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Manchester City

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    Haaland tõmbas endale mingi ban'i vist mängu lõpus kohtunikega ülbamise osas.


      Vahetasin mängu ja vaatepilt on uskumatu: City istub umbkaitses ning Villa teeb. Tulemust küll esialgu pole.
      the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
      because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


        See oli tõesti uskumatu. Kuidagi passiivne ja tujutu tundus ka see City. Kuskil 10 min oli perioodi, kus City ei saanud oma kolmandikult väljagi. Ja kui saadi, siis teisel poolajal need rünnakud olid ikka päris kehvad. Esimest poolaega ei näinud. City on nüüd ainult 3p ManU-st ees. Väiksem vahe ManU-ga kui Liverpooli ja Arsenaliga. Ulme


          Peab meeldima. Emery teeb ikka fantastilist tööd Villaga, arvestades, kus klubi veel oli kui ta saabus. Kalendriaasta parim punktisaak? Igatahes, järgmine väga ebamugav vastane, premm on parim.
          "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."


            Girona winning LaLiga could be bad news for Manchester City

            But that hypothetical scenario has a strong chance of becoming a reality this season, with Girona top of LaLiga and City five points off top spot in the Premier League. The potential ramifications of that are why multi-club ownership has become such a big issue in football, prompting UEFA president Aleksandar Ceferin to say last year that regulations surrounding club ownership must be "strict."

            It is all about transparency and avoiding the prospect of two or more clubs being controlled by owners with a decisive influence over them. As such, the nightmare scenario for UEFA, and football itself, is the threat of Girona being directed to NOT win LaLiga by their owners in order to ensure that City don't miss out on a place in next season's Champions League.

            It sounds a far-fetched notion, but under UEFA regulations (article 5.02, to be precise) no two teams from within the same ownership group can compete against one another.


              Algselt postitas Wingback Vaata postitust
              Girona winning LaLiga could be bad news for Manchester City

              But that hypothetical scenario has a strong chance of becoming a reality this season, with Girona top of LaLiga and City five points off top spot in the Premier League. The potential ramifications of that are why multi-club ownership has become such a big issue in football, prompting UEFA president Aleksandar Ceferin to say last year that regulations surrounding club ownership must be "strict."

              It is all about transparency and avoiding the prospect of two or more clubs being controlled by owners with a decisive influence over them. As such, the nightmare scenario for UEFA, and football itself, is the threat of Girona being directed to NOT win LaLiga by their owners in order to ensure that City don't miss out on a place in next season's Champions League.

              It sounds a far-fetched notion, but under UEFA regulations (article 5.02, to be precise) no two teams from within the same ownership group can compete against one another.
              See on reegel mida tegelikult keegi ei jälgi - vaata Red Bull Salzburg ja Leipzig.


                Algselt postitas JuriM Vaata postitust

                See on reegel mida tegelikult keegi ei jälgi - vaata Red Bull Salzburg ja Leipzig.
                Ok, siis on lihtsalt jalkaajakirjanike clickbait.

                Girona edu soovin aga küll, lahe Leicestery'lik nähtus oleks.


                  Kes seda BBC Dokki tahab vaadata, siis hetkel seal olemas.


                    Pole erakordne ega esmakordne lugu, aga paistab, et supervormis De Bruyne aitab kevadel tiitleid korjata. Niipalju kui eile vaatasin - uskumatult võimas taaskord.
                    the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
                    because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


                      Täna siis most likely põrandapesu ja sinine päev.


                        Foden'ile on ette heidetud vahel et pole suurte mängude mees, aga täna oli fully tema show, niivõrd kuivõrd saab seda suureks mängus nimetada, sellise ühepoolse statsi järgi:


                        Edit: Foden alles 23, god damn, kuidas Inglise koondisel joppab (kui seal normaalne jope oleks treeneriks ka).​


                          Mäng oli ühepoolne aga City väravad tulid peale kaheldavat kohtuniku tööd. Enne City esimest tõmbas Walker Rashfordi pikali, Rashfordi kukkus kergelt aga just hiljutises derbys sai City võidu sest rodri kukkus sama kergelt ja siis kohtuniku vile ei vaikinud. Ja enne teist väravat oli penalti olukord garnacho vastu ja miks mitte ka punane kui su seljal on nimi casemiro. Aga minut hiljem löödi hoopis ise. Võiks veel arusaadav aga kui oled näinud erinevaid premmi mängu kus samas kohas vilistatakse läbi aegade kehvem Unitedi, parima City vastu ja kaotada tänu sellele.
                          Ma ei tea kellega ma siin suhtlen, unustasin et siin pole ühtegi fänni


                            Kui kaitsja ründajale jalgadesse ei jooksnud, siis pikali läks ründaja omast tahtest (diving wanker).
                            see ei ole minu süü, et sa okaspuu oled

                            "joon palju ma tahan, aga ikka ta ei saa minust aru"

                            "Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple."


                              Foden tulistab igast asendist. Kaunid väravad.
                              the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
                              because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


                                Palju õnne.
                                Arsenal ja Liverpool tegid seda taas, classic.

