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Manchester United FC

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    Minu arust Carrick jagab iga mäng vastasele jala peale sööte :/ üldjoontes olen Vincenti listiga nõus... Depayle annaks ühe hooaja veel proovida tho


      Kui sats mängib meeskondlikult alla oma võimete (noh, meeskondlik töö on perses), siis pole arukas käike, detaile väga (mängijaid) vahetada. Mootor on vaja liikuma saada ning siis vaatad tasapisi, et mida võiks muuta, lisada jne. Hetkel te sõidate viienda käiguga 20-nega ja tahate kuuendat sisse lükata... jõudu pole, ega tule ja mõtlete, et mootori enamus detaile on perses. Selline mõistukõne siis.
      Maailma kõige targemad sõnad öeldud, siis samas mõnda alfat oleks teil küll väljakule vaja sinna väravavahi ette, et oleks lihtsam omadel kõrvast hammustada.
      see ei ole minu süü, et sa okaspuu oled

      "joon palju ma tahan, aga ikka ta ei saa minust aru"

      "Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple."


        Natuke artiklipeistimist ka - varastasin Redcafe foorumist, Martin Samueli (üsna pädev jalkaajakirjanik @ UK) artikkel

        It wasn't just getting Antonio Conte that pleased Chelsea; it was the timing of the appointment. April 4, long before the summer transfer window opens. The message was plain. Next season starts here.

        ‘We are pleased to have recruited one of the most highly regarded managers in world football, and equally pleased to do so before the end of the current season,’ said director Marina Granovskaia. ‘This aids our future planning.’

        Indeed it does. There is a long list of potential Chelsea recruits, from Roma midfield player Radja Nainggolan to Juventus defender Leonardo Bonucci, and when Chelsea next speak to them, or their agents, they can make it perfectly plain the direction in which the club are heading.

        Chelsea cannot offer Champions League football, but they can demonstrate a degree of stability. They know the coach, they know how he wants to play, and they will know where any new signing fits in his team.

        It is the same at Manchester City. Some say it was a mistake to confirm Pep Guardiola’s appointment on February 1, but City had already lost crucial Premier League games to West Ham, Tottenham, Liverpool, Arsenal and Stoke by then, and trailed Leicester by three points.

        Whatever the consequences, substantial rebuilding was needed and at least the club could begin selling their new direction before the market was tapped out.

        City cannot guarantee Champions League football to Paul Pogba next season, but they can promise the chance to work with Guardiola, and to be at the heart of his project. They can tell players their role; they can say who is in and out.

        And then there is Manchester United.

        They can give no assurances of the Champions League, either — but, equally, none of the future. When United speak to the representatives of, for instance, Romelu Lukaku, who do they say will be in charge next season?

        Louis van Gaal, Jose Mourinho, Mauricio Pochettino, Ryan Giggs — maybe another coach, as yet unknown? In all likelihood, a single Champions League place is up for grabs — one presumes Leicester, Tottenham and Arsenal will get over the line — yet everything at Old Trafford remains shrouded in uncertainty.

        It can hardly be presumed that, behind the scenes, chief executive Ed Woodward has a detailed roadmap. Not on the evidence of recent transfer windows, when so much at United seemed haphazard.

        Woodward doesn’t want to sack another manager, we know that. After such wonderful stability it reflects poorly on his regime that United could be looking for a third manager in three years since Sir Alex Ferguson retired.

        One suggestion is that United are waiting to see whether they qualify for the Champions League next season, before making a call on Van Gaal.

        Yet how can that be?

        United lost the 2011-12 title to Manchester City on pretty much the last kick of the season. Suppose this season ends similarly? Could United be waiting for the final whistle on May 14 still considering what to do with the manager? Could a moment that may be decided by a referee’s judgment call, or an unlucky deflection, end up shaping policy at Old Trafford?

        Surely, United know now whether Van Gaal is the right man for the job. Surely, they can weigh up the embarrassing European exits and the indifferent league form, against the vast changes that have been implemented, the unfortunate injuries and the promise of youth, and decide if this is what they want.

        The alternative could be that on the final day of the season an 89th-minute shot by Bournemouth’s Max Gradel hits Phil Jones on the backside, goes in and, on this, Van Gaal is sacked. Of course, if Van Gaal is leaving, it would be dangerous to announce that now. United will have seen what happened to City and Manuel Pellegrini, and will be fearful of demotivating the players.

        They are, in many ways, trapped. The only way they can match the confidence of Manchester City and Chelsea in transfer discussions is to come out and confirm that Van Gaal stays next season. Yet they seem reluctant. Maybe Woodward thinks that with a year of Van Gaal’s contract remaining, certainty is implied.

        But it isn’t. There has been too much speculation, too many rumours for Van Gaal’s continued presence to be presumed. Anyway, how do United sell this season’s ethos, considering much of the positivity has come from the young players?

        We admire United’s promotion of youth, but does that play as well beyond these shores? It will be an irony if United’s stability works against them — but if they do have a plan in place for next season, it’s the best-kept secret in town.
        ​...suht nõutu värk jah.


          ... jaaa panen ühe veel - nimelt Spursi fänni kohtumine Van Gaaliga.

          Following the game yesterday and LVG’s post-match comments, I thought it would be worth writing in to the mailbox about an encounter I had with the United manager on holiday last summer in Vilamoura, Portugal. My wife and I were out for dinner when we saw him and his family entering the restaurant we were in (whilst we were sat at the back by the toilets, he and his family were placed front and centre in the middle obviously). I’m a Spurs fan but I thought that I would never get the chance again to meet someone with such history in the game, Ajax, Barca, Holland and United to name but a few. So, once we had finished, and by this time the restaurant had virtually cleared out, with a bit of Dutch courage (i.e a fair few beers and wines), I decided to interrupt the Van Gaal family dinner and ask for a photo. Having heard of his reputation as a tough task master, and seeing his interactions over the years with the press, I was a bit nervous at his reaction, but before I could even finish my question of whether I could have a photo, he stopped me and asked me who I supported, specifically, are you United or City? I said neither, I was a Spurs fan. Straight away he smiled and said that is OK then. His son immediately stood up and said that he would take the picture and commented that they were big fans of Spurs and “Mr. Levy”.

          He asked me to sit next to him and once the photo had been taken, asked me my thoughts on Spurs. I said that last season was OK, but felt that this season we would again be pushing for 4th, but would probably finish 5th or 6th (how wrong was I). He immediately stopped me and said that we had a great “selection” (not sure why, but he always used that word instead of team/squad) and said that we would win the league in the next few years if we stayed together. Obviously I thought he was being polite as no one could have foreseen what has since happened, and just replied that I thought he would have more chance with his team as he would be able to spend some serious money in the summer. He was actually then quite dismissive as he said that he couldn’t win the league with this selection, they weren’t good enough. I said that he would be buying a few players soon to add to that squad and he laughed and said possibly…..it was very shortly after this that Schweinsteiger and Schneiderlein joined. I just said please don’t take Lloris away from us as at the time it looked certain that De Gea would be going to Madrid…again he just laughed.

          I thought I would push my luck a bit and mentioned to him that everyone thought that he was going to be signing for us before United came in for him. He said that the deal was all agreed with “Mr. Levy”, and he was very impressed with him and Spurs as a whole, but then United came in and he simply couldn’t turn them down. But he said that he would love to work with Mr Levy one day and his whole family were very fond of Spurs.

          At this point I realised I had outstayed my welcome and his wife, daughter in law and grandchild were sick of me sitting there so I thanked him for being so nice and said good luck for the season.

          He was genuinely a lovely guy and couldn’t have been further away from the irritable man we see in front of the press now. His comments yesterday about United being a bigger club than Spurs may still be true, but I know which club I’m backing (admittedly, slightly biased) for success over the next few years. How different our seasons could have been if we had had LVG in charge and not Pochettino. Lets just make sure we keep him now!

          Mike, Southend (THFC obviously)


            Palun , palun kopi peisti järgmine kord ilma stiilita, no mitte essugi ei näe musta foorumi skinniga lugeda su seda värki, korduvalt.
            "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF


              mkay, no võib ümber teha - ma ise musta skinni ei kasuta. oot ma proovin ümber teha - kas nii?


                Algselt postitas JanK Vaata postitust
                mkay, no võib ümber teha - ma ise musta skinni ei kasuta. oot ma proovin ümber teha - kas nii?
                "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF


                  Rooney mängis planeeritult 60 minutit ja Jones kõik 90, kui U21 võitis McNairi väravast 1:0 Borot. Tiitli kaitsmiseks vaja veel ainult kahte punkti viimasest kolmest mängust.
                  armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle


                    :O TITLE RACE IS STILL ON?

                    Cmoon, kas tõepoolest ei mõeldud lükkele panna Joyce interimiks, kuni Mou pukki lükatakse? Või ei tahetud riskida trophyless seasoniga?



                      Siim Kallas on van Gaali kõrval poisike.
                      Corner taken quickly...


                        Kui enne olla öeldud, et "pole mängupilt nii tähtis miskit" ja "klubi käekäiku see ei mõjuta" ja "vannikaal tüürib meid ilusama tuleviku suunas" ja muu sitt, siis nüüd on faktid laual - asi on hapu, investorid - survestage klubi, tehke nii et teie taskutesse tekiks rohkem raha. pekske valed inimesed, kes ei mõista teemasid, otsustamispukist minema ja nõudke tulemusi.

                        nüüd on numbriliselt kaotused näha ja kõik saavad aru, et teema ei toimi - oivaline. on aeg muutusteks.


                          kuule, MU on börsil mingi 20%-ga. See on umbes sama nagu ma läheks oma 500 olympicu aktsiaga arminiga mölisema. Investoriteks on peamiselt suured fondid. Loe mõnda suuremat transcripti, mis ed-iga peetud. Peamised küsimused on teemal "milline on rev kasvu prognoos või milline oli eelmise aasta ostude mõju payrollile".


                            Algselt postitas rayadler, post: 19042967, member: 97548
                            You guys are thinking in the wrong direction
                            If you are going to keep mentioning the Glazers and Woodward you have to think like them so clear your mind.
                            Point 1
                            The share price is only relevant if you are thinking of cashing in and selling
                            They are not

                            Point 2
                            You can't sack Woodward
                            He is bomb proof
                            He sourced the Glazers the loans to buy out McManus and Magnier whilst he was a banker(he still is a banker but it just sounds different now)
                            He is overseeing the bringing in of the non stop line up of sponsors
                            They now outnumber the playing staff 2 to 1

                            So the Glazers and Woodward are here to stay for at least 10 years imo


                            Well see if you can pick a hole in any of this
                            You are thinking of building a team to win things
                            They are thinking of building a sales team to sell to
                            Before you say we need success to get revenue and profit look at Newcastle United
                            Last week they announced significantly increased profits
                            And they are going down
                            So you don't need success on the field to make more money

                            It is rumoured that United will lose USD25m from the shirt sponsors if United don't qualify for Europe
                            Well the players will lose 25% of their salary if we don't qualify so that balances that out mostly
                            If you take 25% off DDG and Martial they will probably ask for a transfer
                            After you lot have finished shouting "greedy bastards" United will sell them say £80m and make that money vanish

                            So what is United's transfer policy?
                            I think it might be to buy 4 x young players like Martial for say £20-25m each.
                            You can tell any shit to the sheep about how they are actually £50m each
                            they would be if they win the boat race and the grand national and the world cup 3 times
                            It makes them sound better at £50m
                            Of the 4 players they buy they can expect one to flop and burn the money
                            One might go nowhere,like Depay but you will always get your money back so that's £20-25m
                            and the other two you would hope will develop like Martial and you'd get £40/50m each so £80/100m
                            So it's cost you sod all
                            Get a knackered old star like Ibrahimovic to replace the knackered old star Bastian who replaced the knackered old star Falcao
                            They all cost you nothing in transfer fees and just a bloody good wage but United get that back from the sheep,the tourists and the pilgrims in megastore sales and shirt sales

                            That then leaves the Glazers with the TV money,the sponsors money etc etc untouched so that's £400m a year for 10 years so £4 billion in income
                            Who gives a shit about the share price
                            It's the same mentality for ticket sales
                            they are struggling to sell the £750 season tickets so what do they do?
                            They send a team out to Brazil last week to the "I love United" branch
                            They are developing the Mumbai branch and they already have plane loads of Chinese and Japanese wearing 50/50 scarves and singing "Going on the piss with Georgie Best" even though they haven't a clue who he is
                            They opened the new Disney ride last week with the "Bobby Charlton Stand"
                            They will be pushing that next year in Hong Kong
                            "Come and sit in the legends stand with the legend himself at the Theatre of Dreams"
                            Limited availability at £399 plus VAT and you get a defrosted burger,a bottle opener,a plastic label that says i sat as a VIP in the Sir Bobby Charlton stand,a match programme and a 10% discount in the megastore if you spend £300
                            It's a pilgrims and tourists dream and a Woodward and Glazer dream


                            Selline mõte siis RedCafe foorumist.


                              Algselt postitas JuriM Vaata postitust
                              sellisesse plaani sobiks moro ju õlitatult. sexybacki on, vänne tuleb juurde + ehk isegi mõni kopsikas boonusena.


                                Algselt postitas Stok
                                Ainus viga on selles Newcastle näites, et kui nad alla lähevad, siis on rahakraanid kinni. Paks Mike tõenäoliselt oli piisavalt tark, et lepingutesse sisse kirjutada Championshipi klausel, et ei peaks obertäänidele sadu tuhhe maksma Millwalli tripi eest.
                                Shelveyl väidetavalt polnud sellist klauslit ning palk tal meeletu.
                                Ilma vutita olla ei saa, vajan, kui õhku ma
                                Ei tohi koju küll jääda sa, kui mängib Tammeka

