me ju teame kõik, et see õnnetu Fülop ei ole Casillas ja kui tast tõesti Cityle tolku on - milles ma lootusrikkalt kahtlen, siis vahva. Küsimuse püstitus premmi Suurte Otsustajate suunas on sellele vaatamata igati õigustatud. Samamoodi on näiteks segane, miks Wolves sai trahvi, kui manku ees urruka valla tõmbas ehk 'nõrgendatud meeskonna mängitamise' eest, aga Fulham, kes Evertoni vastu sama tegi, pääses puhtalt. Mitu vahetust siis teha võib?
          We have to disorganise their organisation so we have to be very creative.


            tore selge vastus, kes need nimed on? Fääri Saared ja ??
            Algselt postitas JT8055
            Olge aktiivsemad!


              no aga palun, vanuse järjekorras - James Wood, Nathan Dean ja Loris Karius. sobib?

              point ei olegi niivõrd konkreetselt selles kuramuse Citys, vaid selles, et reeglid võiksid selgemini paigas olla, muud midagi. siuksed ümmargused "exceptional circumstances" asjad on jõle libe tee ikka.
              ja nagu öeldud, see väravavahtide erand on veits arusaamatu. cityl on neid hetkel koos Harti ja samuti laenul oleva Tobias Johanseniga siis üheksa tükki lausa nimekirjades - ikka vähe? pmtslt Mancini poolt välja käidud argument oli vist see, et mõni mees ei vea tasemelt välja. ütleks ainult, et no sitt niff siis.

              ja üleüldse:

              FA Ruling:
              49. Emergency Loan of Goalkeepers. If all the professional goalkeepers at a Club are either certified by an Independent medical practitioner as being unfit to play or are suspended, a Club may register (either before or after the deadlines laid down in Regulation 48.2.2), a further goalkeeper on a short term Emergency Loan in accordance with the following provisions.
              armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle


                selge see, et tehti õige otsus, sest cityst on siiski ju kujunemas üks inglismaa suurimaid ja võimsamaid klubisid. isegi FA juhtivad tegelased saavad aru, et sellise potentsiaaliga meeskonna, nagu seda city on, jõudmine champions league tuleb kasuks ainult inglise jalgpallile.


                  Ma ei saa aru, mis jama on ?

                  Pretsedent on ammu juba loodud

                  Gabor Kiraly made five appearances for Aston Villa on an emergency loan during the 2006-07 season. Ipswich Town borrowed Asmir Begovic from Portsmouth when Richard Wright and their reserve goalkeeper and academy goalkeeper were injured this season.

                  Vaevalt, et need mõlemad klubid nii tühjad väravavahtidest olid, et oma reserv- ega noortetiimist absoluutselt kedagi platsile polnud lasta.
                  Inter - ausaim klubi Itaalias.


                    Algselt postitas tartanjan96 Vaata postitust
                    selge see, et tehti õige otsus, sest cityst on siiski ju kujunemas üks inglismaa suurimaid ja võimsamaid klubisid. isegi FA juhtivad tegelased saavad aru, et sellise potentsiaaliga meeskonna, nagu seda city on, jõudmine champions league tuleb kasuks ainult inglise jalgpallile.
                    Sellist jama on raske kommenteerida.


                      Algselt postitas tartanjan96 Vaata postitust
                      selge see, et tehti õige otsus, sest cityst on siiski ju kujunemas üks inglismaa suurimaid ja võimsamaid klubisid. isegi FA juhtivad tegelased saavad aru, et sellise potentsiaaliga meeskonna, nagu seda city on, jõudmine champions league tuleb kasuks ainult inglise jalgpallile.
                      tahaks ka kommenteerida aga nõustun, et sellist jama on väga raske kommenteerida


                        Algselt postitas Twat from Argentina
                        "The players are not happy with this. We are at the end of a long season, we have big matches, we are tired, but there are still double training sessions, morning and afternoon. Then, the next day, we train for two hours. I do not understand."
                        Algselt postitas Roberto Mancini
                        "We have trained twice four times in the five months I have been here. On two of those times Carlos was in Argentina and one time he was here but didn't train. So I don't know why [he's unhappy].

                        If he's not happy, it would be better [for him] to change squads. If a top player is not happy to stay here then it's better [for him] to go to another team."
                        armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle


                          Algselt postitas vincent Vaata postitust
                          Midagi pole oelda. Ukski mangija pole tahtsam kui meeskond.


                            Kui tänase mängu kaotame, siis on ka arvatavasti neljas koht läinud.

                            Fulop, Zabaleta, Toure, Kompany, Bridge, Johnson, de Jong, Vieira, Bellamy, Adebayor, Tevez.

                            Nielsen, Richards, Onuoha, Garrido, Sylvinho, SWP, RSC.


                              AJ on fantastiline olnud. Teenis pendla ja siis hoidis pea kulmana ja varavale peale lajatamise asemel ootas kuni Manu vabaks sai.


                                Väga hea, 3 punkti on meie ning ees ootab match of the year Spursiga. Fulop sai õnneks enam-vähem väravapostide vahel hakkama, kuigi oli natuke ebakindel mõnes üksikus olukorras. Man of the matchiks sai Tevez, kes rügas tööd igal pool. Nagu ka Nohik mainis, siis Johnson on tõesti hea olnud. Vääriks isegi kohta Inglismaa satsis sellel suvel, vähemalt minu arvates.

