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Manchester United FC

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    Pigem läheb teistpidi. Glazerid ütlevad, et Ed moosis nad ära suurepärase projektiga liituma ja vutikaugetele jänkidele tuli fännide pahameel suure üllatusena.

    Aga Fabrizio sõnul on Ed seda juba kuid plaaninud ja istub pukis veel 2021 lõpuni.
    20 LEGEND


      Je suis Nasfal


        Algselt postitas Linnupoja Vaata postitust
        Alati saab hullemaks minna!
        Lootus sureb viimasena, ütles usk ja tappis armastuse.

        My spell checking is second to nine!


          ei oska nagu juubeldada hästi. Ed Woodward täitis omanike soove, mitte ei teinud omaloomingut. Millest see ootus, et nüüd miskit paremaks läheb?


            Aasta lõpuni on siiski ametis, et päris kohe ei lähe.
            "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF



                Official statement oli ka mage. Umbes FINE, me siis ka ei lähe, aga me leiame ikka oma lahenduse. Ei mingit tunnet ka, et midagi oleks valesti olnud.
                Lootus sureb viimasena, ütles usk ja tappis armastuse.

                My spell checking is second to nine!


                  Algselt postitas futbolidipaul Vaata postitust
                  Official statement oli ka mage. Umbes FINE, me siis ka ei lähe, aga me leiame ikka oma lahenduse. Ei mingit tunnet ka, et midagi oleks valesti olnud.
                  Kõige tavalisem BS klubi poolt. Praeguse info põhjal arvan - ma ei usu, et s*ttagi oleks juhtunud kui Chelsea või City poleks vastavaid samme teinud.

                  Usun ka, et kogu see krempel tuleb veel ringiga tagasi, eriti veel kui praegused omanikud ei vahetu teistest väärtustest lugupidavate omanike vastu. Vähem ärimehi, rohkem jalgpallimehi.
                  Van Der Sar saved it, United again!


                    Lõpuks kui lahkub, läheb koos Glazeritega? Kui mõelda Woodwardi kui töötaja peale, siis mis ta tegi? Kui Ameerika raha 2005 Unitedi üle võttis oli meie commercial revenue wiki andmetel 50 millionit poundi. Eelmine aasta pidavat olema 341 miljonit dollarit. Lihtsalt google. Suht kõva turn-over peaks sealt ju müües tulema. 15 aasta projekt.


                      Vähemalt jää liigub, aga see ei ole enne läbi kui #glazersout. Laupäeval Old Traffordi juures protest ka. Loodan, et võimalikult massirohke.
                      Britid võiks nüüd aru saada, et kui tahavad oma spordiala säilitada, siis 50+1 reegel tuleb seadusesse kirjutada nagu Saksamaal. Ehk siis klubid peavad kuuluma fännidele mitte suvalistele ahnetele kaabakatele.



                        ausalt, keskmine jalgpalli fänn on vist kas 15 või loll.

                        kogu üritus läks cxl, aga ikka vingutakse midagi karistustest, kas kogu see jalgpall ongi üks monopol ja mitte keegi ei tohi mitte mingi muu sarjaga liituda? Varsti on reaalselt nii, et koondiste sõprusmänge peab ka mingi suva qatari matsi järgi paika kinnitama.

                        (mainin ära, et olen õnnelik, et see liiga läbi ei läinud)
                        Je suis Nasfal


                          Ärge muretsege, corrupt monopol sai nüüd kaitset juurde.

                          The Premier League is set to change its rules to ensure that no member club will ever be able to join a breakaway European league again without facing instant expulsion.

                          A governance review already being carried out by the Premier League’s chief executive Richard Masters, in conjunction with the FA, will now focus specifically on ending any such future threat as part of the changes.

                          “This will kill off the threat of English clubs joining a European Super League for ever,” said a source with knowledge of the developments.

                          Under the Premier League’s existing rule L9 there is a list of other competitions that member clubs are permitted to play in, but the new rule will end any possible ambiguities around new competitions outside the existing football structures. The new rule is expected to set out in black and white that joining any breakaway league will lead to immediate expulsion.

                          Meanwhile, some Premier League clubs are still pushing for the ‘big six’ — Liverpool, Arsenal, Tottenham, Chelsea and the two Manchester clubs — to face sanctions for joining the Super League on Sunday, only to pull out 48 hours later after a storm of criticism from their own fans, as well as threatened action from the government and the football authorities.

                          One club insider said rule L9 was “clearly broken” as any Premier League member club needs prior written approval by the board to enter a new competition, and therefore the rebel clubs should face sanctions.

                          There is another view, however, that the ‘big six’ have been so devastated by the events of the last week — losing the goodwill of their fans, no longer being part of the European Club Association, losing key committee positions on the Premier league — that the biggest punishment of all will be no longer being able to use the threat of a Super League. “The big six have used that as their final bargaining chip for years — now it’s worthless,” said the source.

                          Nevertheless, Barcelona and Real Madrid are still refusing to concede defeat despite the fact they are the only two of the 12 clubs still in it.

                          The Real Madrid president Florentino Pérez, the supposed first chairman of the Super League, appeared to blame Manchester City for creating the “avalanche” that led to the clubs abandoning the project. The Times revealed on Sunday that the leading English clubs had signed up to the breakaway but that City had been the most reluctant and last to join.

                          Pérez told the late-night radio show El Larguero: “There was one of the English clubs who didn’t seem so interested and that spread to the rest. They signed the contract but we could already see that they were not convinced. And then the avalanche started.”

                          When he was asked if it was Manchester City, Pérez said: “The one from Manchester saw the campaign saying this will kill the leagues, that it won’t allow merit, that it was the end of football.

                          “Uefa turned it into a show. It was as if we had dropped an atomic bomb. I have never seen such aggressiveness; it was orchestrated. They killed us. They were waiting for us. I think they knew we were going to do it. There were threats, insults, as if we had killed football.”

                          Javier Tebas, president of Spain’s La Liga, saved his strongest criticism for Pérez, credited as the mastermind of the project and who had claimed the Super League would “save football”.

                          “If they say that the Super League will save football, they are lying or they are mistaken,” Tebas said. “Florentino Pérez is lying. It can’t help football because it would destroy the national leagues.”

                          Barcelona’s president Joan Laporta said on Catalan public television: “It is absolutely necessary. The biggest clubs create the most financial resources and we must have our say in deciding how the earnings are shared.”

                          Both Juventus and AC Milan left open the possibility of joining a Super League at a later date.

                          Barcelona’s finances have been hard hit by the pandemic, and the 12 elite clubs wanted to boost their revenues by cutting Uefa out of the equation and replacing the Champions League with a new tournament of 20 teams.

                          “There have been pressures placed on some clubs, but the proposal is still standing,” Laporta said. “We have very important investments, our salaries are very high, and those must be taken into consideration, along with sporting merits.”
                          Je suis Nasfal


                            Algselt postitas Linnupoja Vaata postitust
                            One club insider said rule L9 was “clearly broken” as any Premier League member club needs prior written approval by the board to enter a new competition, and therefore the rebel clubs should face sanctions.
                            Paneme selle reegli ka siia.

                            “Except with the prior written approval of the board, during the season a club shall not enter or play its senior men’s first team in any competition other than

                            L.9.1 – The UEFA Champions League
                            L.9.2 – The UEFA Europa League
                            L.9.3 – The FA Cup
                            L.9.4 – The FA Community Shield
                            L.9.5 – The Football League Cup or
                            L.9.6 – Competitions sanctioned by the County Association of which it is a member.”

                            Ei tundu väga veenev. "Shall not enter" loogiliselt ei saa tähendada üksnes kokkuleppe sõlmimist, sest siis oleks iga Aasia või USA turnee, mille osas diilid pannakse millalgi hooaja jooksul paika, alus karistamiseks. Kuna mängude graafikut ju paigas polnud, siis ei saa ka kindlalt väita, et mängud toimunuks hooaja vältel.

                            Üldiselt väga ei poolda ka karistusi. Asja korraldasid ju pintsaklipslased mängijate selja taga, praegu aga karistataks neid, kes punktid välja teeninud. Hui mingit Joeli kuskil huvitab, et ühel hooajal n arv punkte maha lahutatakse. See, et igaüks neist klubidest alustaks hoolimata liigapositsioonist uut CL-i hooaega kuskilt esimesest kvalifikatsioonivoorust oleks samas kogu seda üritust silmas pidades väga märgiline ja sobilik karistus.
                            20 LEGEND


                              Giggsy näitas jälle iseloomu.
                              Lootus sureb viimasena, ütles usk ja tappis armastuse.

                              My spell checking is second to nine!


                                Algselt postitas Stok
                                Nõme, kahtlemata, ja taunimistväärt. Aga isegi uudise lingis puudub sõna "football". Praegu ilmaaegu tõmbad negatiivset tähelepanu oma uuele avatarile. Pane siis juba Kõmri koondise teemasse vmt.
                                Me ei peagi looma samasuguseid seoseid, kus neid pole.
                                Lootus sureb viimasena, ütles usk ja tappis armastuse.

                                My spell checking is second to nine!

