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    Ma nagu mäletaks, et mõned foorumlased olid niisamuti ähmi täis, kui ETH tulek avalikuks sai. Loodame, et ajalugu ei kordu.


      Algselt postitas Ibanez Vaata postitust
      Ma nagu mäletaks, et mõned foorumlased olid niisamuti ähmi täis, kui ETH tulek avalikuks sai. Loodame, et ajalugu ei kordu.
      Kindlasti olid, ma olin ka. Kõik me nägime mis ta suutis teha Ajaxis. Pmst sama, kui Bayern suure suure raha eest Nagelsmanni ostis Leipzigist, kutt oli toona kõige Lahedam* peatreener topp jalgpallis ja kõik armastasid teda, Bayernis aga asjad nii läinud ja see periood jäi ikka väga lühikeseks - hiljem on ta ikka kõrgelt hinnatud ja tal läheb hästi. Ma loodan, et ETH leiab endale kiiresti töö kus ta on samuti jälle super edukas - lihtsalt Unitedil on seni nende peatreenerite valikuga olnud nii, et ükski meilt lahkunud peatreener pole tunduvat karjääri hüpet enam teinud ja pigem tasemelt ainult langenud, ehk see rääkis ta midagi nende valikute kohta. Inimlikult ma loodan, et ETH suudab seda müüti purustada, aga tal on ilmselgelt nõrkusi, mis siin välja tulid.


        Treeneritega on üldiselt nii, et neisse on veel vähem põhjust kiinduda kui mängijatesse. Kui klubi on 10+ aastaga maksnud mängijate eest 1,5 miljardit või kuskile sinnakanti ja tulemus on üksnes nutt ja hala, siis peamine küsimus pole selles, kes on järgmine treener. Peamine küsimus on, kuidas järgmised 1,5 miljardit investeeritakse.
        the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
        because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


          Uue treeneri kasvulava saab olema viljakas, sest "rekordeid", mis kiilakas bussijuht ette pani, on raske ületada.
          "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."



              Peale selle, et jutud on samad, tundub treener profiilit ka suht sama. Oma liigas nime teinud noor treener, kes TOP liigades pole võimalust veel saanud. Loodetavasti läheb paremini kui eelmisega.


                Algselt postitas JuriM Vaata postitust

                Kindlasti olid, ma olin ka. Kõik me nägime mis ta suutis teha Ajaxis. Pmst sama, kui Bayern suure suure raha eest Nagelsmanni ostis Leipzigist, kutt oli toona kõige Lahedam* peatreener topp jalgpallis ja kõik armastasid teda, Bayernis aga asjad nii läinud ja see periood jäi ikka väga lühikeseks - hiljem on ta ikka kõrgelt hinnatud ja tal läheb hästi. Ma loodan, et ETH leiab endale kiiresti töö kus ta on samuti jälle super edukas - lihtsalt Unitedil on seni nende peatreenerite valikuga olnud nii, et ükski meilt lahkunud peatreener pole tunduvat karjääri hüpet enam teinud ja pigem tasemelt ainult langenud, ehk see rääkis ta midagi nende valikute kohta. Inimlikult ma loodan, et ETH suudab seda müüti purustada, aga tal on ilmselgelt nõrkusi, mis siin välja tulid.
                Treener võib olla taktikaline geenius, aga kui ta ei oska (eriti staar)mängijatega suhelda, nendeni seda viia, neid motiveerida, jonnipunne händlida ja väga palju muud sellist, motiveerida ja tekitada selge pika plaani visioon, siis see taktikakepi magic üksi kuidagi ei aita. Karismat on ka vaja nii tipus. Amorim'il seisab samasugune challenge ees. We'll see kuidas pahade õuntega toimetab.


                  Amorim ametlik! ✌️
                  Manchester United Forever


                    Algselt postitas Wingback Vaata postitust

                    Treener võib olla taktikaline geenius, aga kui ta ei oska (eriti staar)mängijatega suhelda, nendeni seda viia, neid motiveerida, jonnipunne händlida ja väga palju muud sellist, motiveerida ja tekitada selge pika plaani visioon, siis see taktikakepi magic üksi kuidagi ei aita. Karismat on ka vaja nii tipus. Amorim'il seisab samasugune challenge ees. We'll see kuidas pahade õuntega toimetab.
                    Jep, Inglise press ja "punditid" tuleb lihtsalt kiiresti paika panna ja teha oma asja. De Zerbi näiteks ei lasknud end üldse segada, ei pea olema kohe full Mourinho ja sõtta minema, aga kuidagi tuleb sellest pingest vabaneda. Hetkel on kõik mis Manchester Unitedit puudutab ja vähegi negatiivsust välja näitab, kohe suured pealkirjad ja tuhanded arvamused. Ma arvan, et hetkel meil polegi nii palju jama klubi mängijatega kui sellega, kui palju kõik tahaks näha meid läbi kukkumas - kuna see toodab sisu.


                      TH ajas ju ise kokku neid häid õunu 700 milli eest, 2 sama venda kui vördlesin 2 aasta tagust koosseisu. Oleks siis et "oops, sattusin mingite kääbikute otsa, not my fault". Manu bränd on cursed lihtsalt
                      “Just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right.”


                        Algselt postitas xxD
                        Ainuke teema siin foorumis, kus fännid veel vaid endal lahti taovad ongi mingi PL tagumise otsa kllubi manu, teised teemad suht kottis. Võiks kinni ära panna selle foorumi, foorum surnud.
                        Selles osas ei saa vastu vaielda küll, et soccerneti foorum kui selline on surnud sellest ajast, kui diktatuur selle portaali üle võttis. Aga nautigem ManU teemat


                          Hello guys.

                          I'm a Sporting fan and I thought I might as well give you a little insight about Ruben's qualities and system.

                          First of all, the qualities: the guy is a phenomenal manager, for me one of the best coaches in Europe. You might laugh reading this, but forget the context (portuguese league), the curriculum (the titles he won in Portugal), all that. I don't say this because he won a lot in Portugal, i say this because of the way he develops and structures a team. And also because of the way he communicates, so clear and with such charisma that the fans will love them and the players will "buy" every single aspect of his idea. Because he is direct, clear, smart, it's easy to believe him. And that goes to the locker room as well.

                          I haven't seen many coaches with such a fingerprint, so clear and definied, as his on a team. You saw Sporting playing one week, and if you saw it the week before, and 2 weeks before, and 3 weeks before, you could the see pretty much the same. The tactical patterns are so clear, so well-worked and so structured that you see team's intentions - the construction from behind, the movements off the ball from the players and the paths used to get to the goal - repeatedly. He got to a point where Sporting fans pretty much knew what to expect before each game, and were confident with what they would see in the following game: such a dominance and tactical supremacy that everyone was calm and relaxed about the game before it started.

                          Of course, context matters, but I've seen many, many coaches in this context. Some have won as much as him (none in Sporting, and that's not a detail I would say), some have had good win percentagens, but very very few had this control over the game, the tactics. This year and last year, the impression one had was that the team would play exactly the same if all the players were blindfolded. It was so mechanized, so developed and for the players the proposal was so clear that the adjective I would is use fluid - every move, every action, every collective intent was so fluid.

                          In terms of the system, I would say:

                          Back three - This is how he always played. The center-back from the middle is someone who has to keep it simple. He has to have good control over the ball, he can't be sloppy and has to remain the calm and composure on the ball when he's pressed, but he has to pass it and play it simply. It's also important to have good aerial capabilities and be physically dominant. The center-backs from the sides have to do it a bit different. They have to have the best ball control possible, they have to feel confident and calm with the ball, be able to progress with it to open up spaces and create numerical advantages and they have to be able to keep doing good vertical passes. To say it simply, they have to be playmakers with the ball. I'm not sure about it's contractual situation, and its status currently on the team, but Lindelof would be a guy that could grow into a specific system like this. Dalot, also. Lisandro, I don't know - does he have the composure, creativity and vision with the ball to construct the plays from behind and for the team to be so "dependeable" on his playmaking with the ball? I guess we'll see.

                          The wing backs - Ruben had success with good offensive full-backs playing as wing-back, such as Porro and Nuno Mendes. But over the years, the system evolved so that the characteristics of the guys playing here changed. He started favouring "pure dribblers" here: normally small guys, but very fast, very good on the gear change and acceleration and specially (essential) very good 1x1 offensive skills. Guys like Diallo (on the right) and Garnacho (on the left), I would say, would play in these positions. Because everyone, from the midlefield to the attack, plays so much in central roles, these guys seem "abandoned" on the wing. It's on purpose: suddenly a colleague passes the ball on the wing and these guys have to have the shamelessness and technical and physical skills to crush the full-back 1x1.

                          Midlefield - Two guys, nothing much to say about it. He has used different kind of defensive midlefields (Palhinha and Ugarte are very different from Hjulmand, who is a calm playmaker) and different kind of central midlefields (Morita is very different from Bragança, he used Joao Mario also, but also Matheus Nunes, who has very different characteristics from the former 3). What will they need? Class and quality with the ball - the rest, Ruben will work with them on positioning, movements and confidence. Ugarte will thrive with him, I'm sure (he already has in Sporting).

                          Then, there's two essential positions, maybe the most important in his system: the "false wingers". They are not wingers, they play within the lines, in the interior areas, and they have to be a mix of a classical number 10 (with a great first touch, vision to assist and elegance) and a kind of interior winger (with dribble, gear chance, acceleration and capacity to finish and score). Check Trincao and Pote - those are the type of players that succeed in these system. Maybe Bruno can play here, with creative duties. But you'll also need a different type of player than Garnacho, Antony or Diallo, a guy comfortable with receiving the ball in interior areas, that great first touch and capacity to change the game and the attack with one/two touches. One example: Fatawu (Leicester) didn't thrive here because he was a player who liked to fix the oponent, wait and then trying to drible him. It has to be more "practical" players, with the quality, elegance and smartness to play well in central crowded spaces.

                          Attack - I personally believe Hojlund will thrive. Gyokeres is outstanding, but please don't take him away from us

                          Hope someone finds this insight helpful. Best to all!​


                            Kui mõtelda viimase premmi mängu penalti kohta westhami vastu ja siis täna ühe rünnaku jooksul võeti hoilund maha, mehel küpnejäljed kaelas ja Rashford peale söötu sõideti sisse, var ei vaadanud kumbagi. Nüüd mõtelda, et chelse võitis viimati meid ja sai kaks lihtsalt penaltit? Ja selle kirjutamise ajal võeti Garnacho suluseisu ära kui oli piiri peal ( tavaliselt lastakse lõpuni) oleks olnud ohtlik rünnak, hoilund võeti kiiresti maha ja ei viga. Mäng võrdne aga kohtuniku otsused selgelt Chelsea kasuks


                              Dafug tüüpiline, caseido lööb oma elu värava proovi sada korda veel ja vbolla saad korra veel sisse.


                                Kuidagi võiks õppida palle esialgu raami ja hiljem väravasse lööma.

                                Palmer pidi mingi hea vend olema ju?

