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    laske endale kuul pähe, kuradi oinad raisk. vigase hamstriga tony on ainus, kes midagi teha suudab, ülejäänud nagu hunnik õnnetust. nüüd hakka veel swansea almusest elama. johhaidii.
    buy the ticket, take the ride.


      Luiged kottisid voor tagasi kodust hämmi 4:1
      Manchester United Forever


        Sisuliselt on siis hooaeg klooagis ja võimalik, et ka kogu suvi + järgmine aasta?


          Algselt postitas JuriM Vaata postitust
          Sisuliselt on siis hooaeg klooagis ja võimalik, et ka kogu suvi + järgmine aasta?
          Millest nii negatiivne visioon, peaksite LvG-st nüüd lahti saama ju?
          Elu on lühike, pidu on pikk.


            Oslo - Ilm ideaalilähedal, pluss 20, päike, pilvi pole.
            Sõidan bussiga kodupoole ja bussijuht räägib mikrofoni "Kena päev täna, ning lisaks sellele kaotas ManU. West Hamile"
            Слава Україні! Героям слава!


              Algselt postitas GoldenEagle Vaata postitust
              Millest nii negatiivne visioon, peaksite LvG-st nüüd lahti saama ju?
              CLi pole + järjekordselt ilmselt fail tuua sisse mõni tõsiselt suur nimi nii 70+ milku eest.


                Mai gaad i miss Shaw. Peaks seda jama aitama korralikult lappida. Üks kvaliteetne keskkaitsja juurde,Jonesi võib vist maha kanda. Poiss on terve veel vähem kui Rojo kes suudab ikka pidevalt mingi bläki läbi lasta. Variant on, et ei saa ka üldse euroopasse järgmiseks hooajaks. Igatahes kui CLi kohta ei tule siis peale fa cupi finaali ootaks saabast LVGle, vahet pole mis tulemus sealt tuleb.Tegelikult loodaks, et saab kinga isegi kui 4ndaks peaks saama.
                "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF


                  Wenger omastas siin mingi aeg tagasi täiesti põhjendamatult võõrsilmängude meistri tiitli. Manku on aga päriselt võitnud.


                    Kuna keegi ikka veel ei tea, mis kurat küll uuel hooajal toimuma hakkab, siis natukene vürtsi lisan siia teemasse. Redcafes on üks "megathread", kus Mourinho tulekut arutatakse, levitatakse uudiseid ja muud. Avaldatakse mõtteid ja arvamust ka. Lisan siia ühe:

                    Woodward likes and respects Van Gaal, that's obvious. And I think people need to look at the bigger picture when debating our indecision to sack him earlier in the season.

                    Van Gaal may very well have been sacked in December, but that awful run of form (results-wise) was somewhat unexpected. The performances had been tedious and, at times, downright terrible, but the results had taken a very sudden tumble. Before that, the results were generally quite good.

                    Woodward, bearing in mind he works with Van Gaal and clearly has a lot of time for him, was probably, understandably loathe to sack him so quickly.

                    Rightly or wrongly, our board members still like to present the image that the club give their managers a proper chance. And to be fair, that's what we've done.

                    Moyes was given one season and was sacked when there was nothing to play for. And the only reason Van Gaal is still here is because we do have something to play for. When the season is over, I fully expect change (Hi, Jose) and it's a plan of action I think we've had in place for months.

                    In the mean time, I think Woodward came to the conclusion that keeping Van Gaal around to rescue the season was a better bet than handing over the reigns to Giggs or bringing in somebody (who?) fresh from the outside for the sake of a few months. I, for one, agree with that logic.

                    At least this way we've given the current manager a proper shot, and given the incoming one a full six months of time to do some homework. Of course, if Mourinho doesn't come in all of this is bullshit. But let's wait and see first.
                    Hooaeg võiks juba läbi olla.


                      Kas ründajad on väljasuremis ohus liik ve? Et meil ainult 3 võimalust.. http://sport.postimees.ee/3693905/ma...kolm-voimalust


                        Jätkan oma Redcafetamist. Seekord teemal Mourinho.

                        A few thoughts on the prospect of Mourinho as United manager.


                        One of the major advantages of Mourinho is basically his fame. Having managed Real Madrid and Internazionale (and, to a lesser extent, Chelsea) in recent years means he is would be quite a glamorous appointment. The current generation of top players have played in an era in which Mourinho has won trophies in a high profile way. We can reasonably speculate that they are thus somewhat more likely to commit the next few years of their careers to United under Mourinho's leadership than they would be under other, less established candidates. We need to strenghten in at least three positions this summer and Mourinho's fame might help us attract higher quality players.

                        The Rooney question

                        One of the most important tasks for reshaping our team over the next year or so is phasing out or selling Wayne Rooney. For Moyes the prospect of managing a player with the stature of Rooney was a dream come true, and instead of taking the opportunity of moving him on that Ferguson had (I believe) purposely engineered, he chose to make him more important than ever to our team. Van Gaal has seemingly embraced Rooney too; it's hard to do anything but speculate about this, but my guess has always been that rather than blind faith that Rooney was a superb player, Van Gaal's positioning of him at the centre of his plans about accomodation. He arrived a club which was seriously lacking in defence and midfield, and found Rooney near the start of a long and record breaking contract, and basically decided there were bigger fish to fry. The situation has now evolved to the point that Rooney seems to present a blockage in our first eleven. Van Gaal could have used his arrogance and authority to address the Rooney question; Mourinho would also have this chance. Of course, he could duck it and decide his priorities lie elsewhere, but compared to a more timid, less experienced manager there is a greater chance he'll act strongly on this.


                        Normally I roll my eyes whenever I hear people claiming that the problem with their team is lack of passion (it's the standard refrain of the clueless casual England supporter), but our team has looked depressingly timid in recent times. I think that the drive that you saw in classic United teams is to a significant extent a function of self-belief. We don't seem to believe that we can rise to the top and we look defeated when things go wrong. What makes teams overcome adversity is belief in themselves personally, belief in their teammates and belief in the plan. At points in his career Mourinho has shown that he is capable of inspiring this kind of belief (notably in his first spell at Chelsea), so there's a decent chance he'd be able to stop the rot here. On the other hand he has also shown the capacity to entirely undermine team spirit (see his second spell at Chelsea and the Carniero debacle), so it's by no means guaranteed.

                        Style of play

                        Moyes' and Van Gaal's conservative tactics have been a source of intense frustration. One of the things that made Ferguson's teams far more enjoyable to watch was that he was an extremely skilled risk-taker. Mourinho is not a risk-taker in the same way and has tendencies towards conservative tactics. He famously believes that big games are won by the team that makes the fewest mistakes, so in games against, say, City, we would probably have to get used to the spectacle of United playing with nearly everyone behind the ball, waiting for City to make a mistake.

                        Barcelona psychodrama

                        The presence of Guardiola at City makes Mourinho into even more of a wild card than he might otherwise be. The fact that Van Gaal has a playing philosophy seems to have been a source of consternation to many posters on here, but the same is true of Mourinho, who seems to have deep psychological issues with Barcelona, which manifest in his desire to demonstrate his superiority to tiki-taka, Guardiola etc. This has led to some questionable tactical choices, and the fear is that this fixation means United becomes the latest stage for him to seek vindication of his own superior tactical acumen, clouding his judgement.


                          Algselt postitas JanK Vaata postitust
                          Jätkan oma Redcafetamist. Seekord teemal Mourinho.
                          Mis mõttes seekord? Mourinho teemal sa neid noppeid vaid toodki.

                          Täna oleks paslik särk selga ajada ja illegaardi õlu-kahe rüppe minna viimast ponnistust kiikama.
                          Algselt postitas Stok
                          Arsenali puhul loetakse hooaeg ebaõnnestunuks kuskil septembri keskpaiku.


                            Keegi veel tahab ka, et LVG järgmine hooaeg pukis oleks ? Imo Bournemouthi vastu võit täna ja võib-olla CL koha saamine ei ole siiski ju piisavalt hea põhi, et uuele hooajale vastu minna. Samasugust mängupilti näha ja taaskord ''super'' saavutus, et saavutada võib-olla 4. koht!


                              CBJ teeb mängu ära ja nüüd õllele!

                              Algselt postitas Stok
                              Arsenali puhul loetakse hooaeg ebaõnnestunuks kuskil septembri keskpaiku.


                                Ja jälle ManU mäng jääb hiljaks. Viimasel päeval muidugi see pole enam naljakas.

