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    Algselt postitas LeeRomeno Vaata postitust
    üldse mitte paha pärast, aga siin on ikka päris head kraami
    Vaata ka eelmisele lehele.
    The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


      Algselt postitas Tofoa Vaata postitust
      Vaata ka eelmisele lehele.
      hmm veider, ju siis jäi 2 silma vahele.


        Võtab suht kõik kokku. Igav.

        Manchester United have finished the Premier League season outside of the Champions League qualifying spots - and here are some stats under pressure boss Louis van Gaal wont want to see.
        "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF



            Hollandlased on närvis. Süüdistavad Unitedit ja Woodwardi, et nemad pole pressiga tegelenud - nimelt olla Mourinho "gäng" mõjutanud Van Gaali tulemusi ja mängijate olemust ja atmosfääri. Amazing.
            We keep repeating it, but back in December, many in the English, and wider European, media wrote and spoke about Louis van Gaal's time at Manchester United as if it was coming to a very quick end. The Dutchman had 'one game left' repeatedly and many hung their hat on an assumption he'd be off.It was eye opening, as has been the whole Jose Mourinho to Manchester United circus. A desperation, and no doubt a great deal of pressure, to be seen to be right has led to people contradicting themselves, backtracking, rushing forward, 'clarifying', and generally making a hash of it.
            Largely out there on their own in December was Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf, who didn't feel Van Gaal was set to be sacked. Indeed, since then they've been quite calm about the whole situation. That's important because it was De Telegraaf who were first with the news on their former columnist getting the Manchester United job.
            In a world where some media organisations were falling over themselves to listen to any pub-bore source, and worse, De Telegraaf had a genuine line-in that everyone could see.
            Over recent weeks, they've not sounded so confident. Given the assumption is their information comes from the horse's mouth, or very close to it, then perhaps that's the most telling development recently.
            In their Saturday edition, De Telegraaf sound deflated, and a little irritated. It's pointed out that at Christmas, the club did nothing to stop the claims Van Gaal would be sacked imminently, leaving the manager to do it himself, as he has done repeatedly since.
            Van Gaal has been planning for the future, explain the newspaper, but 'it would be nice' if Manchester United had bothered to fight the media tide. It's pointed out that Edward Woodward has done nothing to 'eliminate the chaos' of recent months, a chaos fuelled at least partly by Mourinho's camp, and De Telegraaf believe that situation has directly harmed Van Gaal's management and the attitude of the players.
            Despite all of this, the genuine update from De Telegraaf is that Van Gaal, somehow, is still friends with Mourinho, with the former Chelsea manager looking up to him. The pair are said to have been in contact, and De Telegraaf give more weight to the idea of a director of football role for Van Gaal, but of course point out that is something Manchester United have moved to deny.
            A director of football role would see Van Gaal stay, but his staff of Albert Stuivenberg, Frans Hoek, Jos van Dijk, Marcel Bout and Max Reckers would go, no huge deal for the club given they only have a year left of contract, buy maybe a bigger issue for Van Gaal personally.
            Whatever happens, De Telegraaf seem to believe Manchester United have dealt with the situation appallingly. The club's failure to back their coach publicly, or have the courage to make a change, may seem that way, but on the flip side, there's not a lot more they could have done if the will was genuinely to keep Van Gaal.
            Publicly backing the manager would have been reported as 'the dreaded vote of confidence' and things may have ended up even messier, if that's at all possible. This is a situation where the power of the media has been clear to see, regardless of the accuracy.
            If this is the end then it's not very 'Manchester United', but then neither was David Moyes' exit, and neither has been the general steering of the club since Sir Alex Ferguson and, perhaps more pointedly on this issue, David Gill left.
            De Telegraaf genuinely seem exasperated on this one now. That could be because they feel it's the end game for their man, or that they've got to the end of their patience with it... maybe both.


              Fellaini. Fella faking iini.
              "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF


                Algselt postitas Raitsu Vaata postitust
                Fellaini. Fella faking iini.
                Poleks kunagi uskunud, et ma karvast kaitsma hakkan aga cupis on täitsa ok olnud ning ei tohiks üldse üllatus olla, et alustab. Muret tekitab hoopis Rojo vs Zaha. Sealt hakkab täna kindlasti kärisema.


                  Tra mis mõttes sa edu ei andnud seal!?!?


                    Kopsik !


                      Saab õue minna tähistama. Meeldiv.


                        Ei tekita kahjuks mingit emotsiooni see võit. Liigas oleks veel top 4 koht ära tulnud, siis veel oleks paar õlli teinud aga ilma CLi kohata mul sellest FA Cupist suht savi, mis raskustega fucking Crystal Palace-i vastu ära võeti.


                          Aitäh kahe meeldejääva aasta eest LVG. Kui MM-il ajal vaatasin, kuidas Holland Hispaania kotti pani oli haip reaalne. Kahjuks ei läinud muidugi nii hästi, kui lootsime.

                          Noorte tiimi toomine, de Gea hoidmine, FA karikas, aitäh.
                          You need people who score goals, that's how you win games.


                            Võit on võit ja karikas on karikas, mida siin möliseda. Jesse Lingard walks on water.

                            e: tegelikult mida vittu "suht savi", kaksteist aastat on möödas viimasest karikast. win raisk.
                            armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle


                              Lingardi koll https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvEHz96zrnM
                              Je suis Nasfal


                                Nüüd kirjutab juba isegi BBC, et Mourinho vahetab koomiku välja. Hakka või uskuma.
                                armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle

