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Üldist ja omapärast inglise jalgpallis
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Algselt postitas mjaasa Vaata postitustKui nüüd see väravajoone tehnoloogia peaks näitama, et värav ikka oli, siis kuidas edasi käitutakse?
Algselt postitas Converse Vaata postitustkohtunikul on käel vastav kell, mis hakkab huugama kui värav onIlma vutita olla ei saa, vajan, kui õhku ma
Ei tohi koju küll jääda sa, kui mängib Tammeka
Jõhkrad numbrid.
Back in August 1992, 177 players, or 73.1%, featuring in first-day first XIs held English nationality but this year that figure fell to 75, or 34.1%. This dramatic decrease has left the Premier League trailing Spain's La Liga, Germany Bundesliga, Italy's Serie A and France's Ligue One by some distance when it comes to showcasing indigenous talent and, it is argued, has impacted on the
fortunes of England teams at all levels.the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire
Algselt postitas mcnamara Vaata postitustJõhkrad numbrid.
Back in August 1992, 177 players, or 73.1%, featuring in first-day first XIs held English nationality but this year that figure fell to 75, or 34.1%. This dramatic decrease has left the Premier League trailing Spain's La Liga, Germany Bundesliga, Italy's Serie A and France's Ligue One by some distance when it comes to showcasing indigenous talent and, it is argued, has impacted on the
fortunes of England teams at all levels.Victoria Concordia Crescit
Algselt postitas mcnamara Vaata postitustJõhkrad numbrid.
Back in August 1992, 177 players, or 73.1%, featuring in first-day first XIs held English nationality but this year that figure fell to 75, or 34.1%. This dramatic decrease has left the Premier League trailing Spain's La Liga, Germany Bundesliga, Italy's Serie A and France's Ligue One by some distance when it comes to showcasing indigenous talent and, it is argued, has impacted on the
fortunes of England teams at all levels.
Vahepeal tuli ka meedias juttu, kuidas Sakslased enda seisu parandasid ning võrdlesid kergelt ka Inglastega (see vist siit juba läbi ka käinud kui õigesti mäletan)
See lõik võtab kenasti kokku:
The incredible depth of Germany's coaching resources, as well as the DFB's close relationship with Bundesliga clubs, helps to make the programme. According to Uefa, Germany has 28,400 (England 1,759) coaches with the B licence, 5,500 (895) with the A licence and 1,070 (115) with the Pro licence, the highest qualification. It is little wonder that Ashworth said last month that there will be no quick fix for English football. The country that invented the game has forgotten that we need people to teach it.
Asi algab treeneritest
Algselt postitas mcnamara Vaata postitustJõhkrad numbrid.
Back in August 1992, 177 players, or 73.1%, featuring in first-day first XIs held English nationality but this year that figure fell to 75, or 34.1%. This dramatic decrease has left the Premier League trailing Spain's La Liga, Germany Bundesliga, Italy's Serie A and France's Ligue One by some distance when it comes to showcasing indigenous talent and, it is argued, has impacted on the
fortunes of England teams at all levels."The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend
BBC tutvustab Premier-klubide noori talente. Mitmed neist peaksid oma vanuses (19-21) juba põhis kõvad tegijad olema. Aga vist eriti ei ole. Seega - kõiki kindlasti hiilgav karjäär ei oota.the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire
seda pole justkui märganud siin veel. esimene voor ja mehed juba õnneks ei petagi ootusi, ülimalt asjalik ja huvitav analüüs.
lisaks muidugi see:
- He's a bit like a burglar in your house, you won't know which room he's in.
- You'd be under your bed.
- You'd probably be the burglar!
fucking brilliant.
armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle
Algselt postitas Wingback Vaata postitustSuurepärane, tahaks pidevalt nii rusikas silmaaukku analüüsi kuulata. Ideaalis võiks stuudios olla, ka puhta ründaja või ründava poolikuna üsna värskelt karjääri lõpetanud mees.
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