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Üldist ja omapärast inglise jalgpallis

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    Algselt postitas cannuman Vaata postitust
    Itaalias karistatakse sukeldujaid võistluskeeldudega (Adriano, Zalayeta näiteks sel hooajal said mitu mängu bänni), aga näe teie krissu on päris mitu penalti sel hooajal välja meelitanud ilma karistusteta.
    Kes on meie krissu? Shmigun?
    Igal juhul off topik lõpetada, palun.
    the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
    because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


      Algselt postitas cannuman Vaata postitust
      vaata mis teie enda suur iidol krissu teeb parem
      ma ei pidanud silmas daivimisi ja teesklusi. kuigi tore et itaalia fännid kohe selle peale tagajalgadele tõusevad.

      teatri all pidasin silmas seda, mis jalgpalli ümber toimub, nö off-field. kõik need altkäemaksud, pealtkuulatud telefonikõned ja miinuspunktid. see kõik rikub jalgpalli mainet.


        When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


          randy lerner: stick your 39th game up your bollix

          mis kuradi kõikide klubiomanike otsus. meie oma polnud kohalgi.

          lisaks on scudamore'i marjamaa - ameerika ja aasia - vutijuhid 39ndale mängule 'ei' öelnud. michel platini nimetas FA avaldust koomiliseks.


            mulle isiklikult pakubki viimastel päevadel kõige enam rõõmu just see, kuidas inin juba praegu mängude nimel kõikjal üle maailma käivast löömast saab järjest konkreetseid upyours-teemalisi vastuseid.
            aga no eks kontorilaua taga ballakeid laiaks istudes näib alati, et i'm the king of the world. kui aga ainsaks variandiks kipub taanduma fulhami ja derby kohtumine kuskil sise-mongoolias, siis ilmselt see äriplaan enam nii kasumlik ei tundugi.
            armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle


              Suurepärane lugu: http://www.latimes.com/sports/soccer...ck=1&cset=true

              Olgu siinkohal mainitud, et LA Times on tiraažilt esiviisiku ajaleht USAs, umbes miljon siis.


              So much for Beckham being a voice for MLS
              When I put in an interview request Friday, I was told he might be tired, and now I understand why England's soccer coach didn't think Beckham was fit enough to join his lads last week for a game against Switzerland.
              February 12, 2008

              It's been 213 days since David Beckham arrived in Los Angeles, and knowing how busy he was with those eight games they had him playing last season, I elected not to bother the guy.

              Now as you know, folks such as Kobe Bryant, Jeff Kent and Garret Anderson have the ability to play and talk on the same day, which just has to be dumbfounding to Beckham.

              When I put in an interview request Friday, I was told he might be tired, and now I understand why England's soccer coach didn't think Beckham was fit enough to join his lads last week for a game against Switzerland.

              Several entertainment sites, though, reported Beckham arrived at a pre-Grammy party at Hollywood's Club Central about 1 a.m. Sunday, dancing with Janet Jackson. Tired as he was, he must've gotten a nap.

              The Galaxy said Beckham would need some warning time before he could talk, 213 days apparently not enough, and so instead of Friday or Saturday, an interview was scheduled for Monday. And later canceled.

              "He's not doing media Monday," a Galaxy spokesman said, probably taking the time to do another episode of "Snoop Dogg's Father Hood." "He's also not doing any one-on-ones."

              Everyone has his price, of course, so the other day at a Madonna fundraiser, I wasn't surprised to learn my old gal pal Salma Hayek hadpaid $350,000 for an hour and a one-on-one with Beckham.

              Haven't heard from her yet, but I couldn't possibly accept such a thing, or find something to discuss for an hour with a soccer player who has done so little in this country. We talk about the one goal he scored last year, and then what?

              Initially, when I was told I would be talking to Beckham on Monday, I had done some homework. Beyond looking pretty, there isn't much there.

              He has tattoos running from wrist to shoulder on his right arm, and I probably would have asked for a look at the new $5,000 tattoo on his left arm -- the reclining, bare-breasted angel who is supposed to be his wife.

              I did a lot of reading on the Internet, and no one seems to refer to Posh as an angel, but if she's buying it, good for him. That's what they must mean when they say "bend it like Beckham."

              THE ONLY thing going on with Beckham these days appears to be his underwear ad, which is just perfect for him because all he has to do is lie there and say nothing.

              Huge billboards will go up soon showing him with his chest bare -- and isn't it always? -- and his briefs appearing a size too small. You'd think a guy with as much money as he's got could find underwear that fit.

              I'd ask him, but he's in hiding, which is odd when you realize AEG President Tim Leiweke spent $250 million of Philip Anschutz's money to bring the guy to L.A. to hype soccer. As we know from watching the Kings, player acquisitions are not Leiweke's strong point.

              So far Beckham has done nothing to advance the sport in L.A., his arrival here the most overblown story of last year, in part because the bloke's PR handlers -- and he has several -- carry more weight than the folks signing his checks.

              Talk to Galaxy GM Alexi Lalas and he sounds as if Beckham's work is already done here, proclaiming Beckham "is at an entirely different level" than Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan.Beckham might be Leiweke's "favorite athlete," as he says, but he dismisses Lalas' remarks by noting Beckham "isn't even as big as KobeBryant."

              When Leiweke talks about the crowds that Beckham draws overseas or the jerseys he sells around the world, who cares?

              I thought he was brought to L.A. to put soccer on the U.S. map and make MLS or MSL or whatever they call the soccer league that ranks here right up there with the Arena league into something more meaningful.

              Beckham is not a goal-scorer, and apparently not much of a talker, making him a strange choice to be a pitchman in this country. Kwame Brown delivered more than Beckham last year.

              Beckham had every chance last year to capitalize on his arrival and sell soccer locally while recovering from an injury. He could've made himself available for fawning radio or TV interviews, and an occasional joust with a columnist.

              But some journalists overseas have suggested Beckham is an intellectual lightweight, his wife doing all the talking for him, which might explain why his handlers don't want to leave him alone with a reporter.

              OK, so put me with Posh.
              Last edited by Martin; 13.02.08, 16:09.
              When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                Algselt postitas vincent Vaata postitust
                See on nüüd küll kõigi persest sündinud ideede ema. Mitte midagi muud ei oskagi niisuguse asja peale öelda.
                Aga see 39nda välismaa vooru ema pole veel viimane sõna. Vana vormelipede Bernie on veelgi "geniaalsema" plaaniga lagedale tulnud...


                  Algselt postitas laas Vaata postitust
                  Aga see 39nda välismaa vooru ema pole veel viimane sõna. Vana vormelipede Bernie on veelgi "geniaalsema" plaaniga lagedale tulnud...

                  tõesti geniaalne:P


                    ainsad head asjad, mida bernie kunagi teinud on, on tema 2 tütart


                      Algselt postitas eston maravilha Vaata postitust
                      ainsad head asjad, mida bernie kunagi teinud on, on tema 2 tütart
                      selles ei saa ka päris kindel olla et need tema tehtud on


                        See on geniaalne idee. Ainuke bullshit on, et (a) mis teeb seal Liverpool ja (b) miks väljaspool Premiershipi arvestust. Teeks ühekorraga kõik need mängud ära ja ei ole iga paari nädala tagant mingit hyper-Saturday või Super Sunday bullshit haipimist...
                        "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


                          Algselt postitas vello99 Vaata postitust
                          See on geniaalne idee. Ainuke bullshit on, et (a) mis teeb seal Liverpool ja (b) miks väljaspool Premiershipi arvestust. Teeks ühekorraga kõik need mängud ära ja ei ole iga paari nädala tagant mingit hyper-Saturday või Super Sunday bullshit haipimist...
                          Tõenäoliselt hakatakse võistlema ju särkide müümises Aasia ja Aafrika riikidesse ja seda Liverpool oskab veel täitsa hästi...


                            Algselt postitas eston maravilha Vaata postitust
                            randy lerner: stick your 39th game up your bollix

                            mis kuradi kõikide klubiomanike otsus. meie oma polnud kohalgi.

                            lisaks on scudamore'i marjamaa - ameerika ja aasia - vutijuhid 39ndale mängule 'ei' öelnud. michel platini nimetas FA avaldust koomiliseks.
                            Nagu viimasel ajal tavaks, on ka seekord Sepp minu sõber.
                            the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
                            because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


                              Natuke statistikat ja selline mõtteke noortesüsteemidest ja muust taolisest.

                              Kui palju mängijad Euroopa Meistrite liigas (praegu)

                              23 mängijat
                              Brasiilia (0 meeskonda)

                              16 mängijat
                              Itaalia (3 meeskonda)

                              13 mängijat
                              Prantsusmaa (1 meeskond)
                              Hispaania (3 meeskonda)

                              11 mängijat
                              Inglismaa (4 meeskonda)

                              9 mängijat
                              Portugal (1 meeskond)

                              8 mängijat
                              Argentina (0 meeskonda)

                              6 mängijat
                              Kreeka (1 meeskond)
                              Türgi (1 meeskond)
                              Šoti (1 meeskond)

                              5 mängijat
                              Holland (0 meeskonda)
                              When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                                Algselt postitas Martin Vaata postitust
                                Natuke statistikat ja selline mõtteke noortesüsteemidest ja muust taolisest.

                                Kui palju mängijad Euroopa Meistrite liigas (praegu)

                                11 mängijat
                                Inglismaa (4 meeskonda)

                                sellest oli ka üks artikkel, et tollest 11-st, kaks koondist ei esinda.
                                kas asi on nüüd noortesüsteemis või klubiomanike iharuses, on raske öelda.
                                see ei ole minu süü, et sa okaspuu oled

                                "joon palju ma tahan, aga ikka ta ei saa minust aru"

                                "Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple."

