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    Rahu, võta oma United'i vihkamisega natuke tuure maha. Aga kas kuskilt tervet mängu saab uuesti vaadata, keegi teab? ei saanud mängu vaadata :S
    Üks küsimus veel: Kas Artetal jääb meiega mäng vahele?
    Love United
    Hate Glazer


      Algselt postitas zazero Vaata postitust
      Rahu, võta oma United'i vihkamisega natuke tuure maha. Aga kas kuskilt tervet mängu saab uuesti vaadata, keegi teab? ei saanud mängu vaadata :S
      Üks küsimus veel: Kas Artetal jääb meiega mäng vahele?
      Artetal jääb ainult Miki Hiir Chelseaga vahele


        Algselt postitas zazero Vaata postitust
        Aga kas kuskilt tervet mängu saab uuesti vaadata, keegi teab? ei saanud mängu vaadata :S
        Siit saab


          Edit: Jõuti ette Artetaga.


            Algselt postitas malagar Vaata postitust
            Artetal jääb ainult Miki Hiir Chelseaga vahele
            Hmm,kas Premmis ei jää mitte otse punasega 3 mängu vahele? Või?


              Algselt postitas tarry Vaata postitust
              Hmm,kas Premmis ei jää mitte otse punasega 3 mängu vahele? Või?
              sõltub, mille eest antakse. seekord oli kätega maha kiskumine ehk denying an obvious goalscoring opportunity - 1 mäng. kui oleks vikati lasknud, oleks ilmselt kolm saanud, sest siis oleks ka serious foul play.

              e: need jagunevad siis nii, et

              lükkad mehe pikali või mängid joonel käega - 1 mäng
              saadad kohtuniku uttivisse - 2 mängu
              vägivaldne käitumine, tõsine viga või sülitamine - 3 mängu
              armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle


                Algselt postitas vincent Vaata postitust
                sõltub, mille eest antakse. seekord oli kätega maha kiskumine ehk denying an obvious goalscoring opportunity - 1 mäng. kui oleks vikati lasknud, oleks ilmselt kolm saanud, sest siis oleks ka serious foul play.

                e: need jagunevad siis nii, et

                lükkad mehe pikali või mängid joonel käega - 1 mäng
                saadad kohtuniku uttivisse - 2 mängu
                vägivaldne käitumine, tõsine viga või sülitamine - 3 mängu
                Selge,tänud,jälle vähe targem.


                  easy peasy lemon squeezi
                  "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF


                    kannibalism- 10 mängu
                    SAF- “I am not kidding. This isn’t just a job to me. It’s a mission. I am deadly serious about it – some people would reckon too serious…we will get there. Believe me. And when it happens life will change for Liverpool and everybody else – dramatically.”


                      kung-fu löök - 8 kuud


                        Algselt postitas Singi kaupmees Vaata postitust
                        Famous comeback kuulsa ja võimsa stoke city vastu!! Moyes on asja ümber pööranud! 10 more years
                        Je suis Nasfal


                          WOODWARD ON TRANSFERS, MOYES AND MORE...

                          On his background…

                          I went to Brentwood School which had a lot of football connections. We had an amazing school team. Frank Lampard went there, Neil Harris from Millwall. I played until I was 11 when I got juvenile arthritis, which still affects me. That knocked me sideways I was massively into sport.

                          I was quite lucky in my career. A friend suggested that I should look at a bank and I got in at Flemings bank just before they changed the rules on working at such banks. Flemings was bought out by JP Morgan and I was involved in the United takeover as an advisor. I jumped at the chance of working on that as I love sport. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I’d end up working for United, let alone running it.

                          On the Glazer takeover of United in 2005…

                          I totally understand how fans became concerned. Fans quite understandably weren’ t clear about what was going on. There was resistance from (United’s) management team and yet some of the major shareholders were willing to sell. There were two areas where people were concerned: the debt level and what would happen next.

                          The biggest issue, which the fans had boiled down into one line was a fear for the future.

                          If you’re not told about what the strategy is, if you’re not told ‘we’re going to invest in the team’, if you’re not told ‘nothing is going to change’ or ‘don’ t worry about the debt because it won’t have any impact on transfers’ and if you don’t hear guarantees that we’re not going to re-name Old Trafford, then you start to worry.

                          Could the PR side have been handled better?

                          Can PR be done better? Read the recent newspaper articles about me. Do I look like a PR expert?
                          I’m not going to not say things just because it means I’ll get some negative press

                          Could we have done better? Absolutely.

                          We need to be clear that we’re not going to put the club under financial risk and communicate that.

                          On Fergie quitting…

                          The announcement that I’d be replacing David Gill went out shortly after I’d been for lunch with Alex. Two hours onto that lunch he told me he was leaving. I was gobsmacked, absolutely gobsmacked. We had some red wine on the go and I nearly dropped my glass.
                          Alex Ferguson

                          I would have given my arm just to have the chance to have worked with the most illustrious man in British football, if only for a year.

                          I’m quite gutted that I can’t work with him, to listen to him, to learn from him. That wasn’t to be.
                          I said ‘really?’ to him several times.

                          On his lack of experience in the job …

                          I can’t hold my hands up and say before the summer that I’d completed a transfer. I hadn’t.
                          We don’t have a director of football because we back the manager to make those decisions.

                          We don’t want the manager to be a hired gun for the next two or three years, we want the next generation to have him there creating his own legacy.

                          He can decide, he’s the football expert. He makes the decision, all I do is negotiate it. And negotiating is something I’ve done all my career. I feel I’m very good at that.

                          On appointing David Moyes …

                          Nothing really happened before March and the first part of April. We had some meetings, myself Joel and Avi (Glazer), Alex and his son Jason. David Gill also gave input. Bobby (Charlton) too, but later on.

                          Alex gave his views and wrote down notes as to who should be on the list. David was always top of that list. There were conversations about other managers, largely to cross them off the list.

                          Without the recommendation of Alex there may have been a different process. We may have ended up with the same answer.
                          David Moyes

                          Alex called David Moyes. He sat him down in his boys’ room at home by the snooker table. He said ‘you’re our number one choice’. I met David the next day in the same place. Alex went downstairs and I spent a couple of hours with the manager.

                          To be honest it was done when Alex said. But it was good for me to meet him and hear his ideas and plans.

                          On criticism of United’s transfer dealings in the summer …

                          It was disappointing that we didn’t sign more players but I always knew it was going to be a tough window.

                          We had a manager leaving and a manager arriving on July 1. As a club, we didn’t want to impose a plan on the new manager that had come from the old manager.

                          I know other clubs have done that across the Premier League where a director of football has brought players even before the new manager has arrived. That happened very close to home.

                          So we knew we had a truncated window with less time to operate.

                          The early view was that we needed a central midfielder and a left-back. That was David’s view, but he also wanted to spend some time with the squad. There wasn’t a long list of people he wanted to go after. We agreed early on that we didn’t mind carrying a big squad into the season. We didn’t need to make disposals, to sell players, until the manager was absolutely clear in what he wanted to do.

                          So we kept the players and added Fellaini, the first central midfielder we’ve bought in six years. And Varela, the right-back. Zaha was paid for with money from this summer so we spent £42million in total.

                          But I do understand why people don’t view it as a successful window.

                          I’ve learned about the media – and about not putting my head in my hands while being on television at a match.

                          On making the bid to Barcelona for Cesc Fabregas public …

                          Because it was an approach specific to the selling club. They have ownership structure that means there has to be a debate before a player is sold.

                          On keeping Wayne Rooney …

                          It was very important from day one that we made our position very clear. There were a lot of conversations and meetings. I’m delighted that he’s still wearing red.

                          I wanted to click my fingers and for it to be September 3. He’s irreplaceable and phenomenal to watch.

                          On bidding for Athletic Bilbao midfielder Ander Herrera?

                          I think we should have denied all the stories on the last day about Herrera because they were rubbish.

                          I think people wanted it to be done. The truth is quite boring. We’ve tracked him for nearly three years. He’s got a lot of big plusses. The decision to put Ander on the list was a very late one. We had a figure in our minds about what he was worth.

                          I know the president at Bilbao and put a bid in. He was very courteous and no. Given that they can only take players from a limited Basque pool, they wanted to keep him. Once they said to us ‘only the buy-out clause being met will issue a release’ we knew it wasn’t going to happen. Our rating of his value wasn’t the buy-out clause.

                          On the infamous three imposters who were said to have hijacked the deal …

                          They were nothing to do with us, nothing to do with the agent and, according to Bilbao, nothing to do with them.

                          On the last day, the story seemed to have legs of its own. I had seven people call me on the last day and try to insert themselves into the deal. This happens a lot

                          I can only imagine that people who wanted to insert themselves into the deal turned up at the league’s offices.

                          On big-money transfers …

                          Spending an extraordinary amount on a player, that is more than you should on a player, can have negative consequences on other players in the team and also on the player who has the burden of being the most expensive player in Manchester United’s history.

                          Was Fernando Torres worth £50m? Was Andy Carroll worth £35m? If that deal had happened at the theoretical market value, maybe the weight of expectation wouldn’t have been the same on both players and they wouldn’t have acted the same.

                          It also has a knock-on effect on a salaries of the other players. A perception that we overpay is not a good thing either.

                          All we try to do is pay the right amount for a player. We’ll pay a bit more within a range like we did with Fellaini, but we weren’t willing to go to 36m euros with Herrera.

                          On Cristiano Ronaldo playing for United again …

                          Who knows? I don’t like the fact that, in the list of 25 players in the Ballon d’Or, we’ll have Robin and Wayne. I don’t like the fact that there are consistently more players from Spain on that list. We as a club should be aspiring to have the best players playing for us. We’re in for players if the manager wants to be.

                          I don’t like the fact that we miss him (Ronaldo) as a player., he was phenomenal. I’ll always remember him at Arsenal in the Champions League semi-final. That guy was a genius, an absolute top, top player.

                          On the lack of atmosphere at Old Trafford …

                          All fans are important but the Stretford Ender who turns up at one minute to three, who doesn’t spend any money in the Megastore, who doesn’t buy a beer, doesn’t even buy one of our delicious

                          pies, that’s our core fan. He’s the one watching through tunnel vision. He’s red, white and black all over. And he matters. We’re conscious of what fans want. We know they don’t want a United helter skelter outside the stadium, we know it’s not Disneyland.

                          On bring back standing areas for fans …

                          Standing is something we’ll look at. I can definitely see the appeal of the German model, Dortmund being the standout in that thjeir ticket prices are very reasonable. That and their team have completely delivered.

                          You can still have an amazing atmosphere at Old Trafford. Real Madrid at home, the 7-1 v Roma. Spine tingling nights.

                          Standing can make a difference though. Look at the Bernabeu in Madrid. They have a standing area behind the goal which helps.
                          Pay attention to the manager!


                            "The lad [Chicharito] has won the game for them, but in my view he shouldn’t have been on the pitch anyway. It was a poor challenge on Robert Huth, and reckless in my view. Why the assistant referee didn’t see fit to do something about it I don’t know.

                            I think referees and assistants see what they see and make decisions accordingly. There was a 70,000 crowd here, and they have a big influence on people, not just referees. At times you have to be strong as a referee as well."
                            Sparky ka ikka jätkuvalt mõnus debiil või on Pulis selle mantli endast maha jätnud. Küsi oma Palacioselt, mismoodi ta kaks jalga ees Cleverleyle sisse hüppamise eest isegi kollast ei saanud.

                            PS shawcross on c*nt.
                            armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle


                              Sellest Chica vs Huth olukorrast liikuvat pilti ka on?


                                Asusin ka pilti otsima, sest eile laivis paistis suhteliselt selge kollasena, aga mitte enamat. Jään esialgse arvamuse juurde.

                                20 LEGEND

