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    Õhõh,juhtus üks troll footballi klassikusse minev seik, mis väärib eraldi postitust.

    Nimelt olid eelnevalt jäänud väljakule ragbiplatsi jooned ning ühe ragbi joone ja otsajoone vahe oli mingi 2-3 meetrit. Ja kui pall sattus sinna kanti, lasi Will Keane pallil üle ragbijoone veereda, võttis pali endale kätte ja lootis nurgalööki saada. Loomulikult vilistati lõpuks käsi


      Fabio ja Zaha mõlemad Gunnari juurde. Homme loomulikult mängu veel ei pääse. Kahtlane tunne, et Fabiot enam punaste kuradite särgis ei näe, aga Zahal saab olema igati hea hüppelaud enda tõestamiseks/näitamiseks. Edu ja arengut igal juhul mõlemale.
      SAF- “I am not kidding. This isn’t just a job to me. It’s a mission. I am deadly serious about it – some people would reckon too serious…we will get there. Believe me. And when it happens life will change for Liverpool and everybody else – dramatically.”


        Mikker,Ruun & Perse on tagasi trennis.

        Hakkab looma.

        Homses kodumängus sekkub Mata ilmselt vahetusest? Kagawa kütab rahva soojaks?


          Kuskilt lugesingi, et Fabio läheb Cardiffi päriseks ja Zaha laenu diilina.


            Fabio müüakse maha jah. On teine juba trennigi teinud Cardiffiga. Laenule pold ju mõtet saata, kuivõrd kuus kuud oli lepingut kõigest alles. Homme veel ei mängi, sest ametlikult pole diil veel tehtud.Mõnes mõttes kurb ,sest sai ju kunagi ette kujutatud, kuidas vennad da Silvad, üks vasakul ,teine paremal koos aastast aastasse lammutavad. Edu igatahes Cardiffis, küll Ole poisi mängima paneb

            Fabio: "Thank you all the supporters and everybody in the club. The club didn’t help just me but all my family. I will be thankful for rest of my life"

            "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF


              Moyes on igatahes hoiatuse andnud, tagumine aeg meestel jalad perse alt välja tõmmata ja mängima hakata, muidu näidatakse suvel ust ka.
              Moyes added: "I have given every player the opportunity to play and show what they can do. We have had a pretty good chance to have a look at it. The players have to perform. If they want to be here and making sure they have a jersey, they have to show it in the games. Undoubtedly this club wants to be at the top. We want to be challenging. At this moment in time we have failed to do that. We want to do something about it."
              Mata positsiooni kohta
              "Juan has come to play three positions – off the right, off the left and behind the striker," Moyes said. "He gives me a lot of flexibility. I have been without Wayne for about a month, Robin for two months, and I think if I'd had Juan in that period, I'd more than likely have had better results. Juan will play in different positions, and we could have done with him in the last month or two."
              Ja kes tahab tervet artiklit lugeda siis http://www.theguardian.com/football/...ited-juan-mata
              "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF


                Oli ka aeg Moyesel end kehtestama hakata, mängijad jube ülbeks ära läinud.
                THEO HERNANDEZ


                  See suhtumine juba mulle meeldib.


                    Algselt postitas SainAru Vaata postitust
                    Kuskilt lugesingi, et Fabio läheb Cardiffi päriseks ja Zaha laenu diilina.

                    jah, sest mõlemat ei saakski samasse klubisse laenule saata

                    Premier League rules prohibit two player going on loan to another club in the same league, so Fabio’s deal will be a permanent switch.
                    GEORGE: No, no, no! Nothing happens /-/ RUSSELL: Well, why am I watching it?
                    GEORGE: Because it's on TV RUSSELL: Not yet..
                    (Seinfeld, The Pitch)


                      Pmst top4 siis kindel nyyd ja.

                      keegi t2na pela vaatama ka kuhugi? ma tahaks kindlasti vitti ja ta naisekesega koos jalgpalli vaadata

                      pidavat arukad jalgpallihuvilised olema


                        Nanist ka mingeid uudisied?
                        "But you can't write us off. You can never write Manchester United off."


                          Algselt postitas EII Vaata postitust
                          Nanist ka mingeid uudisied?
                          Kui Physioroomi uskuda, siis on vigastatud hamstring ja mingit konkreetset kuupäeva antud pole, millal terveks saab.
                          DM neljandal jaanuaril : "Nani has got a hamstring injury which is probably going to keep him out for quite a while. It's a serious hamstring injury that he picked up in training."
                          "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF




                              Mata ja RVP starting XI. Rooney pingil.

                              starting XI: De Gea; Rafael, Smalling, Evans, Evra; Valencia, Jones, Giggs, Young; Mata, van Persie

                              subs: Lindegaard, Cleverley, Fletcher, Januzaj, Kagawa, Hernandez, Rooney


                                Cardiff City FC ‏@CardiffCityFC 7m
                                Subs: Lewis, Turner, Kim, Eikrem, Gunnarsson, Daehli, Berget
                                Retweeted by Manchester United
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                                Cardiff City FC ‏@CardiffCityFC 7m
                                TEAM NEWS: Marshall, Caulker, Hudson (c), John, Mcnaughton, Medel, Whitts, Noone, Mutch, Bellamy, Campbell.

