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Manchester City

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    Samas võib Tevez praegu üritada sama, mis Wayne'gi alles hiljuti Manchesteri punasel poolel mängeldes tegi - kirjutada alla kõvasti tulurikkamale lepingule.


      Algselt postitas Katk Vaata postitust
      Samas võib Tevez praegu üritada sama, mis Wayne'gi alles hiljuti Manchesteri punasel poolel mängeldes tegi - kirjutada alla kõvasti tulurikkamale lepingule.
      no krt. palju ta veel tahab ei tundu siuke vend tho
      Legend has it that when N'Golo Kante lost his virginity, he immediately won it back again.


        Algselt postitas Katk Vaata postitust
        Samas võib Tevez praegu üritada sama, mis Wayne'gi alles hiljuti Manchesteri punasel poolel mängeldes tegi - kirjutada alla kõvasti tulurikkamale lepingule.
        Kusagil alles räägiti, et vennale pakuti 250k nädalas, aga vend rahanumbrid ei huvita. On ka muidugi võimalus, et see agent Kia mängib mingit ERITI peent mängu ja saab lõpuks 500k nädalas lepingu mehele välja punnitada. Kuid pigem läks vend siiski kellegagi seal korralikult raksu.


          Manchester City striker Carlos Tevez has confirmed he wants to quit Eastlands.

          Tevez says his relationship with "certain executives and individuals" at the club "has broken down beyond repair". Tevez stressed he has "no personal issue" with manager Roberto Mancini and thanked owner Sheikh Mansour for his "understanding and support".

          Yet the Argentine striker made it clear he only sees his future as being anywhere but at Manchester City.

          Through a PR agency, Tevez released the following statement on Sunday evening: "Since signing for Manchester city, I have enjoyed playing for the supporters. They have welcomed me to the club and I regret that it has come to this.

          "They deserve success as reward for their passionate and patient support. The club is very fortunate to have supporters like these. Anybody who has watched me play for Manchester City cannot question my commitment and passion for the club whenever I have worn the shirt.

          "However, I can confirm I have handed a transfer request to the chairman of Manchester City Football Club. Now I need to clear my head and think because this is an important part of my career. My feelings have not changed and it is regrettable we have reached this situation but It is something I have felt for some time and have spent many hours thinking this through.

          "I wanted to leave in the summer, but was convinced to return to the club. Sadly, my feelings have not changed. I hugely resent the management's suggestions that I have been unduly influenced by others. It was my decision and mine alone. I am disappointed that the management should now see fit to try to portray the situation in another light.

          "My relationship with certain executives and individuals at the club has broken down and is now beyond repair. I do not wish to expand on this at this stage. They know, because I have told them. I wish to clarify that I have no personal issue with the manager Roberto Mancini.

          "I could have signed an improved contract, offered by the club during this season; however this decision is not about money. I have made that clear to both the board and the management on several occasions. The owner has been very generous with what he has offered to me. I would like to thank Sheik Mansour for his understanding and support.

          "I want to thank the supporters for making me welcome at Manchester City and hope they agree I have given my all for the club on the pitch."

          Tevez is said to be livid at the club's statement insinuating that he has been manipulated into this decision by his representatives.

          He is said to have rejected a one-off bonus to stay for the season, the biggest ever offered to a single player, but he turned it down because nearly six months ago, he had virtually made up his mind he wanted to quit the club.

          It likely to make Tevez ever playing again for the club virtually impossible, and certainly unthinkable beyond the January transfer window and will intensify the pressure on manager Roberto Mancini and also the senior management team behind the scenes.

          ESPNsoccernet has been given a full insight into the reasons why Tevez, the team's captain and talisman, wants to leave.

          Tevez has shocked the title challengers by submitting a formal transfer request, which has brought a reaction from City in turning it down, and now Tevez has reacted by going public on his reasons for wanting to leave.


            Ja nüüdseks ongi kerkinud jutud, et Tevez tahab lihtsalt palgakõrgendust.
            Veel on jutud, et kui teda minema ei lasta siis ta paneb ketsid varna ning lõpetab karjääri. Noja siis on jutud, et ta tahab Hispaaniasse minna kuna sinna oleks nõus ka ta naine kolima.

            Selline mõnus merry-go-round


              City on ostnud Barcelonast vägagi lootustandva 19 aastase iisraelase Gai Assulini.


                Martin Samuel on sellise artikli välja lasknud. Samas vaevalt, et jutus tõtt on eriti.
                It is surely no coincidence that when Carlo Ancelotti suddenly announced he had money to spend, Carlos Tevez asked to leave Manchester City.


                  Manchester City will force Carlos Tevez to stay at club

                  Manchester City will not sell want-away striker Carlos Tevez in January, BBC Sport understands.

                  The 26-year-old says he wants to leave because his relations with "certain executives" at the Eastlands club have "broken down beyond repair".

                  But a senior club official described this as "ludicrous and nonsensical".

                  If Tevez refuses to play or retires, the club will seek compensation for breach of contract from his agent and former 'owner' Kia Joorabchian.

                  The deal, which has three-and-a-half years to run, is estimated to amount to tens of millions of pounds.

                  City made the decision not to sell Tevez after talks with club owner Sheikh Mansour.


                    Hetkel olen lahkheli leidnud Cityga, miks piinata Tevezt mitte lastes teda oma kodumaale, kas see pole mitte inimõiguste rikkumine ? Mõtlen selle all vabaduse võtmist, tema pole enam vaba. Igastahes on mul hea uudis, nüüd kui Tevez tahab ära minna, on kõige õigem aeg vaadata Džeko poole, võiks selle Vidici pojakese ka kätte saada, 180k nädalas on ju lapsemäng pealegi meil ju raha jätkub, ei tea mis te teised rotid klubid teete, kui keegi kahtleb veel City tiitlivõidus, siis öelgu kohe või vaikigu igavesti, sest chelseast juba möödas ning top 3 on käes. Loodan Chelsea õnneks, et nende parim mängumees (Ramires) on tõeline rüütel, ilma temata ei jõuaks Chelsea kunagi top 3 juurdegi.


                      Tartanjan, ära loe
                      Minu nimi on jyriöö, aga sõbrad kutsuvad mind tavaliselt külla.


                        puppetmaster Kia ei oska isegi mulli ajada korralikult:

                        Tevez and Joorabchian's relationship with City chief executive Garry Cook has also been called into question.

                        "I introduced them and in fact I acted as his agent and increased his salary more than four times what he was earning in the States. He even offered me a commission, which I turned down.

                        "I'm not an agent so I don't act as an agent. You can see evidence that Manchester City invited me to help them so to suggest anything else is wrong."
                        armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle


                          Algselt postitas Blue Moon Vaata postitust
                          City on ostnud Barcelonast vägagi lootustandva 19 aastase iisraelase Gai Assulini.
                          tasuta tuli. juba suvest saadik töötu ja käinud vahepeal isegi blackburnis end näitamas


                            misajast city endale tasuta mängijaid saab lubada ?


                              Algselt postitas BloddyTear Vaata postitust
                              misajast city endale tasuta mängijaid saab lubada ?
                              Noh, Chelsea hakkas ka ju üks aeg tasuta igasugu Turnbulle ja Sidwelle korjama.


                                Algselt postitas Epic Vaata postitust
                                Noh, Chelsea hakkas ka ju üks aeg tasuta igasugu Turnbulle ja Sidwelle korjama.
                                .. Ballackeid. Saab ka tasuta mängumehi. Mitte, et mul Gai'sse väga usku oleks.
                                “We all feel that hunger in football. With Cruyff, it was different. He deepened and changed the hunger so you became conscious of why you are getting better.”

