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    Algselt postitas vincent Vaata postitust
    A noh ennetades kiireid "sack Woodward" karjatusi, siis hästi labaselt sõnastades on küsimus selles, et manku pakkus neile asja lihtsustamiseks väljaostuklausli ulatuses raha. Bilbao tahab seevastu, et matchitaks ametlikult väljaostuklausel, mis tähendab omakorda seda, et manku peab tehingu pealt taguma ka maksud kinni ja see pole mitte just väike raha, oli vist 44% ostusummast. Bilbao sellest mingit suuremat rahalist kasu ei saa, ainult seda, et edaspidi loodetavasti lihtsalt keegi ei viitsi nendega asju ajada ja jätab nende mängijad rahule. Investeering tulevikku niiöelda, mida ei saa neile ka kuidagi ette heita, kui arvestada, et nende võimalus turul valida on konkurentidega võrreldes ju väga piiratud.
    Mina saan aru, et Bilbao võidab siinjuures selle raha, mis neil muidu kuluks maksudele. 44% ostusummast, või nii. Või kes siis muidu need maksud kinni plekiks?
    The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


      Kas sellest mitte juba kuskil varem juttu ei olnud, et Hispaanias peab mängija väljaostuklausli aktiveerimiseks ise raha deposiiti kandma. Herrera (ja üldse Baskimaalt liikuvate mängijate) puhul rakendub neile aga mingi veider maksukohustus, mis on pealiskaudsel uurimisel seotud kõigile piirkonna mängijatele kohaldatava maksusoodustusega, kuniks neil sealtkandi klubiga kehtiv leping. Mingid allikad väidavad selle suuruseks antud üleminekutasu juures ca £4,5m. Eks ManU plekib ka selle täiendavalt kinni, aga spekuleeritakse, et selle võrra väheneb ka Herrera palk.
      Minu nimi on jyriöö, aga sõbrad kutsuvad mind tavaliselt külla.


        Algselt postitas jyriöö Vaata postitust
        Kas sellest mitte juba kuskil varem juttu ei olnud, et Hispaanias peab mängija väljaostuklausli aktiveerimiseks ise raha deposiiti kandma.
        Noh, siinkohal on vist paslik Sid Lowe kunagine artikkel välja otsida:

        Spain's buyout clauses have often been set up as a deterrent -- symbolic, gigantic figures to warn off suitors. Sergio Busquets has just renewed his deal with Barcelona for example and his buyout clause is now €150M ($204M). But they do also have a practical use. They form part of a legal framework and also a gentleman's agreement between clubs. Which is why the price is not always the price. Because clubs are not always gentlemanly about it.

        Under the terms of that basic agreement, clubs accepted that another club which paid the buyout clause could sign a player without resistance. If it's €45M, you pay €45M and you take your player, no mess and no fuss. It is, essentially, a price set at which you say you will sell.

        But you don't necessarily have to sell at that price; that agreement has a legal foundation that is a little different. At an informal level, the modus operandi has been altered since Real Madrid walked off with Luis Figo for the symbolic but just about manageable figure of 10,000M pesetas. The buyout clause remains, but the application of it is different.

        Now most clubs are saying: this is the buyout clause, sure, but if you make a hostile bid, a bid that we do not welcome, we will force you to apply the clause legally. And when you apply the law legally, that is a different issue. When you apply the law legally, it is a different price.

        That means one of two things, both of which increase the price. Firstly, it can mean adding the VAT at 18 percent. In the past, clubs have agreed to include VAT in the invoice for a player's transfer (which of course can be claimed back from the state). Now, if the bid is hostile, they will not. In other words, the buying club will have to pay the clause plus the 18 percent. So, Aguero's price rises from €45M to €53.1M ($72M).

        The other option is for a club to simply refuse to sell -- until, that is, it is forced to. That's where the legal buyout clause kicks in, Decreto Real 1006/1985. But that decree is exactly what it says it is: a buyout clause. A player (not the club) deposits the money, the value of the buyout clause, at the Spanish league and unilaterally breaks his contract. That money, of course, would be given to him by the buying club in order to buy himself out. The problem is that as soon as that money hits his account it counts as income -- even if it is then deposited elsewhere. And so it is liable to taxation at 44 percent. In other words, the €45M is the amount left after taxation. That is to say that Aguero's overall cost is €80.2M ($109M).

        The other factor that's significant is that the buyout clause is a Spanish agreement. When it comes to international transfers -- to bids from aboard like the one supposedly from Chelsea -- it is irrelevant. Except as a symbolic price, a reference point from which you can negotiate.
        Coraje, corazón y cojones.


          Mees on enda twitteri pildi ja headeri juba ära muutnud, tundub Koduleht pole veel kinnitanud. Tundub, et kotis siiski.
          Algselt postitas Plechazunga
          Jones doesn't get injuries. Injuries get Jones.

          Hmm, that didn't really work.


            Manchester United is pleased to announce the signing of Spanish midfielder Ander Herrera from Athletic Club. He has put pen to paper on a four-year contract, with an option to extend for a further year. Welcome to Old Trafford, Ander!

            "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF


              "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF


                Nonii, üleminekuaknalt punn lõpuks maha löödud. Loodame siis veel mitu suurt nime näha liitumas. Esmajoones tuleks kaitse ette võtta.


                  Müstiliselt suur hind ikka sellise C kategooria jalgpalluri eest.
                  Victoria Concordia Crescit


                    Algselt postitas marv3llous Vaata postitust
                    Müstiliselt suur hind ikka sellise C kategooria jalgpalluri eest.
                    Mitut Bilbao mängu läinud hooajal vaatasid?


                      Jan Aage Fjortoft ‏@JanAageFjortoft 7m
                      Ander Herrera just first of many. Luke Shaw "Within the next few days" I'm told. "99% done"
                      "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF


                        Büttner võttis nõuks natuke täpsustada asju, igati aus käitumine.

                        Ahjaa, kui jutte uskuda, on Shaw Carringtonis medicalis.
                        "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF


                          Algselt postitas j6u1uv4n4 Vaata postitust
                          Mitut Bilbao mängu läinud hooajal vaatasid?
                          Näis. Barca vastu mängides oli igatahes üks parimaid mehi platsil- kiire, tehniline, kuid otsused platsil kiirustatud ja mitte kõige paremad. Hind on muidugi müstiline, kuid turg naftasolkijate poolt ammu rikutud ka.
                          Võib osutuda Reyeseks, aga ka Silvaks.
                          "An errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill"


                            Algselt postitas Raitsu Vaata postitust
                            Ahjaa, kui jutte uskuda, on Shaw Carringtonis medicalis.
                            Tundub, et jah - head uudised ainult tulevad - Shaw medicalis, Herrera tehtud, Suarez 4 kuud bänni ja Butt jätkab Unitedis.
                            Pay attention to the manager!


                              Algselt postitas rixxer Vaata postitust
                              Näis. Barca vastu mängides oli igatahes üks parimaid mehi platsil- kiire, tehniline, kuid otsused platsil kiirustatud ja mitte kõige paremad. Hind on muidugi müstiline, kuid turg naftasolkijate poolt ammu rikutud ka.
                              Võib osutuda Reyeseks, aga ka Silvaks.
                              Vaevalt Manku fännid praegu hindade üle nurisema kipuvad. Vaja lihtsalt kvaliteeti juurde tuua ning eks Woody 2013 suve vägiteod kannavad ka vilja.


                                SSN: BREAKING NEWS: Manchester United have agreed a fee in region of £30m for Southampton's Luke Shaw. Medical will be completed tomorrow
                                "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF

