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    Pogba 90 mil?


      Algselt postitas Planche Vaata postitust
      Kuna premmis järgmine mäng ongi vs soton koduväljakul, siis ilmselt arvestati juba sisse, et neil taotakse puur täis.
      Vaata, et sa oma sõnu ei söö.


        Algselt postitas Silver Vaata postitust
        Vaata, et sa oma sõnu ei söö.
        Ei muidugi, reaalselt vaadates tuleb igasuguse võiduga väga rahul olla, sest tundub, et soton on jälle tõusuteel.


          Paul Scholes teaches a 12 year old Danny Welbeck the 'Matthews' skill back in 2003 Please like the video and share wherever you can!To make sure you don't mi...

          Siiamaani natukene närib hinge, et welbeck nüüd arsenalis
          Je suis Nasfal


            Nick Powell tuli Leicesterist laenult tagasi. Kokku sai platsile 40 minutiks.
            "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF


              Algselt postitas Raitsu Vaata postitust
              Nick Powell tuli Leicesterist laenult tagasi. Kokku sai platsile 40 minutiks.
              väga hea! sellist kogemust oligi vaja. nüüd on ta kindlasti valmis evansi tasemel esitusi tegema!
              “I am Zlatan. Who the hell are you?”


                Ega sealt head nahka oodata pole, kui trenni suhtumine selline on nagu Leicesteris väidetakse ja laenuleping lõpetati nende poolt.
                SAF- “I am not kidding. This isn’t just a job to me. It’s a mission. I am deadly serious about it – some people would reckon too serious…we will get there. Believe me. And when it happens life will change for Liverpool and everybody else – dramatically.”


                  "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF


                    Algselt postitas bubbles Vaata postitust
                    Pogba 90 mil?
                    10 Guinessi sulle Mad Murphy's kui selline asi peaks juhtuma. 50mil MAX


                      Algselt postitas Raitsu Vaata postitust
                      Its on !
                      Ed, hakka nüüd käristama.
                      Algselt postitas Stok
                      Arsenali puhul loetakse hooaeg ebaõnnestunuks kuskil septembri keskpaiku.


                        I think the midfield isn't in such a good state that we shouldn't strengthen there further. I find it baffling when people on here come out and say it's fine as it is, especially with Carrick not getting any younger. Just because it has improved compared to the years before doesn't mean that it can't be improved further. Schneiderlin and Strootman are the choices there we should be looking at. If we are going to move to 4-3-3, they would make even more sense.

                        Personally I would like us to add 2 wide players, since I hope we move to the 4-3-3. Di Maria and Januzaj are the only players, who are good enough for the future there in my eyes. Young and Valencia may have improved over the last month or so, but I think they'll both leave sooner or later. Reus would obviously be great, but he doesn't seem likely. Depay is definitely the player I'd hope us to sign there. Lucas, Bale, Firmino and Rafinha Alcantara might be other players we could or should be looking at.

                        I really like Evans, but with his injury record and his performances since Ferguson retired, I'd understand if he was to be sold. Hummels and Varane aren't realistic. The next best thing to that sort of talent is in my opinion Laporte. He's obviously very young and not the experienced leader most want, but I think van Gaal is known for making it work with young players, so he's my preferred choice there. Whether we need another centre-half on top of that is probably depending on Smalling and Jones, whether they can stay fit or not.

                        The full-back cover is tricky, I guess. Rojo is fine on the left side, but I think we need some back-up for Rafael. If that's going to be someone, who's really going to compete with him, someone experienced who's fine with playing less or someone who's simply not as good as him, but knows his role and is going to act professionally about it. Personally I hope we bring someone in, who's really going to compete with Rafael for his place. Possibly Danilo from Porto? I have no idea there, since Coleman seems to be too expensive.

                        Rooney, van Persie, Falcao and Wilson looks fine at first glance, but a lot will be depending on how long van Persie can be a regular for us and if Falcao can return to old form. The advantage of the 4-3-3 would be that we would be fine with 3 strikers and wouldn't need to buy Falcao. Rooney could also play in midfield as the most advanced there.
                        So in conclusion I'd probably hope for this:

                        de Gea

                        Rafael/Danilo? - Jones/Smalling/McNair - Laporte/Rojo - Shaw/Rojo/Blackett?


                        Ander/Mata/di Maria/Rooney - Strootman/Fellaini

                        Reus?/Januzaj - Rooney/van Persie/Falcao?/Wilson - Di Maria/Depay

                        Mulle meeldib see idee.

                        Mida teised arvavad?


                          Algselt postitas JanK Vaata postitust
                          Mulle meeldib see idee.

                          Mida teised arvavad?
                          Kogu see jutt on ju äge, aga kus kohast sa selle Stootmani sinna võrrandisse võtad? Ta pole ei laenuks ega müügiks. Strootman kuulub maailma parimasse meeskonda ! Ainult ajuhälvik loobuks võimalusest kanda hundimärki rinnas selle kolmhargiga punase poisi asemel.
                          FORZA ITALIA FORZA ROMA - "A Scudetto in Rome is worth a thousand elsewhere."


                            Algselt postitas count Vaata postitust
                            Kogu see jutt on ju äge, aga kus kohast sa selle Stootmani sinna võrrandisse võtad? Ta pole ei laenuks ega müügiks. Strootman kuulub maailma parimasse meeskonda ! Ainult ajuhälvik loobuks võimalusest kanda hundimärki rinnas selle kolmhargiga punase poisi asemel.
                            ei suuda ära oodata kuni sa oma sõnu sööma pead nagu tavaliselt
                            Je suis Nasfal


                              noh Strootman veel, kuna van Gaal ja teised hollandlased aga Reus nüüd küll mitte.


                                Algselt postitas count Vaata postitust
                                Kogu see jutt on ju äge, aga kus kohast sa selle Stootmani sinna võrrandisse võtad? Ta pole ei laenuks ega müügiks. Strootman kuulub maailma parimasse meeskonda ! Ainult ajuhälvik loobuks võimalusest kanda hundimärki rinnas selle kolmhargiga punase poisi asemel.
                                Vabandust härra, aga te ei ole isegi Itaalias parimad.

