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    Noortekarika kaitsmist jätkame edukalt. Eile alistati Anfieldil veerandfinaalis Sheffield United 3:1. Liverpool võitis kaotusseisust Ryan Flynni, Ray Putterilli ning Stephen Darby väravatega. Kodulehe järgi olid 'pooli parimad Putterill ning Rootsist hangitud keskpoolik Astrit Ajdarevic.
    'pool: Hansen, Darby, Burns, Spearing, Threlfall, Barnett, Ryan, Flynn (Parsonage 87), Lindfield (Wignall 68), Ajdarevic, Putterill.
    Märtsis seisab ees kaheosaline poolfinaal Newcastle'iga.
    the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
    because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


      Ostsite Levekusenist Voronini endale järgmiseks hooajaks? Huvitav ost - võib täitsa läbi lüüa, aga mine sa tea.


        Algselt postitas Aramis Vaata postitust
        Ostsite Levekusenist Voronini endale järgmiseks hooajaks? Huvitav ost - võib täitsa läbi lüüa, aga mine sa tea.
        Või otsiti kiiret asendust juba praegu

        Täna pasundatakse et Fowler ,Dudek ja veel keegi olevat end Portugalis täis lakkunud ning Dudek olevat üritanud kohalikke ametimehi peaga toksida ,
        ning kuna Riise keeldus karaokest hakkis Bellamy tema jalgu golfikepiga...

        "Normaalsed" meediakanalid siiski veel vaikivad ..


          mis sellel bellamyl siis viga on et teda nüüd kohe maha tahetakse müüa? parem ikka kui pikkpoiss


            Kui klubisse kord osta selliseid riiukuke tüüpi mehi, keda alkohol märatsema paneb, on midagi taolist kahjuks oodata. Ega ma ei imesta küll.
            the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
            because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


              Algselt postitas mcnamara Vaata postitust
              Kui klubisse kord osta selliseid riiukuke tüüpi mehi, keda alkohol märatsema paneb, on midagi taolist kahjuks oodata. Ega ma ei imesta küll.
              asooo selline asi siis jah....


                Algselt postitas lfc Vaata postitust
                ning kuna Riise keeldus karaokest hakkis Bellamy tema jalgu golfikepiga...
                Mõned inimesed rääkisid kunagi, et aja küsimus...
                “The state of our pitch wouldn’t have affected Liverpool — with their game the ball is in the air most of the time.”
                The Special One


                  Muidugi, Bellamy läks ja peksis Riise jalgu golfikaikaga ja pärast järgmine päev tegid poisid trenni ja Riise polnudki ratastoolis. Mida sa McNamara arvad, et Dudek peksiski politseile peaga näkku, Pennant ja Fowler - vanad narkarid ja jotad loopisid restoranis klaase puruks ja märatsesid nagu loomad.

                  Väga lihtne on skandaalinäljas Briti tabloididel teha Bellamyst süüdlane - on teine ikka kaak, retsidivist ja alkoholist segaseks joonud maniakk. Eriti magus on seda ju teha, sest meil suur mäng Barcaga tulemas.. Ja kui iga tont seda kõike kulla pähe võtab, siis miks sul The S*ni näpus pole - seal ju ka tõde kirjas.

                  Midagi võiks nagu ikka õppida Inglise meedia usaldatavuse kohta.
                  Feel the strength of a hundred thousand heartbeats,
                  Cry welcome to the song.
                  And as it lifts you, time to move on.
                  We go!


                    November 2001
                    Along with Andy Griffin, Kieron Dyer and Carl Cort (it's like a Who's Who of nasty little scrotes, isn't it?), everyone's favourite Liverpool striker was sent home from Newcastle's training camp near Malaga.

                    Rather than attend a dinner held in honour of former Newcastle supremo Sir John Hall, the foursome decided to go 'to a local bar for a meal and a few quiet drinks'.

                    "They didn't realise it was such an important dinner," insisted agent Jonathan Barnett.

                    "They were just wandering around town and met up with their team-mates later."

                    February 2002
                    A 22-year-old Bellamy was cautioned by police for assaulting a local student 'in the early hours of the morning'.

                    "As a result of police inquiries into an allegation of assault made by a 20-year-old student, police have questioned and cautioned a Newcastle United footballer Craig Bellamy for the offence of common assault," said a police spokesman.

                    September 2002
                    There has been much discussion in F365 Towers this morning about how a man with no neck could headbutt someone - like Ram Man from He-Man is our best guess - but Bellamy seems to have it down to a fine art.

                    In this case, the man on the receiving end was Dynamo Kiev defender Tiberiu Ghioane. The referee missed the incident, but the telly cameras didn't - and Bellamy received a three-match ban.

                    Mind, the best bit about the whole affair was the no-beating-around-the-bush UEFA statement: "Bellamy deliberately head-butted an opponent in the face."

                    November 2002
                    When Zinedine Zidane headbutted Marco Materazzi and saw his dreams of winning a final World Cup disappear into thin air, it was far from the first time the Italian defender had been caught up in controversy.

                    Just two months after being dismissed for headbutting Ghioane - and just five minutes into Newcastle's clash with Inter Milan - Bellamy saw red again after kicking out in retaliation to a foul from Materazzi.

                    Bellamy, blasted by Sir Bobby Robson over the incident as "irresponsible and unprofessional", publicly apologised, saying, "I've no one to blame but myself. I've let everyone down."

                    Still, as long as he learned his lesson.

                    October 2003
                    So, did he learn his lesson?

                    Well, no, not if you ask the Cardiff court who fined him £750 after he was found guilty of using threatening and abusive language 'in a drink-fuelled confrontation' outside a nightclub.

                    March 2004
                    Newcastle confirm a "push and shove" argument between Bellamy and John Carver on the way to the club's UEFA Cup tie against Real Mallorca.

                    Which is very funny to everyone who watched as Bellamy, in the words of The Guardian, 'threw a chair at first-team coach John Carver during a furious row - over car parking of all things - at Newcastle airport'.

                    January 2005
                    While the 2004/05 season saw more clashes between Bellamy and Graeme Souness than could possibly be typed without wearing out a keyboard, possibly the most enjoyable was the incident in which Bellamy claimed to be injured to avoid playing on the wing.

                    Possibly the most used opening to a story ever - 'Craig Bellamy's [insert club here] career is hanging by a thread this morning' - was wheeled out again by the papers as news broke that Bellamy had claimed to be injured in training, only to unleash 'a stream of consciousness about his disaffection at playing on the wing' when questioned by Freddy Shepherd.

                    Actually, scratch that. The most enjoyable was probably the time Souness grabbed Bellamy by the throat and dragged him into the empty Newcastle training-ground gym, where we can all hope he gave him a good shoeing.

                    September 2006
                    To quote from the ever-reliable Football365:

                    'Newcastle coach Terry McDermott has branded Liverpool striker Craig Bellamy "a little upstart" over their tunnel bust-up at Anfield.

                    'The former Reds and Magpies midfielder launched a scathing attack on the 27-year-old after the pair clashed following Wednesday night's game between the two clubs.

                    'McDermott claims Bellamy, who left Newcastle after a fall-out with then manager Graeme Souness, provoked the incident by repeatedly called him names.

                    'McDermott said: "I was talking to the referee. It had nothing to do with anyone else and I take exception to little upstarts like him."'

                    November 2006
                    What McDermott's feelings were when that little upstart was found not guilty of assault by a Cardiff court are unknown. But that's what happened.

                    Indeed, Bellamy claimed in court that he himself had been assaulted when one of the women bringing charges against him struck a blow for humanity and slapped his face.

                    Sophie Palmer, who was 19, claimed Bellamy grabbed her around the throat and held her against a wall after they exchanged heated words in a corridor at the club. Holly Smith, who was 18, accused him of grabbing her by the wrist.

                    Bellamy's own version of events just reveals what a charmer he really is.

                    The Welshman 'told the court he was walking along the corridor when he caught Miss Palmer's eye and she asked what he was looking at.

                    'He said he replied: "Not you. If I was looking at anyone it would be those two girls over there. They're far prettier than you."

                    'Bellamy added that Miss Palmer responded by slapping him across the face.'

                    If only she'd had a golf club.
                    "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


                      Algselt postitas Sajets Vaata postitust
                      Midagi võiks nagu ikka õppida Inglise meedia usaldatavuse kohta.
                      Ma ei tea, millistest väljaannetest on jutt. Mina lugesin seda kõike Guardiani netiversioonist: siin.
                      Olen harjunud seal kirjutatut usaldama. Isegi kui neljandik väidetust on tõsi, on tegemist ühe ääretult nigela looga. Joomist ja laaberdamist pole põhjust õigustada. Karistuse määramise ja mängijate tuleviku eest hoolitsemise jätan Rafa hooleks.
                      the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
                      because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


                        Bellamy Bellamyks. Vello postitus võtab kenasti kokku ilmselge fakti, et selle mehe "kaelas" paiknevad veresooned ei juhi verd ilmselt aju sellistesse soppidesse, kus neist ka suurt kasu oleks. Kogu loo juures on kõige lahedam asi hoopis see: Beanpole striker Peter Crouch got the biggest cheer of the night for performing his famous robotic dance while singing along to MC Hammer’s Can’t Touch This. Lisage valemisse lõbusas tujus olev Dudek sama loo saatel "vedelat makaroni" tegemas ja mina isiklikult oleks nõus maksma märkimisväärseid summasid selle show nägemise eest.
                        Minu nimi on jyriöö, aga sõbrad kutsuvad mind tavaliselt külla.


                          Ärge öelge, et see pole andekas



                            Kõigepealt kirjutas loost inglismaal Mail on Sunday vist - sopakas. Edasi võtsid ülejäänud tabloidid selle ka üles. Ja kui juba tabloidid pasundasid Bellamy kureeritud ja läbi viidud ihunuhtlusest golfikepiga Riise säärte peal, siis läksid asjaga kaasa ka ülejäänud - Guardian, Telegraph, Times jne. Aga seemne pani mulda sopakas kes võttis info Portugali vastest, kelle dzurnod olid vihased, et mängijad ei andnud intervjuusi ja et treeningud olid kinnised.

                            Nüüd on juba jutt hoopis teine. Ja tuleks vast aru saada, et kõik ei ole eestlaste kombel ükskõiksed ja apaatsed ning kelle silme all võib ta ema vägistada, sest me võtame asju liiga rahulikult. Pigem on see temperamendi küsimus ja niikaua, kuni mingit kaklust ja suuremat füüsilist kontakti pole olnud, siis mina ei näe küll muretsemiseks ja silmakirjalikuks noomimiseks põhjust. Kui aga tõesti oleks golfikaikaga sääri sihitud, politseinikku peaga löödud ja klaase lõhutud ja lärmatud, siis see asi nii lihtsalt ei mööduks ja mõned vennad istuksid vast ikka veel kongis.
                            Feel the strength of a hundred thousand heartbeats,
                            Cry welcome to the song.
                            And as it lifts you, time to move on.
                            We go!


                              isegi Dudek oma ametlikul kodukal ütles, et see teema ja selle boostijad on veits geid.
                              see ei ole minu süü, et sa okaspuu oled

                              "joon palju ma tahan, aga ikka ta ei saa minust aru"

                              "Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple."


                                See Voronin võib meil ju rotatsioonis olla. Ega ta eest sakslastele tasuma ju ei pea ja palka jaksavad ameeriklased ehk maksta talle.
                                Homse eel ollakse ikka üllatavalt optimistlikud. Ma usun, et satume Barcelonas päris tugeva pressi alla. 1:1 oleks ideaalne, 1:2 talutav. Sõbrad viiasattijad ei paista meist välja tegevat, nii et peab hiinlastele lootma.
                                the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
                                because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire

