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    Mis jutt see nüüd siis Torrese ja Gerrardi võimalikust müümisest on?


      Liverpool director Tom Hicks Jnr sends fan abusive email
      Relations between Liverpool fans and the club’s owners plumbed new depths on Saturday night after it emerged that Tom Hicks Jnr, a director at Anfield, had sent an obscene and abusive email to a supporter concerned over the side’s finances.

      The supporter alleges that Hicks Jr, son of the co-owner Tom Hicks, called him an "idiot" and then, in a separate email, told him: "Blow me fuck face. Go to hell. I'm sick of you."

      Ja siis veel nagu Epic juba mainis:

      Algselt postitas Benitez
      "We would have conversations if we had to decide about this. Finishing in the top four is the key to keeping everyone together."
      Lehtedes on muidugi sellest tehtud jutt, et Torrest voi Gerrardi tahetakse müüa...


        No ega siin nüüd midagi imestada küll ei ole. Torres kahtlemata ei taha jätkata klubis, mis ei osale ML. Täpselt nagu on fännidele võimatu selgeks teha, et kui nelja hulgas ei lõpetata, peab ikka Benitezi managerina edasi hoidma. Tõenäoliselt tuleb neil mõlemal sel juhul minna. Torrese eest veidi raha saadakse, et Rafale kompensatsioon välja laduda.
        Aga eks kõik ole nüüd hooaja teisel poolel nende enda teha, mis meeste tulevikku Liverpoolis puudutab.
        the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
        because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


          Liverpool Football Club today announce that Thomas Hicks Jr has resigned as a director of both the club and its parent company Kop Holdings.

          Directors have been elected to the boards of both companies.

          These are Philip Nash, LFC Chief Financial Officer; Ian Ayre, LFC Commercial Director; and Casey Coffman, Executive Vice President of Hicks Holdings.

          Casey Coffmani nimi paneb mind mõtlema kohvrimehe peale. Näen vaimusilmas inimest, kelle töö on Hickside rahakohvrit käe külge aheldatult ringi tirida. Võib vabalt nõnda ollagi.
          the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
          because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


            mäng võiks t2na toimuda tegelt w kolmapäeval.Ma kuskilt lugesin et kolmapäeval peaks ole ma aga noh jah pole hasti nii w naa lännü forza aguilani aquilani nationi back

            me peame poolile pöialt hoidma eks
            mina teen seda iga mäng ple 1 madg ka vaatamata jäänu wot viin on hea


              Algselt postitas aquilani4
              viin on hea
              annab tunda. eriti kui hommikul jooma hakata.


                Kolmapäevane Liverpool vs Reading on VSB pealt täiesti arusaamatul kellaajal. Sellest kanalist pole mingit tolku.
                the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
                because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


                  Algselt postitas eston maravilha Vaata postitust
                  annab tunda. eriti kui hommikul jooma hakata.
                  Ma ei usu, et 10 aastased juba viinapudeli otsa sattunud.


                    põlvamaal on kõik võimalik.


                      Edasilükatud vs Spurs Anfieldil plaanis juba 20. jaanuaril.
                      the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
                      because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


                        Noorte FA kapp läheb meil kenasti nagu tavaks. Eile trügiti kindlalt auti Leicester 5:1. Soomlane Lauri Dalla Valle lõi kübara, seltsiks Ngoo ja Ince'i väravad.
                        'pooli noored: Chamberlain, Flanagan, Robinson (Ellison 62), Wisdom, McGiveron (Sama 73), Coady, Buchtmann, Roberts, Ngoo, Ince, Dalla Valle (Adorjan 78).
                        the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
                        because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


                          M. Rodriguez läbib täna Anfieldil arstliku vaatluse ja istub õhtul tribüünil. Kui suurem lumesadu karikamängu taas edasi ei lükka.
                          Kas täna ka leping alla kirjutatakse või pole mehel Atleticoga päriselt sotid selged, seda ei teagi.
                          the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
                          because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


                            Manageeriv direktor Christian Purslow arvas staaride müügi kohta järgmist:
                            The idea that we would ever wish to sell our top players is completely against the interests of this club.
                            In fact our key priority since the summer has been to secure our senior players on long term improved contracts, because we remain of the view that our starting eleven compares with anybody in the Premier League.
                            Our plan - and what we are working on - is to try and improve the team; not to be so stupid as to reduce the quality of our squad.
                            The suggestion in any way that we would sell players in order to pay down debt or pay money to our owners is preposterous. Neither is true. Neither is possible.
                            Any proceeds we generate from the sale of players can only go into our player account for the recruitment of new players.

                            Uue raha sisse toomise suhtes klubisse oli ilueedi ka küllalt lootustandev. Kuigi juttudest oleks aeg juba tegudeni jõuda. Väidetavalt sel kevadel siis miskit uudist on loota.
                            the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
                            because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


                              Pakun, et jääb 3-0, kus Nando ja Gerrard skoorivad.


                                Algselt postitas Jose Vaata postitust
                                Pakun, et jääb 3-0, kus Nando ja Gerrard skoorivad.
                                ma juba mõtlesin, et võitsime midagi.
                                see ei ole minu süü, et sa okaspuu oled

                                "joon palju ma tahan, aga ikka ta ei saa minust aru"

                                "Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple."

