Mida tegi Given esimese Fletcheri koti puhul?
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Algselt postitas z3ro Vaata postitustMida tegi Given esimese Fletcheri koti puhul?
nej. jumala õige oli sellele töllile väike vops anda, kui antud keisi puhul mingist karistusest rääkida siis töllile statabänn peale ja kõik. mida sa ronid murule, kuradi konn rsk.
murule ronivatele debiilikutele tuleks teha nii nagu see legend tegi:
Algselt postitas homeworld Vaata postitustarmastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle
Algselt postitas vincent Vaata postitustEesti veebiajakirjandus oma tavatasemel.When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!
Algselt postitas Martin Vaata postitustgraham poll.armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle
Algselt postitas Martin Vaata postitustEma on sul veebiajakirjanik. Uuups. Ollu on täitsa paber ju. Järeldus tee nüüd ise, tead, oinas, mänjukott, graham poll.
Postimees - Pask!, Guardian - Pask!, kõik on pask. Fergie on jumal... Eemalt vaadates normaalsest inimesest on järsku saanud kuulus prantsuse filosoof Vincente Demagogue.
"The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend
Algselt postitas vello99 Vaata postitustFergie on jumal...The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.
GTFO sina ka... LOL. Äärmisel rõve naine, Megan Fox II. Kuidas sellised loomad üldse saavutavad mingit seksisümboli lõhna, sama hästi võiks mingi suvalise redelile meigi peale panna ja tuld anda. Huh. Jube."The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend
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