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Manchester United FC

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    Kui tihti seda ikka juhtub, at ManU vastaseid divarisse saadab


      Sellises seisus meeskonna vastu mängida KODUS 1:0. Häbi.
      Huvitav kui kaua läheb inimesel aega, et aru saada, EI TÖÖTA Mata paremal äärel. Fakkk me rsk. Rooney, kes täna siis kümnel mängis, pidanuks andma neid otsustavaid sööte liini taha, pidi tegelema faking palli üles toomisega, sest keskpoolikud on täiesti kasutud.
      Circa 15cm kaugusel oldi sellest, et teenida ainult punkt Villa vastu.
      40 väravat liigas. 1.2 per mäng. Joptvajumat


        Vaatasin seda hülge sitta ja ma tean et nüüd tuleb jälle mingi üüüüü mis teile ei kõlba enam viiendad kohad jutt, aga tõesti kõrini on. Seal ei ole mingit sisulist vahet, kas ollakse viiendad või kuradi viieteistkümnendad, kuna sellise ninaga herne veeretamise järel on lootus hooaja lõikes tipuga konkureerida täpselt sama kaugel kui Jessica Albaga linade vahele jõuda vms. Mis iganes see kuradi filosoofia tal on, see ei tööta lihtsalt või noh vb kandev idee oligi see, et keskmiselt umbes iga viies mäng kannatab vaadata, siis küll. Ja tõesti mine perse Ed kui sa selle tola veel aastaks pukki jätad, võib sama rahulikult curlingule või kabele vms pingelisele telealale ümber spetsialiseeruda järgmiseks hooajaks ja tagasi tulla siis, kui mingi uus võll saabub, kes tahaks jalgpalli ka natuke meeskonnaga mängida.
        armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle


          Algselt postitas Stjopa Vaata postitust
          40 väravat liigas. 1.2 per mäng. Joptvajumat
          Ainult 9 tiimi on suutnud vähem väravaid lüüa Väravatevahe ka ainult +10


            Algselt postitas vincent Vaata postitust
            Vaatasin seda hülge sitta ja ma tean et nüüd tuleb jälle mingi üüüüü mis teile ei kõlba enam viiendad kohad jutt, aga tõesti kõrini on. Seal ei ole mingit sisulist vahet, kas ollakse viiendad või kuradi viieteistkümnendad, kuna sellise ninaga herne veeretamise järel on lootus hooaja lõikes tipuga konkureerida täpselt sama kaugel kui Jessica Albaga linade vahele jõuda vms. Mis iganes see kuradi filosoofia tal on, see ei tööta lihtsalt või noh vb kandev idee oligi see, et keskmiselt umbes iga viies mäng kannatab vaadata, siis küll. Ja tõesti mine perse Ed kui sa selle tola veel aastaks pukki jätad, võib sama rahulikult curlingule või kabele vms pingelisele telealale ümber spetsialiseeruda järgmiseks hooajaks ja tagasi tulla siis, kui mingi uus võll saabub, kes tahaks jalgpalli ka natuke meeskonnaga mängida.
            kirjutan alla. LVG out! isegi kui FA karika toob, vahet pole. positiivsetest asjadest on tõepoolest noorte sekkumine ja martiali toomine aga mängupilt on alla igasugust arvestust ja senior playeritega ei tundu tal ka kõige parem läbisaamine olevat.


              Kahtlustan, et vannikaal kaotas motivatsiooni selle aasta detsembris, kui wolfsburgilt tappa saadi. Pärast seda ei viitsi mees enam. No ta ju teab, et 1 aasta lepingus veel ja siis kõik, ta mõistab vast kah et ta ei saa hakkama enam ja siis ongi see minnalaskmise tunne. Kahju, ma eile jäin peaaegu 7x magama seda pela vaadates.

              Mõttetu täiesti, vist kõige mõttetum mäng mida ma Unitedi poolt näinud olen. Täiesti masendav lihtsalt. Oootan suve.


                Neuer Trainer für Bastian Schweinsteiger (31)! José Mourinho (53) übernimmt im Sommer Manchester United. Der Portugiese hat bis 2019 unterschrieben.

                Jutud jätkuvad, pilt on vähemalt ilus :P


                  Varastan natuke Redcafest jälle. Seekord head mõtted Mourinho osas.

                  Although a part of me feels that Mourinho would be a different kind of animal at United. He has gone on record to state that he and his family are very happy in the UK and would like to stay here for the foreseeable future. There are not many other clubs I can see him managing in the Premier League, and with Pep arriving at City, he will have another chance to get one over on him.

                  He's very much an egotistical character, so I feel his vendetta towards Pep/Barca will still be apparent should he join us. Can you imagine how great the Manchester derby would be?

                  Saying that, I feel he actually respects United as a club, so I can see us getting a more mature and tamed Mourinho so to speak.

                  That's what I'm hoping for anyway, it's probably all bollocks and he'll shout abuse at Fred the Red on match days causing a mass revolt within the club.

                  Over the years he has always spoken very highly of United as a club and I think he appreciates that we didn't sack Moyes and LvG straight away, when the likes of Chelsea and Madrid would have easily without question.

                  Maybe he is looking for that security so he can build his legacy properly? At Chelsea and Madrid he didn't have time to build a team over the years as they both demand instant success.

                  As a result of this, he has had to do his best to win things as quickly as possible, which is why he has often bought a lot of players in immediately, whilst neglecting youth players who'd likely take a while to get to the level required.

                  At United I can see him developing players, in addition to buying new ones as he'd know he'd have more time to do so.
                  Ning selle 3. hooaja "müüdi kohta:

                  This 3rd season nonsense is beginning to grate. It's a complete myth. He has only ever completed two third seasons as a manger, one with Chelsea in 06/07 (Finishing second and winning a cup double) and Madrid in 12/13 where he didn't win a trophy.

                  He left Porto as reigning European Champions after his second season, he left Inter as reigning European Champions after his second season. It's only this one season where everything appeared to have fallen apart. Mourinho is in no way absolved of responsibility as he is the man in charge, but this constant '3rd season' syndrome that keeps popping up is bullshit, and really needs putting to bed.

                  Porto he had achieved everything after 2 seasons at Porto and it was time to move to a bigger club

                  First time at Chelsea
                  1st year - Title + League Cup
                  2nd year - Title
                  3rd year - FA Cup + League Cup + CL semi final
                  4th year - Sacked after 4 wins and 2 draws in 7 league games, leaves behind a team that loses out on the title by 2 points and the CL by a penalty

                  Inter he achieved everything after 2 seasons and the door opened to the biggest club in the world.

                  Real Madrid is a club where managers just don't last. Probably the highest pressure job in the world while competing with one of the best club teams ever in Barcelona. I think he did well to win 1 title in his 3 years while others say that is a failure. He also got them to the semi final 3 times in a row while before that they had gone 5+ years getting knocked out at the last 16. Left behind a team that went on to win it the year after.

                  This season at at Chelsea was bad but I think by looking at his career it can be assumed it's not going to happen often.

                  Assuming he achieves some success like he has everywhere else here and that standards are at a 20 year low I think he will manage to stay longer than 3 years. I don't think we are a club that would sack someone if they won us a trophy the year after like they do at Madrid and Chelsea. Just look at what both clubs did to Ancellotti after winning the double and CL


                    üks asi, mis selle laupäevase sokkitoppimise kõrval mainimata on jäänud, on rashfordi vägagi viisakas tegutsemine vastase kastis, kui hutton või keegi teine puujumal talle sisse sõitis, poisi natuke komberdama võttis (ashleyyoung oleks seitse korda ennast selle peale pikali jõudnud visata), aga siiski palli tagaajama läks, kuid paraku edutult.
                    keegi nbc-striimi kommentaator ütles, et tegelikult oleks kohtunik võinud/pidanud selle olukorra tagasi kutsuma ja pendla määrama, sest esiteks oli seal viga ja teiseks saaks seeläbi anda signaali, et pendla teenimiseks ei pea tingimata kukkuma.

                    igatahes hõissa, marcus! nii manu kui muude tiimide noorte superstaar-kaikapeade vahele ka üks vähe vingema mentaliteediga sepik. kiidan.
                    buy the ticket, take the ride.


                      Põhjus, miks ei saa paljusid meediaväljaandeid üldse uskuda - seekord (mismõttes seekord, nagu alati ikka) Redcafest.

                      As someone who's worked in the football press, I thought I might offer an insight into how this industry actually works.

                      In my first job we had a sit-down meeting once where everyone tried to come up with plausible links between players and clubs. It was a case of 'ok, Hulk's looking for a new club and United don't have a partner for Rooney, so we'll link them together.' There was no evidence for any of the links we came up with. I stress that I wasn't working for one of the big boys, but I think it happens all over the place, particularly the tabloids.

                      Then you've got the cowboy journos. There was one guy, called Ben Fairthorne (I think his stories are banned on the Caf), who used to cut-and-paste bits of existing interviews and pass them off as his own. So his 'exclusive' with, say, Messi would be a patchwork quilt of five or six different interviews Messi had done over the years. I don't know how many such cowboys are currently operating within the football world, but I guess there's quite a few.

                      Another place I worked simply copied articles from other papers, although I guess this is a bit more transparent as they are obliged to name and link to the source in the story. Loads of titles operate in this way - it's far easier to rip other people's stories than it is to actually do the work on your own. So you get the sort of wildfire spread which has erupted over Mourinho today. One paper claims the exclusive (which could be complete bollocks) then everyone has it.

                      Occasionally someone actually has an inside source (such as the guy who was leaking lineups at United under Moyes) but these avenues generally get shut down very quickly. All journos have to go on is the mixed zone, where you might get five minutes with a player; the corporate press day, where you're given a player and a list of questions to avoid; and the press conference, where most interesting questions are banned and the heavyweight journos have a pact to share the same the information they receive. One of the journos actually writes up everything that's said in the press conference and sends it to the other journos.

                      So basically, 90% of what you read is BS. The foreign journos are far more clued-in than the British ones tbh - people like Balague and Di Marzio actually have contacts. I wouldn't read anything into the UK-based reports.
                      Ja ilmselgelt siin foorumis teatakse, et sait goal.com on täis pullikakit, siis natuke nende süsteemist ka

                      Sorry, but goal.com is the most crappy side in the world.

                      I work in the media business and when I was studying, goal.com searched for freelancers. My first thought was "give it a try to fill your CV with something sport related and to get some extra money", as they were searching for students and "no working experience wouldn't be hindrance". On my first day we were having an online hangout with a few "editors" all over Germany and it was even worse than the muppetry in the caf. First of all, they consciously invent all sorts of stupid rumours themselves and pick up nearly every rumour from other sites. They don't have any contacts to Agents, clubs or other media people at all. The whole business model is about getting clicks and as the silly season feeds desperate muppets all over the world, they are pretty successful with that.

                      Stories like "Ronaldo back to United" or "Manchester United launch stunnig bid for Falcao" just gets muppets wet and even though they know that it's pretty much crap, they click it. All in all, I quit there 5 days after I joined them, because it was just like a bad dream and not worth the little money they paid.

                      Also, the media normally don't know any of the wages for sure, as it's always just speculation and mostly when they level out through several articles, people take it as a fact. But now almighty goal.com knows the wages even before the deal is actually concluded ... yeah, right.


                        Küss, kas keegi on tellinud midagi Ametlikust klubi poest? Ise panin 31. Märtsil juba tellimuse üles ja siiani veel vaikus - olgu väike kiri all ütleb, et võib minna kuni 29. Aprillini ja aega on veel sinna. Siiski tellides oli ametlik vahemik pandud kuni 10 päeva.


                          Algselt postitas JuriM Vaata postitust
                          Küss, kas keegi on tellinud midagi Ametlikust klubi poest? Ise panin 31. Märtsil juba tellimuse üles ja siiani veel vaikus - olgu väike kiri all ütleb, et võib minna kuni 29. Aprillini ja aega on veel sinna. Siiski tellides oli ametlik vahemik pandud kuni 10 päeva.
                          mitu aastat küll möödas, aga siis tuli ka nagu jumal juhatas, vahel ootamatult kiiresti ja vahel võttis natuke aega. toona sai trackida ka, kuskil poola vms vaheladudes istus pakk pikalt kinni teinekord. a kohale jõudis kõik tiptop alati.
                          armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle


                            Algselt postitas JuriM Vaata postitust
                            Küss, kas keegi on tellinud midagi Ametlikust klubi poest? Ise panin 31. Märtsil juba tellimuse üles ja siiani veel vaikus - olgu väike kiri all ütleb, et võib minna kuni 29. Aprillini ja aega on veel sinna. Siiski tellides oli ametlik vahemik pandud kuni 10 päeva.
                            jaanuaris tellides läks mingi 4 nädalat.


                              Algselt postitas plastic'99 Vaata postitust
                              jaanuaris tellides läks mingi 4 nädalat.
                              Reaalselt käisin just prügi välja viskamas ja Omniva teade oli postkastis, et pakk ootab postkontoris.


                                Algselt postitas JuriM Vaata postitust
                                Reaalselt käisin just prügi välja viskamas ja Omniva teade oli postkastis, et pakk ootab postkontoris.
                                aa mis sa tellisid?

