kle, kas bolton ise ka mõnda mängijat omab, või on kõik kokkulaenatud?
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Bolton Wanderers
Algselt postitas eston maravilha Vaata postitustkle, kas bolton ise ka mõnda mängijat omab, või on kõik kokkulaenatud?
Algselt postitas eston maravilha Vaata postitustkle, kas bolton ise ka mõnda mängijat omab, või on kõik kokkulaenatud?Mis on ühist Tallinna jõulukuusel ja Cristiano Ronaldol? Mõlemad kipuvad ümber kukkuma, aga süüdi on alati teised!
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At Bolton we know that winning a cup competition is our best chance of winning silverware.
I saw the FA Cup trophy at a function not so long ago but refused to touch it
We have real quality but are realistic enough to acknowledge that over a 38-game season we are unlikely to win the Premiership.
With the size of our squad a few injuries at the wrong time, for example, could really have an impact.
The FA Cup is different - West Ham reached the final last season and a club like Bolton has the ability to win it.
A few years ago we reached the final of the League Cup and I am desperate to repeat the feeling and excitement that surrounded the week leading up to the game.
I would like to forget about the result - Middlesbrough beat us 2-1 - but the memories will live forever.
I saw the FA Cup trophy at a function not so long ago but refused to touch it - the first time I do so I hope to be lifting it in front of a packed Wembley.
When some foreign players arrive at Bolton they do not have the same passion for the FA Cup as I do - but it does not take long before they start to feel the same way.
They see the how much pride players feel about playing in the competition and are amazed at the reaction to some of the shocks, surprised by how teams from the lower leagues raise their game against superior opposition.
To progress further this season we must overcome Arsenal, which won't be easy given the way they are playing at the moment.
Bolton have a good record against Arsenal - we have won four of our last seven meetings and drawn two - but this will count for nothing on Sunday.
This is the third season in succession we have met Arsenal in the FA Cup and to be honest I'm becoming sick and tired of playing them!
We are often described as the new Wimbledon in the media while Arsenal are billed as the best footballing team in the country.
I understand why FA Cup games are just too expensive for many supporters
It has been hyped as ugly against gorgeous and whenever we win it is a triumph for the team that kicked and scrapped their way to victory.
To be honest, I wouldn't mind all those headlines again on Monday morning if it means we are into the next round.
Attendances are often used as some kind of indicator as to the popularity of the FA Cup.
Many season tickets don't include cup games and, with the cost involved in watching football, I can understand why forking out for extra fixtures over and above the Premiership is just too much.
At the same time I understand that the clubs have to try to maximise their revenue but, from a playing point of view, there is nothing better than playing in front of a packed ground.
I would like to see some kind of restructuring over the next few years to try to ensure that grounds are full more often.
For instance, Bolton have an offer for their next two home Premiership games that allows season ticket holders to bring another person to the game for £5.
We have sold our allocation for the Arsenal game on Sunday and everyone who has bought a ticket is eligible for free coach travel that the club is putting on to get to and from London for the game.
Hopefully these initiatives will bring more people in and increase revenue for the club because the new faces are spending money in other ways besides their admission cost.
If we do make it all the way this year I'm sure Wembley will be packed for the final with no need for price offers.
And one thing I can guarantee is that if we do get there we will not be wearing cream suits like Liverpool in 1996 - though El-Hadji Diouf would probably want to!
By the way, thanks for all your suggestions about a new goal celebration. Keep them coming.Mis on ühist Tallinna jõulukuusel ja Cristiano Ronaldol? Mõlemad kipuvad ümber kukkuma, aga süüdi on alati teised!
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SAM ALLARDYCE has made his first signings of the transfer window by recruiting Slovakian pair Lubomir Michalik and Zoltan Harsanyi.
The Wanderers boss bolstered his squad by recruiting the duo from Slovakian outfit FC Senec.
23 year old Michalik is a 6ft 4in tall centre-half and has signed a three-and-a-half year contract. He is a full Slovakian international.
Allardyce said: "I have been impressed with Lubomir.He has a great presence on the field and looks the part.He is good in the air and has all the right attributes to be a success at this level. He has had experience at international level."
Striker Harsanyi, 19, has joined the club on loan until the end of the season with a view to a permanent deal and is a former Slovakia under 18 international.
The Wanderers boss added: "We have taken Zoltan on loan until the end of the season with a view to a permanent deal.From what we have seen, he has great potential and has all the natural ability to make it at this level.He is one for the future and over the next few months we will get a good chance to assess him.
"His pace and movement is very good and he likes to take on the opposition.
"The two lads are for the future and over time will get used to the cultural and life in the Premiership."
Meanwhile, the Club will not be pursuing its interest in Mali international Fousseyni Diawara.Mis on ühist Tallinna jõulukuusel ja Cristiano Ronaldol? Mõlemad kipuvad ümber kukkuma, aga süüdi on alati teised!
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Kiidulaul enne pühabast mängu ehk pisut kohatu aga ütleks et hoolimata paraja jõmmjobu imagost on Big Sam üks etemaid treenerid premieris - seda nii tulemuste kui ka majandusliku mõtlemise poolest - küllaltki kokkuhoidlikult mõistliku satsi kokku pannud.
manager of the month on küll ebaõnn muidugi - see rikub teil selle premieri kuu ära. Middlesbrough mäng juba oli esimene pauk.
Algselt postitas malagar Vaata postitustKiidulaul enne pühabast mängu ehk pisut kohatu aga ütleks et hoolimata paraja jõmmjobu imagost on Big Sam üks etemaid treenerid premieris - seda nii tulemuste kui ka majandusliku mõtlemise poolest - küllaltki kokkuhoidlikult mõistliku satsi kokku pannud.
manager of the month on küll ebaõnn muidugi - see rikub teil selle premieri kuu ära. Middlesbrough mäng juba oli esimene pauk.
Pmst nõustun sinuga. Aga minu arust on meeskond suhteliselt vana. Kogemuste mõttes on see muidugi hea iseasi, kas ka 2-3 aasta pärast see nii hea on. Minule on boltonist jäänud mulje, kui klubist, kes ostab endale premierlis või mujal juba veidi longu läinud mängijad suhteliselt odavalt ning suudab nad uuesti särama lüüa( a la Diouf). Kuid jah, ilma selle treenerita te nii kaugel ei oleks:P
Algselt postitas chelseafan112 Vaata postitustPmst nõustun sinuga. Aga minu arust on meeskond suhteliselt vana. Kogemuste mõttes on see muidugi hea iseasi, kas ka 2-3 aasta pärast see nii hea on. Minule on boltonist jäänud mulje, kui klubist, kes ostab endale premierlis või mujal juba veidi longu läinud mängijad suhteliselt odavalt ning suudab nad uuesti särama lüüa( a la Diouf). Kuid jah, ilma selle treenerita te nii kaugel ei oleks:P
nu aga treener ongi see kes selle kompoti mängima peab panema,Big Sam on ikka tegelt väga head tööd teinud arvestades et raha talle eriti meeste ostmiseks pole antudMis on ühist Tallinna jõulukuusel ja Cristiano Ronaldol? Mõlemad kipuvad ümber kukkuma, aga süüdi on alati teised!
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eilse 1-1 viigiga võõrsil Arsenali vastu võib väga rahule jääda,arvan et kodus suudame vajaliku võidu kätte saada.hea et Nolan hakkab ka väravaid jälle lööma.Mis on ühist Tallinna jõulukuusel ja Cristiano Ronaldol? Mõlemad kipuvad ümber kukkuma, aga süüdi on alati teised!
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Algselt postitas malagar Vaata postitustsitt tulemus kummalegi meeskonnale - üks mäng jälle juures niigi tihedas graafikus
edit: Boltoni jaoks pole ehk nii hull aga Arsele küll - nüüd sõidame up north ja saame ilge kolaka up the arse ilmselt nagu ikka.Mis on ühist Tallinna jõulukuusel ja Cristiano Ronaldol? Mõlemad kipuvad ümber kukkuma, aga süüdi on alati teised!
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Algselt postitas malagar Vaata postitusthehe üsna tõenäoline tsenaarium. krt võiks sinna Boltonisse mingid reservid saat a- millal põimeeskond seal üldse viimati võitis - kokku aeg saame tappa
peaks tõesti uurima ma millal me kodus Arsenalit pähe saimeMis on ühist Tallinna jõulukuusel ja Cristiano Ronaldol? Mõlemad kipuvad ümber kukkuma, aga süüdi on alati teised!
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