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    Algselt postitas KeRRRt Vaata postitust
    no kolli võite lüüa, see jääb lohutusauhinnaks teile
    Algselt postitas Shermann Vaata postitust
    Arvestades, et ex-gunner on Shittyl kaitseliinis, siis on vähemalt 4 väravat soolas. Selle ühe lohutusauhinna jätame seekord lahkelt kodumeeskonnale.

    jeps. feilisid vist veits


      Algselt postitas Milanista Vaata postitust
      Ma olen suht kindel,et sa saad mõnuga kuusteist kilti joosta.Ma teeks selle peale sinuga veel ühe kihlveo.
      Eks me näe, eks jaanuari paiku näeb kas City on veel esineliku konkurentsis või mitte.


        Algselt postitas KeRRRt Vaata postitust
        jeps. feilisid vist veits
        Ära hõiska enne õhtut, 24. aprill on veel ees.


          The best sports coverage from around the world, covering: Football, Cricket, Golf, Rugby, WWE, Boxing, Tennis and much more.

          Huvitavat lugemist.


            When Emmanuel Adebayor scored that goal and set off towards the Arsenal fans, it was a brilliant bit of drama; such things are one of the reasons we love football's soap opera.

            If he wants to laud his goal in front of his previous fans, who, let's not forget, have felt completely at ease with abusing him, then he bloody well should be allowed to do so without getting booked or any further discipline from the FA.

            If in doing so he reveals himself as a self-absorbed, soulless nancy boy, that doesn't matter. Let him express himself as he wishes. We will judge the nature of the man accordingly. But no, the authorities from the referee upwards want to prescribe both what we see and how we should feel about it.

            Consequently, Adebayor could be suspended for this harmless bit of theatrics. Remember what I said about the pussyfication of football a few weeks ago?

            That's it, right there. Classic.

            "He could have caused a riot," said that appallingly sensationalist Gary Richardson on 5Live to FA Chief Ian Watmore. Richardson reserved his criticism for the player and not the fans that started to fight with the stewards. Rubbish.

            Clearly Adebayor couldn't have started a 'riot' because a riot did not happen. If he could have started one, one would have happened. But it didn't. What did happen was a few fans went ape-poo, and it's those fans who are the real problem, not the player.

            What sort of fool can be driven to 'riot' by a footballer? Why should a player have to bear in mind what the reaction of a small minority of crazy, over-emotional numptys might be, especially when it spoils the fun for the rest of us sentient creatures who are able to resist the urge to become a street-fighting man as a response to a footballer's actions?

            No footballer has ever, nor ever could make me want to create civil disorder and I'm sure you feel exactly the same. Yes, they can annoy and frustrate. Yes, you may wish to swear at them sometimes - but enough to start fighting? Enough to lose your mind? Have some self control. He is just not that important. Not important enough to commit violence or wanton destruction over. That's not your passion for the game, or the club, it's just inappropriate, emotionally incontinent over-reaction and needs to be condemned as such.

            Whatever a player does we have a responsibility not to hurt or cause distress to each other because of it. That is surely bare minimum for a civilised society. It's not him, it's you.

            A collective pointing and laughing session would have successful pricked Adebayor's hubris far more than fighting with a steward ever could. Imagine it; a few thousand people laughing loudly and pointing at him on his knees. Clearly, the insults, the 'give-him-hell' approach, just doesn't work. Rather, it inspires the player to put it right up the ex-club.

            Not taking him seriously is a far bigger insult to a self-important, puffed-up man. But no, instead, let's fight with the stewards, yeah that makes a lot of sense. And you want to claim the moral high ground over Adebayor eh? Riiiiiight.

            It is the reaction of that small number of fans that in the end - through the whole slew of regulations of what is and isn't proper conduct for a player - makes football less theatrical, less dramatic and less entertaining. This is why the shirt-removal thing got established as a yellow card offence. The authorities thought such wanton displays of celebration would incite and antagonise opposition fans. See, that's how those few mad fans can spoil the football spectacle.

            The mental reactions of this few have become the standard by which all of us are judged. The culture and laws of the game are shaped around that minority and spoil it for the rest of us more emotionally stable grown-ups who can't be fomented into a rioting mob by an athletic man in sportswear.

            This isn't an anti-Arsenal critique; I'm sure similar scenes would have happened at most clubs in the same circumstances, which makes it all the more depressing.

            I love seeing players giving stick back to fans. As a neutral, I just love the spectacle of it.

            Players are far too respectful to fans that pelt them with abuse who use the excuse that they've paid their money so that gives them carte blanche to say anything they damn well like.

            It works both ways - if you dish it out, be prepared to take it some back. Don't start whining when a player has the bollocks to say f**k you. It takes bollocks for a start and they're only human, regardless of their wealth. It should be allowed. Deal with it like an adult. Don't kick off and start calling for him to be banned.

            Those who want to invade the pitch and beat the player, the steward, the ball boy or even themselves up, need to be told it's just football, it's really not war. Adebayor is not invading your home and savaging your family. He's just a footballer for god's sake. Get a perspective.

            But it didn't stop there. The Van Persie statement about the Adebayor 'stamp' also smacked of the modern culture of the whiney, wimpy, pathetic pussyfication. Christ man, if you really think that someone who possibly doesn't like you isn't going to give you a kick and ginger you up a bit occasionally when the chance arises, such as after a stiff tackle, then you don't want to play football really. You want to play a less confrontational, less physical sport. Whining on about how it was near your eye. Please, if it's all too worrying for you, feel free to retire at any time Robin.

            We don't have to condone the injury or the intent to feel sickened by Van Persie's wussyness.

            It's not as if Van Persie is a saint himself; has never done anything wrong, has never kicked anyone, never led with an elbow. To come out and make a statement boo-hooing about it was so self-regarding and moralistic. Classic pussyficator behaviour, that.

            Such a statement, seemingly written and endorsed by the club, would never have been made until relatively recently. I couldn't imagine Steve Bould or Tony Adams issuing such a pitiful set of words. The grievance would, instead, have been stored up for the next game and an 'accidental' elbow to the throat would have evened the score, or it would be dismissed as all just part of the nature of the game. You give a bit, you take a bit.

            It really wouldn't surprise me if Van Persie ran to a lawyer and tried to sue Adebayor for assault or mental cruelty. The game is going that way with these sappy, drippy players and the fans that adopt similar attitudes are no better.

            All of this will keep football's social workers busy this week, watching videos in slow motion, weighing up who did what to whom and why and then dishing out fines and suspensions, delighting in the officiousness of the whole affair; all of waste of time, all making football less of a spectacle. All prime examples of pussyfication.

            Far from Adebayor's behaviour being unacceptable, it was and is the hysterical reaction to it that truly deserves our contempt.


              Kirjutasid ise või varastasid?
              When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                Kui ma oleks seda ise kirjutanud siis see poleks siin inglise keeles ju :P


                  Algselt postitas Martin Vaata postitust
                  Kirjutasid ise või varastasid?
                  John Nicholson varastas temalt.
                  "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


                    http://www.football365.com/story/0,1...558673,00.html link ka nüüd teile ma ise lihtsalt copysin selle ühest teisest foorumist ennem kus polnud linki juures. Rahul núúd?


                      Your mum is a budukas in disguise fitti...


                        Are you budukas in disguise? Pane link, kui väga vaja, milleks kopeerida mingeid oopuseid siia.
                        We have to disorganise their organisation so we have to be very creative.


                          Inglismaa jalgpalliliit karistas Manchester City ründajat Emmanuel Adebayori vägivaldse käitumise eest. Togo koondislasest mängumees toorutses laupäevases 4:2 võidumängus Arsenali üle vastaste Robin van Persie kallal, kes oli püüdnud meest varasemas mänguolukorras maha tõmmata. Vastuseks astus Adebayor maaslamava van Persie näole.

                          "Adebayor on distsiplinaarse kiirmenetluse korral mõistetud süüdi vägivallatsemises Robin van Persie vastu, samuti kohatu ja solvava käitumise eest mänguväljakul," märkis FA oma avalduses. Viimane intsident puudutas samas kohtumises aset leidnud togolase provokatiivset juubeldamist Arsenali fännisektori ees pärast värava löömist.

                          Adebayori karistus ei ole veel teada. Togo ründaja, kes tänavu siirdus Manchester City ridadesse just Arsenalist saab ka võimaluse Inglismaa jalgpalliliidu karistusotsus vaidlustada.

                          REUTERS/ERR SPORT
                          Mis on ühist Tallinna jõulukuusel ja Cristiano Ronaldol? Mõlemad kipuvad ümber kukkuma, aga süüdi on alati teised!
                          Ott Järvela


                            Manchester City striker Emmanuel Adebayor has been charged on two counts by the FA.

                            The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


                              Kuidas saab teda selle väravatähistamise eest uuesti karistada? Kas mitte ei pidanud olema nii, et kui kohtunik on asja näinud ja ise karistanud siis edasi enam midagi ei tule? Voibla mingi rahatrahv?

                              Unitedi mänguks on vist ainult Bellamy terve ründajatest kui Ade saab karistuse homme.


                                Algselt postitas Nohik Vaata postitust
                                Kuidas saab teda selle väravatähistamise eest uuesti karistada? Kas mitte ei pidanud olema nii, et kui kohtunik on asja näinud ja ise karistanud siis edasi enam midagi ei tule? Voibla mingi rahatrahv?
                                Ise arvasin ka sama, aga ju siis FA leidis, et tegu oli suuremat sorti rikkumisega. RvP koha pealt ei tohiks küsimust olla, et seal rängalt karistada saab. Muidugi saab Adekas veel ka 'appeal'ida, et vast tuleb natukese vähem ainult trenni teha ning ehk saab ka varem kui oktoobri keskpaigas platsile joosta.

