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Manchester United FC

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    Vastus teemale \'Manchester United FC\'

    Algselt postitas vincent

    Algselt postitas mehis

    Algselt postitas Epic

    Algselt postitas greystone

    üks teemaväline küsimus, keegi teab kus 2006/2007 champions league finaal toimub, eelmine aasta oli pariisis ja üleeelmine aasta istanbulis, kus siis see aasta?
    Kas Wemblyl ei pidanud olema??
    Wembley ei saaks valmiski selleks ajaks...

    Algselt pidi seal olema, aga Wembley avamine lükkus edasi ja ei jõua nüüdsete plaanide järgi valmis finaali ajaks. Siis ehk näeme finaali seal 2008l aastal.


      Vastus teemale \'Manchester United FC\'

      võimalik, et martin läheb laenuga rangersisse.

      [quote]Algselt postitas mehis

      Kui jätta välja kaitseliini, siis mängis ManU pärist tugeva koosseisuga. Aga halb uudis on see, et Carrick võib jätta vigastuse tõttu vahele avamängu Fulhamiga. Lisaks on veel niigi kahtlane Gary Neville, Nemanja Vidic ja Gabriel Heinze osalemine seal. Ja karistada võivad veel saada Rooney ja Scholes. Päris palju vajalike mehi võib ju puududa. Aga see Lee Martin on saanud hooaja eelsetes mängudes päris hästi hakkama saanud ja ehk murrab algaval hooajal reservidest enda ka põhmeeskonda. Eelmisel hooajal Antwerpenis olevat päris hästi mänginud.


        Vastus teemale \'Manchester United FC\'

        WAYNE ROONEY will today be hit with a three-match ban following his sending-off for violent conduct on Manchester United\'s pre-season tour of Amsterdam.

        Rooney will miss United\'s first three Premiership games of the season against Fulham, Charlton and Watford after the Dutch FA reported him to the English FA for violent conduct. The FA are duty-bound to hit Rooney with the mandatory suspension, which United have already declared they will contest with an official appeal for wrongful dismissal.


          Vastus teemale \'Manchester United FC\'

          Algselt postitas eestimees

          WAYNE ROONEY will today be hit with a three-match ban following his sending-off for violent conduct on Manchester United\'s pre-season tour of Amsterdam.

          Rooney will miss United\'s first three Premiership games of the season against Fulham, Charlton and Watford after the Dutch FA reported him to the English FA for violent conduct. The FA are duty-bound to hit Rooney with the mandatory suspension, which United have already declared they will contest with an official appeal for wrongful dismissal.
          Rooney Will Escape FA Ban
          Wayne Rooney will escape a Premiership ban, even though his sending-off for use of the elbow against Porto in Friday\'s friendly is described as \'violent conduct\' in the referee\'s report being sent to the Dutch FA this week. Their English counterparts will have the final say on whether Rooney is hit with a three-match suspension and are keen to spare the 20-year-old following a turbulent summer. Privately, they feel the fourth red card of the striker\'s career was harsh and fear an unwarranted suspension could threaten the new cordial relations between Old Trafford and Soho Square following Steve McClaren\'s appointment as England manager

          MIda nüüd uskuda?
          MU FCUK


            Vastus teemale \'Manchester United FC\'

            Algselt postitas Neevitser

            Algselt postitas eestimees

            WAYNE ROONEY will today be hit with a three-match ban following his sending-off for violent conduct on Manchester United\'s pre-season tour of Amsterdam.

            Rooney will miss United\'s first three Premiership games of the season against Fulham, Charlton and Watford after the Dutch FA reported him to the English FA for violent conduct. The FA are duty-bound to hit Rooney with the mandatory suspension, which United have already declared they will contest with an official appeal for wrongful dismissal.
            Rooney Will Escape FA Ban
            Wayne Rooney will escape a Premiership ban, even though his sending-off for use of the elbow against Porto in Friday\'s friendly is described as \'violent conduct\' in the referee\'s report being sent to the Dutch FA this week. Their English counterparts will have the final say on whether Rooney is hit with a three-match suspension and are keen to spare the 20-year-old following a turbulent summer. Privately, they feel the fourth red card of the striker\'s career was harsh and fear an unwarranted suspension could threaten the new cordial relations between Old Trafford and Soho Square following Steve McClaren\'s appointment as England manager

            MIda nüüd uskuda?
            otame õhtulehe ära siis usume seda


              Vastus teemale \'Manchester United FC\'

              FA=Kamp kretiinseid ja korrumpeerunud sitakotte


                Vastus teemale \'Manchester United FC\'

                Viasati kodukas justkui lubaks täna Oxfordi mängu näidata kella 10st. arvab, et VS2 näitab hoopis Leedsi mängu. Martin jälle kuskil mainis, et esimesed Leedsi CCC mängud jäävad näitamata. Mis värk on siis, seltsimehed?
                We have to disorganise their organisation so we have to be very creative.


                  Vastus teemale \'Manchester United FC\'

                  Algselt postitas eestimees

                  WAYNE ROONEY will today be hit with a three-match ban following his sending-off for violent conduct on Manchester United\'s pre-season tour of Amsterdam.

                  Rooney will miss United\'s first three Premiership games of the season against Fulham, Charlton and Watford after the Dutch FA reported him to the English FA for violent conduct. The FA are duty-bound to hit Rooney with the mandatory suspension, which United have already declared they will contest with an official appeal for wrongful dismissal.
                  Kui ma ei eksi, siis allikaks on The Sun, nii et väga tõsiselt ei tarvitse seda võtta.

                  E: tegu on siiski Daily Mirroriga


                    Vastus teemale \'Manchester United FC\'

                    Algselt postitas fitti

                    Viasati kodukas justkui lubaks täna Oxfordi mängu näidata kella 10st. arvab, et VS2 näitab hoopis Leedsi mängu. Martin jälle kuskil mainis, et esimesed Leedsi CCC mängud jäävad näitamata. Mis värk on siis, seltsimehed?
                    Oxfordi mängu näete, esimene selle hooaja leedsi mäng viasatil on pühapäeval palace vastu.
                    Uskuda tasub viasati ametlikku telekava, teistel lehtedel lihtsalt muudatused sisse viimata.


                      Vastus teemale \'Manchester United FC\'

                      Fergie plaanib Brondbyga leibasid ühte kappi panna. Eks sellest võimalusest sahistati pisut juba Meulensteeni mineku järel.
                      We have to disorganise their organisation so we have to be very creative.


                        Vastus teemale \'Manchester United FC\'

                        Nagu mängueelsest kommentaarist kuulda võis, on Rooney ja Scholes igal juhul Fulhami vastu (veel) keelust vabad, sest koosseis tuleb juba üles anda, aga FA pole veel Hollandist kohtuniku raportit kätte saanud, mille põhjal saaks üldse mingit karistust määrata. Ja kui ma poole kõrvaga kuulates nüüd õigesti pihta sain, siis see karistuse määramine on just Inglise FA pädevuses. Loodame, et neil mõistust rohkem jagub kui sellel oinasarvel, kellele vile ja kaardid kogemata kätte olid sattund. Muide Scholes sai ka ikkagi otse punase, nagu ülevaatest näha võis, nii et kui tuleb karistus, siis ilmselt samaväärne Rooneyga.
                        armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle


                          Vastus teemale \'Manchester United FC\'

                          Sõprusmäng Oxfordi vastu 4-1


                            Vastus teemale \'Manchester United FC\'

                            Oxford 1 United 4
                            Cristiano Ronaldo shrugged off the boo-boys to score two goals on Tuesday night.

                            The Portuguese winger was predictably baited by the England fans inside Oxford United\'s Kassam Stadium. But that couldn\'t divert him from the job in hand and he bagged one strike in each half as the Reds ran out 4-1 winners.

                            Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, with the opener, and Darren Fletcher, also in the first half, were United\'s other scorers. Duffy pulled one back for the home side to make the half-time score 3-1.

                            Gabriel Heinze, Mikael Silvestre and Louis Saha also started the match, their first since returning from the World Cup finals.

                            te ei kujuta ette kui õnnelik ma olen.
                            We Can Show The World What A Team Is About - Manchester United


                              Vastus teemale \'Manchester United FC\'

                              Ole värav oli puhas kuld... super stuff ma ütlen... ja ega ronaltsi omad ka alla jäänud... aga kus ronaldo sai buuutamise osaliseks, iga puude oli BUUUUUU. Pussy värav oli vahi blunder... aga normaalne löök siiski...

                              ei. päris hea mäng oli tegelt


                                Vastus teemale \'Manchester United FC\'

                                Duo free to face Fulham
                                Wayne Rooney and Paul Scholes will not be suspended for United\'s Premiership opener against Fulham.
                                The pair were sent off in United\'s friendly win over Porto last week and were widely tipped to miss the Cottagers\' visit on August 20.
                                However, according to FA rules, a punishment cannot be implemented until 14 days after the receipt of a referee\'s report.
                                With the FA yet to receive any paperwork on the matter from their Dutch counterparts, Scholes and Rooney will not miss the game.
                                The threat of a ban still looms over both players, however, and it remains to be seen what action the FA will take upon receiving the report from referee Ruud Bossen.

                                Ja saavad siis banni vb. Arsenali spursi mänguks ...
                                THE FA

                                The Reward is Cheese.

