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Manchester United FC

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    Well Jose, congratulations. New Manchester United manager. How do you feel?

    "I feel great. Well, I think I'm in the right moment of my career because Man United is one of these clubs where we really need to be prepared for it because it's what I used to call a giant club. And giant clubs must be for the best managers, and I think I'm ready for it. So, I could say I'm happy, I'm proud, I'm honoured, I'm everything. But the reality is that what I love is to work and I cannot wait for 7th July to go on the pitch."

    You've won trophies everywhere. What are your ambitions for Manchester United?

    "I think we can look at our club now in two perspectives. One perspective is the past 3 years and another perspective is the club history. I think I prefer to forget the past 3 years. I prefer to focus on the giant club I have in my hands now. And I think what the fans are expecting me to say is that I want to win. I think what the players they need to listen is I want to win. And more than that, I need the supporters and the players to feel that I say that but I think we can really. It's not just to say by say. So, yes I want to focus on the history of this giant club and give what I have and what I don't have. So, I will give absolutely everything to try to go into the direction we all want."

    You seem to have a good rapport with Manchester United fans when you come back with Inter Milan, with Real Madrid, with Chelsea, with charity game. What's your message to Manchester United fans who will be watching this eagerly now?

    "You know... I think I know what they can give me. I think also they know what I can give them. Obviously the most important thing are the players and the relations the players establish with them. But I think it's very important and curious that I played so many times against Man United. And I played so many times at Old Trafford with other clubs. There was empathy and no problems. In fact, I was pushed by that feeling to say sometimes things that my clubs were not happy with. I remember, for example, when I won at Old Trafford with Real Madrid, I told that the best team lost and not many people was happy at Real Madrid."
    mulle meeldib.


      vähemalt saab tulevastel pressikatel rohkem konkreetset juttu ja pulli ka!
      Manchester United Forever


        Algselt postitas karausser Vaata postitust
        vähemalt saab tulevastel pressikatel rohkem konkreetset juttu ja pulli ka!
        sex masochism jääb vist minevikku siis..



            Rashford 2020. aastani lepingupikendus ning CBJ samuti.


            Shaw terveks saab, siis vasakkaitsesse pole vaja tuua kedagi katteks, aga paremale ja keskele küll.


              Äkki Varela on okei.


                Kas Rashfordi uus palganumber ka läbi käinud kuskil on?
                Ilma vutita olla ei saa, vajan, kui õhku ma
                Ei tohi koju küll jääda sa, kui mängib Tammeka


                  Ŗ25,000 + boonused


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                    Tahaks näha kuidas Mou talle selle koonusega piki pead tõmbab. Mõttetu jätta sellist uueks hooajaks, laenule koguma end Infoneti või kuhugi.



                      hollandi lehed räägivad, et sneijder "tulemas".


                        Algselt postitas plastic'99 Vaata postitust

                        hollandi lehed räägivad, et sneijder "tulemas".
                        Ajaloohuvilisena küsiks lihtsalt, et mis aastast seda tüüpi juba ManU-ga seostatakse? Pärast 2008 EM-i vms?


                          Rashford võetakse EMile kaasa! Järgmine võimalus enda debüüdiskoori saldot suurendada.
                          Je suis Nasfal


                            Meie Philile vist meeldis Ramsey uus sonks.

                            tont twitteris: "Oh no, now even his hair is injured..."


                              Algselt postitas cbulls13 Vaata postitust
                              Meie Philile vist meeldis Ramsey uus sonks.

                              tont twitteris: "Oh no, now even his hair is injured..."
                              Ikka suht kole näeb välja, säärane twiit igati põhjendatud.
                              Elu on lühike, pidu on pikk.


                                Tundub, et Zlatan on üsna tehtud diil. SkySports juba breakis ja hea twitteri source Agent Ed samuti.

                                Agent Edward ‏@Agent_Edward 26m26 minutes ago

                                Welcome to the premier league @Ibra_official

                                This signing is for the Man Utd fans, Source close to Jose tells me.

