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    Vigastustest räsitud United võitis kokku klopsitud kaitseliiniga naabreid, kellel üks tegelane vapsee "kuldur" partii kokku küpsetas - priceless.

    Täna pole see päev, kus vanduda ja tatistada eos ette, et järgmises mängus tuleb jälle pakk. Ei hinda ka neid kolme punkti nii kõrgelt, mis juurde saadi, vaid lihtsalt fakti, et naabrite juurest pea püsti võiduga ära tuldi.

    Daley Blind, Martial ja Rashford saavad kõrged viiekad.
    Algselt postitas Stok
    Arsenali puhul loetakse hooaeg ebaõnnestunuks kuskil septembri keskpaiku.


      Algselt postitas Stjopa Vaata postitust
      Nojah, eks flirdime edasi neljanda kohaga.
      vägisi aetakse hooaja lõpp põnevaks
      GEORGE: No, no, no! Nothing happens /-/ RUSSELL: Well, why am I watching it?
      GEORGE: Because it's on TV RUSSELL: Not yet..
      (Seinfeld, The Pitch)


        esimene derbi, kus unitedi värav tekitas null emotsiooni. kurb lihtsalt. natuke soovisin, et ei hakataks selle "äkki-jätame-vannikaalu-pukki-kui-ta-top4-tuleb" teemaga edasi jaurama - tänane kaotus olnuks väga selge hoop nendele ootustele-lootustele. nüüd peab edasi soiguma seda "mine tea mis uus hooaeg tuua võib".

        uudist ka - mourinho olevat sõlminud eellepingu, et kui united temaga enne 2. maid lepingut ei tee, siis maksab united talle 5 mln naela; kui enne 2. juunit pole leping sõlmitud, siis 10 milli otsa. ajee

        rashford on tore mees.


          huvitav mitu mängu rashford järgmine hooaeg Moroga saaks?


            Algselt postitas plastic'99 Vaata postitust
            huvitav mitu mängu rashford järgmine hooaeg Moroga saaks?
            huvitav mitu mängu Rashford sel hooajal Van Gaaliga saanud oleks, kui Rooney, Keane terved oleksid ja Wilson laenul ei oleks?



              Algselt postitas Raitsu Vaata postitust
              Eriti vingelt magus oleks tulla neljandaks ja siis City võidab CLi ja Liverpool ELi ja saavad mõlemad meistrite liigasse ja me nühiks euroopa liigat. See oleks lihtsalt ülim.
              Või näiteks tulete kuuendaks, City ja Liverpool kukuvad välja järgmises ringis ja te nühite Euroopa Liigat.
              "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


                Algselt postitas cbulls13 Vaata postitust
                huvitav mitu mängu Rashford sel hooajal Van Gaaliga saanud oleks, kui Rooney, Keane terved oleksid ja Wilson laenul ei oleks?

                mind ei huvita see absoluutselt.

                Ilmselt sa saad ise ka aru, et on filosoofiline vahe, kas esiviiuli vigastuse korral oled loonud meeskonnas olukorra, kus pingilt tuleb 18 aastane Rashfordi või 36 aastane Drogba.

                Andmata sealjuures hinnangut sellele, milline on kvalitatiivne erinevus mängule.


                  Bastian ilmselt siis hooaja lõpuni väljas!!


                    lol. vähemalt saab dfb'le palgamaksmiseks arve esitada, onju?!
                    tagantjärgi kaagutates kõige mõttetum signeering sel hooajal enne (isegi) dupoid, kes tekitab vähemalt mingitki emotsiooni.
                    buy the ticket, take the ride.


                      Muide membershipiga saab kuni neli piletit 20. aprillil toimuvale kodumängule palace vastu. Riiast läheb ryanair ka mäntsesteri. edasi tagasi 55 euri nägu sain ma.
                      "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF


                        The 101 Great Goals website is constantly updated with live streaming information and football betting tips, as well as football (soccer) news, video and social



                          Giggsi artikkel kodukal: Manu fännid soovivad näha väljakul vähemalt 1 oma poissi ja talle andestakse ka rohkem eksimusi kui teistele. =>Rashford ja teised noored on saanud väljakule küll tänu vigastustele aga EMOTSIOONi on nendega mängudes rohkem tulnud. Kui treeneriks tulebki Mourinho, siis kurat, pikka pidu ei tule, kui ta oma noori ei mängita.


                            Hea postitus Mourinho kohta

                            I have my concerns about Mourinho being the next United manager too but there's been one hell of revisionism by some posters in the last few pages. I can fully understand why some people would prefer a manager who would respect the club's traditions and try to teach expansive football that would be pleasing to the eye no matter the result after the 90 minutes. But in Mourinho's case i guess it's how the saying goes, "it's better to lose an eye than to lose your reputation".

                            Some forget that Chelsea, as a football club, were shaped by Mourinho. It's true that Abramovic's cash was always flowing but, at the end of the day, it was money well spent. During his first spell there he created a backbone that consisted of Cech, Terry, Essien (first it was Makelele), Lampard and Drogba. All five of them are considered Chelsea legends and all of them owe their entire careers to Mourinho. In fact, that Chelsea side continued to be successful even after Jose was sacked for the first time. These five players led Chelsea to a CL final, to brake a few PL records under Ancelotti and finally win the big one in 2012. Furthermore, Chelsea went on appointing managers and signing players who would help them continue with the brand of football Mourinho implemented.

                            I also keep hearing about his time at Madrid and the state in which he left the club. First of all, i believe it's ridiculous to judge him for winning La Liga only once when he had to compete with what is considered by many people as the best team in the history of football. He broke Real's record for total points in the league twice and he finished with more than a hundred goals p/s thrice. People choose to remember only Pepe in the midfield against Barcelona but the truth is that he developed a few players there too. For example, Ramos became a world class CB under Mourinho and Di Maria flourished in the midfield (kind of) free role that allowed Ronaldo to play more ofetn inside the box. And he left the team in such a bad state that they went on to win the CL in the following season.

                            As for Inter, they became the architects of their own demise the moment they appointed Rafa Benitez to continue Mourinho's work. I also believe that Mourinho receives very little credit for what he achieved there. They were considered a team of absolute losers and Mourinho changed their whole personality as a club, he transformed them into winners. Go ask Moyes, LvG or even Wenger if that's an easy task. He also showed tactical flexibility there (used the diamond, the 4-2-3-1 and the more flat 4-4-1-1), he was one of the last managers that gave a pivotal role to a classic #10 (Snejder) and had some other briliant ideas too, like Zanetti in the midfield.

                            Nowadays, a "short term fix" is more or less determined by the actions of the board since there aren't many managers out there willing to spend a decade or more under the same roof. Bayern Munich reached the top of the world under Heynckes. Afterwards, they decided to change direction and the appointed the best man for the job in Pep. Now, they're about to bring in Ancelotti, who is known for taking the best out the squad you give him, to manage this amalgam of traditional German and Spanish possession football that Pep is going to leave behind. That's longevity for you, right there.

                            The biggest concern about Mourinho at the moment is that he's still trying to find the right balance between his philosophy and the changes in the modern game since the dominance of expansive possession football. Mourinho rose to fame as the best manager in the world when football was quite different. Back then defending with ten men behind the ball, leaving possession to the opponent and try to hit on the counter was the norm for most successful clubs world wide. Ferguson made it to two consecutive CL finals and Wenger had his best season in Europe when they changed their approach. Ancelotti's brilliant tactical decision to play Pirlo in front of the back four worked because of that too.

                            But ever since Pep's Barcelona football has changed again and it's heading towards a different decision. Catenaccio is long dead (at least for the near future) and Mourinho already knows that. During the last few seasons he's toned it down a bit: mostly one DM on the pitch, the lines a bit higher, attempts to press in the midfield and other little details which show that he's trying to find a working solution. Not in big games, where he still feels that his old tricks will do the job, but in the majority of the other games. And the fact that he fecked it up big time at Chelsea is indeed a big concern since he's going to inherit a rather problematic squad at United. But let's just not try to rewrite history.


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                              Manchester United Forever


                                Sky really was the limit for Gary Neville.

                                Victoria Concordia Crescit

