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Üldist ja omapärast inglise jalgpallis

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    Palju see Wrexham tugevuselt neljanda liiga sabas sebides seda sulli ja feimi ikka saab?Walesi liiga paneks ikka arvatavalt kinni ja siis juhhei euroopa ju.
    Ja kas teised walesi klubid on tasemelt nii nõrgad või ei jätku pappi,et inglise liigasid proovida?Tuleb mingi siberi või tšukotka kloun ja ostab Bangor City ära näiteks ja voilaa inglise liigasse?
    Mind hakkas ennast ka juba huvitama


      traditsioon selline,

      League of Wales
      loodi alles 1992 FIFA ahvarduste peale

      At the time, Wales was almost unique in world football in that it didn't have a national league of its own (Puerto Rico, part of the United States, also has football and baseball teams that compete in the larger country's system, though no promotion and relegation exists). Traditionally, the best teams in Wales had always played over the border in the English leagues. Cardiff City, Swansea City, Wrexham play their trade in the Football League whilst Aberdare Athletic, Merthyr Town (both now defunct) and Newport County are all former members of the English football league.

      Because of poor transportation links, it has always been much easier for Welsh clubs to travel east-west than north-south so clubs tended to look east to England for competitors and many of Wales' top semi-professional sides also played in the English football league
      GEORGE: No, no, no! Nothing happens /-/ RUSSELL: Well, why am I watching it?
      GEORGE: Because it's on TV RUSSELL: Not yet..
      (Seinfeld, The Pitch)


        Ja millised traditsioonid. Sõber Vikipeedia raporteerib järgmist:

        On St George's Day, April 23, 1927, Wembley Stadium, London; The FA Cup was taken out of England for the first and only time when Cardiff City beat Arsenal thanks to a goal by Cardiff City Cult Hero, Hughie Ferguson. It is believed that this cup final, attracted one of the highest audiences ever, as it was the first to be broadcast by BBC Radio Captain Fred Keenor received the FA Cup trophy from King George V only 7 years after Cardiff City had entered the Football League, and six seasons since they had been promoted to the top division.
        Ferguson's most successful moment in English football occurred when he appeared for Cardiff in the 1927 Cup Final against Arsenal. In the 74th minute, collecting a throw from the right, Ferguson hurried a tame shot toward the Arsenal goal. Dan Lewis, the Arsenal goalkeeper, appeared to collect the ball but, under pressure from the advancing Len Davies, clumsily allowed the ball to roll through his grasp; in a desperate attempt to retrieve the ball, Lewis only succeeded in knocking the ball with his elbow into his own net.
        Ernie Curtis, the 19 year old centre-wing said of the goal:
        "I was in line with the edge of the penalty area on the right when Hughie Ferguson hit the shot which Arsenal's goalie had crouched down for a little early. The ball spun as it travelled towards him, having taken a slight deflection so he was now slightly out of line with it. Len Davies was following the shot in and I think Dan must have had one eye on him. The result was that he didn't take it cleanly and it squirmed under him and over the line. Len jumped over him and into the net, but never actually touched it."

        vaikivale mehele täienduseks veel veidi:

        Traditionally, Welsh clubs have played in the English professional football structure, while English clubs were invited to enter the Welsh Cup. The FA of Wales did not set up a Welsh first level league until 1992, urged by the desire to obtain representation in the UEFA Champions League and UEFA Cup (until then, Welsh clubs had only entered the Cup Winners' Cup). The major Welsh clubs refused to join and remained active in the English structure, where some of them had achieved a measure of success: Cardiff City won the FA Cup and once missed out on the English championship on goal average (they would have won it had the tie-breaker at the time been goal difference (and then goals scored), as it is now).
        the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
        because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


          Kui Cardiff püüab võidelda Premieri tõusu eest, siis peaks see olema kindlasti rohkemat väärt kui panna kinni kohalik liigake, mille meistreid keegi Eestist ka 4:0 loputab. Selle taseme juures ei õnnestuks neil kindlasti nii kõva koosseisu hoida ja paari aasta pärast oldaks CL esimeses eelringis mõne vutikääbusega hädas. Kas teid huvitaks näiteks, kui Eesti Meistriliigaga liituks mõni naaberriigi klubi, ntx Venemaalt, kes klobiks medalinõudlejaid 5:0?

          Bangor City mängis enne seda kas isegi Confis või sealt 1 aste allpool kui omaette liiga loodi. Madalamad läksid meelsasti seepärast, et tollal polnud ka Conference võit piisav garantii Liigasse tõusuks.
          Vanasti esindasid uelslasi EC-l vaid karikavõitjad, sest oma liigat polnud. Kui see loodi ja 3 suurt sellest loobusid, öeldi neile kuuldavasti ka kodumaalt, et kui tahate kord liituda, alustate kõige madalamatest liigadest peale. Seetõttu pole neil ka põhjust hiljem Walesi liigaga liituda.
          Kurat seda teab, äkki on hoopis jumal.


            dancing on the streets of total network solutions


              Liigas on teoksil mingi ilgus. Targemad mehed ainult naeravad. Pendlaseeriad, et võitjaid selgitada... Inglise liigas!
              the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
              because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


                Algselt postitas mcnamara Vaata postitust
                Liigas on teoksil mingi ilgus. Targemad mehed ainult naeravad. Pendlaseeriad, et võitjaid selgitada... Inglise liigas!
                Ian Holloway arvamus
                When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                  Hammersid on omadega nii vussis, et nurgalöögi ajal kaks nende meest lausa blokeerivad teineteist ja lasevad vastase vabalt peaga kolli lööma.
                  Aga siis...aga siis tuleb neile appi olematu värav. Mulle meeldis.
                  the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
                  because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


                    Paistab, et kontseptsioon JOKK on ka FA-s au sees:

                    "So why was Emre cleared? One reason was the discrepancy between Howard claiming he heard Emre call Yobo a "f*****g nigger" and Lescott hearing "f*****g negro".

                    A more significant factor, however, appears to be that the FA's disciplinary guidelines are significantly weighted towards the defendant, so much so that even the testimony of two eye-witnesses is regarded as 'insufficient proof'. "
                    "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


                      Minu meelest päris omapärane: Riise declared bankrupt by courts


                        Have you been to Scarborough Fair?
                        Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme,
                        Remember me from one who lives there,
                        For she once was a true love of mine.

                        Mõelgem hetkeks neile, kes tegelikult võlgades ja puuduses. Ei, mitte Chelsea vaid Scarborough.
                        Keskküte on välja lülitatud, töötajad palka ei saa, mängijaid ei lubata osta. Aga alla ei anta. Asutamisaasta 1879 ei luba, rääkimata Merekoerade lipukirjast "No Battle No Victory".
                        the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
                        because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


                          üldine, mitte omapärane, uuel hooajal uus shrift kasutusel


                            Pidi ikka pea olema tüübil kes 52 meetri kauguselt lõi värava,pannes omu kolu ette väravavahi lahtilöögile.
                            Tegemist oli pühapäeva liiga klubi Holker Old Boys mängijaga nagu õhtulehest teada saab.
                            INTER ARMA CARITAS


                              Wrong career turn...
                              the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
                              because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


                                Algselt postitas mcnamara Vaata postitust
                                NOT !

                                kümme tähemärki
                                Little things worry little minds.

                                Carlo Ancelotti, 2009

