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Liverpool FC
no mis siin ikka öelda muud.....
raha on...ja on kulutatud...vigastusi palju pole....mängijad lubavad esimese 6 sisse mängida...
Seega viga on treeneris....kui lähima 3 mänguga pööret ei tule, siis arvan et ta teeb minekut....nagu ta isegi ütles et pärast 10 liigamängu on aeg asja hinnata...
Olukord on sitt ja annab minna ainult sitemaks ning peatreeneri vahetus ei tee olukorda paremaks. Mäletate kuidas Torrest ja SG jäämisega hoiti terve suvi pinget üleval? Minu loogika ütleb, et kui Royle kinga anda, siis uue peatreeneriga ei hakka need mehed üldse läbirääkimisi pidamagi.
Eilne mäng oli taas katastroof. Vastased teevad Anfieldil mida ise tahavad. Blackpool oleks võinud vabalt 3 väravat lisaks surada. Meil oli 2-3 poolkõva võimalust. Me suutsime küll palli hoida, kuid me ei suuda vastaste kaitset lahti harutada. Pall jääb karistusala juures seisma ning parim? lahendus on kuskile äärde lükata, kus see siis tsenderdatakse. Ei toida.
7/10 peetud ja ma ei näe küll hetkel seda kus kohast need paugud peaksid hakkama tulema, et 10nendaks mänguks positiivse hinnangu saaksin anda sellele hooajale
Algselt postitas Roy Hodgson enne Blackpooli mangu"But then I knew Manchester United and Manchester City were going to be tough, and I knew Arsenal with 10 men was going to be tough, so maybe six points is not so bad. "
“I would accuse you of being unrealistic if you are suggesting we should doing what Arsenal, who have had the same team for the last six years, and Chelsea, who have just won the league, are doing. We finished seventh last season. I don’t understand why you are suggesting we should be comparing ourselves every day with Chelsea or Manchester United at this early stage of the season.”
“How many clubs have I had in 35 years? What do you mean, do my methods translate? They translated from Halmstads to Malmo to Orebro to Neuchâtel Xamax to the Swiss national team.
“The question is quite frankly insulting, I suppose. That question is suggesting something. To suggest that suddenly because you move from one club to another, the methods that have stood you in good stead for 35 years and made you one of the most respected coaches in the Europe suddenly do not work. I find it very, very hard to believe that someone has even asked me that question.”Liverpool manager Roy Hodgson is determined to free up some much-needed cash to spend in the January transfer window by ousting several of his overpaid bit-part players - beginning with midfielder Lucas Leiva.
Huvitav intekas Rafaga:
Kelle peale paneksite siis raha jargmises Merseyside´i derbis?
Algselt postitas zip Vaata postitustHodgson müügu Poulsen maha, sellest mehest pole mingit kasu.
Algselt postitas maggio Vaata postitustSiis võiks sama moodi Hodgsoni maha müüda, kasu pole temastki.
Algselt postitas Nohik Vaata postitustKelle peale paneksite siis raha jargmises Merseyside´i derbis?
Algselt postitas $$$ Vaata postitustSee on vist ainuke mäng, kus ma julgeks mõelda Pooli peale. Tavaliselt ikka selleks suudetakse ennast kokku võtta...
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