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    Järgnev läheb nüüd pigem 'isepärane' või 'imepärane' liigituse alla. Aga siin on ta naljakam kui 'Olulistes uudistes'.

    Did Moat escape police via the sewers?

    Raoul Moat may have evaded capture for almost a week by using the drains beneath Rothbury, it has emerged tonight.

    Moat, 37, has been pinned down near tennis courts for several hours after a chase through the centre of the town.

    In a bizarre twist Paul Gascoigne has arrived in Rothbury and revealed that he knows the gunman.

    The footballer, who arrived with a can of lager, some chicken, a fishing rod and something to keep him warm, said he hoped the stand-off would end peacefully and referred to the gunman as "Moaty".

    He described the former nightclub bouncer, who is wanted for murder, as "a good lad", adding: " I just want to give him some therapy and say come on Moaty, its Gazza.

    "He is alright - simply as that and I am willing to help him. I have come all the way from Newcastle to Rothbury to find him, have a chat with him.

    "I guarantee, Moaty, he won't shoot me. I am good friends with him. I knew him years ago when he was a bouncer in Newcastle."

    Police have already brought one of the gunman's friends to the scene to help negotiations.

    Earlier, when Moat reached the river he stopped and threatened to kill himself.

    He is sat on a river bank cradling a sawn-off shotgun and occasionally putting it to his head and neck. At times he has laid down on the grass with the gun pointed at himself. He is wearing a black cap and dark clothes.

    Police have brought in a friend of Moat's - named locally as Tony Laidler - in a bid to persuade him to give himself up. It is understood that Moat has asked for his friend to be brought to the scene.

    Food and water have also been brought in for the exhausted gunman.

    The area is very close to the centre of the town. It is also close to a main drain - leading to speculation that the gunman may have been hiding in the sewers by day and emerging at night to steal food.

    Several witnesses claimed they had seen the wanted main brazenly walking down the main street on Thursday night - only for him to disappear at the end of the main thoroughfare.

    Speculation is now rife that he may have been using the sewers to move around beneath the town, while hundreds of police searched for him above.

    Police armed with rifles and hand guns are taking cover behind several squad cars, including an armoured Mitsubishi Shogun 4x4.

    Firearms cops are within 10 metres of the gunman. One officer has a Taser stun gun trained on the suspect.

    The gunman is talking to police negotiators - and seeking assurances about his safety. He is believed to be surrounded by officers from the elite Scotland Yard SO19 firearms team - but is trying to move away.

    Moat has been cornered near a house which he broke into on Tuesday morning.

    One elderly woman is believed to be in the house - but is not a hostage. She has been told to stay indoors.

    Television cameras have been moved back for their own safety. Journalists are to be moved away.

    Scores of armed officers have been scrambed from Northumbria Police headquarters in Ponteland.

    Around 100 armed officers are now believed to be in Rothbury.

    In the last few moments an ambulance has gone through the police cordon - but, as yet, no shots have been fired.

    Some police sources are saying a man has been apprehended - but have not confirmed if the suspect is Moat himself - and the operation appears to be very much on-going.

    Police dog handlers have just been brought in.

    Retired taxi driver Dave Murray, 67, of Knocklaw, said Moat appeared to have been chased through the village and was heading east before being cornered at the primary school tennis courts and bowling green.

    He said: "There is nowhere for him to go, the river is on one side and this road and all the police on the other."

    The fugitive is understood to have been located by police snipers during a routine sweep.

    As soon as the alarm was raised police flooded the area.

    At one point two police vehicles collided.

    Chief Supt Mark Dennett warned residents of Rothbury to "stay inside for your own safety" as a major police operation got underway in the town.

    Moat has kept one step ahead of police for seven days after shooting his ex-girlfriend last Saturday morning and murdering her new boyfriend. He shot and wounded an unarmed police officer just 24 hours later.

    North East news and North Yorkshire news from Darlington, Durham, Middlesbrough, Newcastle, Sunderland, Bishop Auckland and other areas.
    jokers to the right
    clowns to the left of me


      Sattusin siin üsna kogemata kombel ühe pika, aga hea blogipostituse otsa, mis käsitleb päris hästi UEFA uusi plaane jäigemate finantsreeglite kehtestamiseks ja klubide hetkeseise. Lisaks veel teine sarnane, mis keskendub kohati küll eeskätt juhmide analüütikute materdamisele, aga omad asjalikud punktid on sealgi.

      Some time tomorrow in a nondescript, modern building overlooking Lake Geneva in Switzerland, football’s great and good, also known as UEFA’...

      armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle


        Ei ole viitsinud reeglistikku veebist üles otsida, seega äkki keegi teeb lühidalt selgeks :
        ...et et et kuidas siis ikkagi on sel hooajal. Klubi valib oma nimekirja 25 täkku ära, siis mis ikkagi saab ülejäänutest, keda ei jõuta maha parseldada, kuna aken sulgus ? Lõksus ? Tänavale viskamine, mismis ?
        Ometi pole ju see nii kenijjjaalne süsteem...




            Algselt postitas vincent Vaata postitust
            Sattusin siin üsna kogemata kombel ühe pika, aga hea blogipostituse otsa, mis käsitleb päris hästi UEFA uusi plaane jäigemate finantsreeglite kehtestamiseks ja klubide hetkeseise. Lisaks veel teine sarnane, mis keskendub kohati küll eeskätt juhmide analüütikute materdamisele, aga omad asjalikud punktid on sealgi.

            Some time tomorrow in a nondescript, modern building overlooking Lake Geneva in Switzerland, football’s great and good, also known as UEFA’...

            Üks huvitavamaid infokilde sellest esimesest artiklist oli, et klubid on üksteisele võlgu mängijate üleminekute eest kokku ca 1,6 miljardit eurot, sh 500 miljonit eurot võlgu, mis on vanemad kui 12 kuud. Seda ikka on ropult palju.

            Ehk, et võid ju küll lugeda lehest, kuidas keegi ostis su mängija 20 milli eest, aga kui see raha ikka võlana üleval, ei ole sellest klubile eriti midagi kasu. Ehk, et kui Barcal on võlgu mingi 400 milli euro jagu, siis on seal ka päris palju klubisid rahaootel, kes oma tähtmängija sinna hiljuti müünud on.

            Samuti näiteks see transfervõlg oli ka tõenäoliselt peamine põhjus miks nt Kaboul Portmouthist Spursi tagasi osteti. Alternatiiv oleks olnud lihtsalt osaleda Portsmouthi pankroti/administratsioonimenetluses ja saada mitte midagi (ok, seal osaletakse niikuinii, aga vähemalt väiksema võlaga).
            "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


              Reaalsuses pigem istuvad pingil ja ootavad karikamänge. Põhimõtteliselt jah, lõksus.

              ühtlasi sai ennist jyriööga arutatud, et kuidas on lugu vabaagentide värbamisega. siia ka:

              Clubs do not have to name a full squad of 25 if they do not have that many contracted players and in this instance they may add free agents outside the transfer window. However if they have 25 eligible contracted players, they must be named.
              ja veel:

              Similarly, clubs do not have to name eight home grown players if they do not have that many but that would mean operating with a reduced squad.
              Seega kui on näiteks ainult kuus, kes kvalifitseeruvad homegrowniks, siis ei pea kahte juurde ostma, aga lubatud üle 21ste mängijate arv väheneb antud juhul 23 peale. Või lihtsamini öeldes, sul võib olla ka kasvõi ainult kaks homegrowni, aga üle 21-aastaseid mitte-homegrowne tohib registreeritute seas igal juhul olla ainult 17.

              Igatahes see käesoleva akna sulgumine saab olema võrdlemisi massive, kui eeskätt näiteks City kukub oma üleliigseid vendi viimasel hetkel maha parseldama. Sest isegi selle põhjatu naftaaugu juures on vaevalt neilgi tahtmist mõnele vennale puht pingi sügamise eest kümneid tuhandeid palka maksta.
              armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle


                Ehk siis City mehed lähevad deadline'i saabumisel müügiks poolmuidu. Palun üks Ireland meile.


                  Algselt postitas vincent Vaata postitust
                  Sest isegi selle põhjatu naftaaugu juures on vaevalt neilgi tahtmist mõnele vennale puht pingi sügamise eest kümneid tuhandeid palka maksta.
                  City ei maksa iial kümneid tuhandeid...
                  "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


                    Algselt postitas vincent Vaata postitust
                    Igatahes see käesoleva akna sulgumine saab olema võrdlemisi massive, kui eeskätt näiteks City kukub oma üleliigseid vendi viimasel hetkel maha parseldama. Sest isegi selle põhjatu naftaaugu juures on vaevalt neilgi tahtmist mõnele vennale puht pingi sügamise eest kümneid tuhandeid palka maksta.
                    Müügisumma võib ju sobiv olla, aga need tulevased pingisügajad on tõenäoliselt piisavalt hea palga peal, et nõudmised uuele klubile saavad ka vastavad olema. Sisuliselt kaks varianti, kas jääb neile kari winstonbogardesid või lastakse lihtsalt kuskile Türki laenule.


                      Algselt postitas olegtoivo Vaata postitust
                      Müügisumma võib ju sobiv olla, aga need tulevased pingisügajad on tõenäoliselt piisavalt hea palga peal, et nõudmised uuele klubile saavad ka vastavad olema. Sisuliselt kaks varianti, kas jääb neile kari winstonbogardesid või lastakse lihtsalt kuskile Türki laenule.
                      Eksisteerib ka variant, et müüakse ja makstakse mingi aja jooksul ka osa palgarahast jätkuvalt kinni. Nii mõnegi klubi fännid siingi foorumis võiksid varmalt näiteid tuua sellistest skeemidest.
                      Minu nimi on jyriöö, aga sõbrad kutsuvad mind tavaliselt külla.


                        Huvitav artikkel modernsest keskpoolikust. Tuuakse näiteid ka teistest liigadest, kuid põhirõhk siiski Inglise liigal.


                          Algselt postitas vandersell Vaata postitust
                          Huvitav artikkel modernsest keskpoolikust. Tuuakse näiteid ka teistest liigadest, kuid põhirõhk siiski Inglise liigal.
                          Nii palju, kui ma Lindpere mänge MLSis näinud olen, mängib ta põhimõtteliselt sama rolli. Hoiab hästi palli, suudab seda kaaslastele edasi jagada, oskab palli ohtlikust tsoonist kerge vaevaga välja viia. Nagu Carrick tolles videos.


                            Two football fans created a new record by driving to all 20 Premier League stadiums in just over 14 hours. Teacher Paul Cox and friend Luis Felipe completed the 572-mile trip in 14 hours, three minutes and 18 seconds, knocking 45 minutes off Cox's previous unofficial record.
                            Mis on ühist Tallinna jõulukuusel ja Cristiano Ronaldol? Mõlemad kipuvad ümber kukkuma, aga süüdi on alati teised!
                            Ott Järvela


                              Väga visad on need inglise koondise pallurid.


                                Sümpaatne lugu liiga noorimast managerist Karl Robinsonist.
                                the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
                                because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire

