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Manchester United FC
Fergie ütles lõpuks välja selle, mida kõik nagunii teadsid.
"Snoods are for powder puffs. Real men don't wear things like that. Get 'em off."
Snood on siis teatavasti see juuksevõrk, mida Teveze ja Nasri-sugused tüdrukud ümber kaela kannavad.We have to disorganise their organisation so we have to be very creative.
Algselt postitas NOT Vaata postitusttäitsa tore, 3.p oleks ilus
In my opinion, Arsenal is just an Academy… In 10 years, nobody will remember of them. | The Busby Way
Algselt postitas alehis Vaata postitustinglismaal see liiga pole nii nõrk, et esimese ja teise vahe oleks 5-0
Samas 2-3 või 2-4 poleks ka üllatus.
Lisaks teen natuke ettenutmist ja pakun kodumeeskonna võitu.
Muideks kes Talinna rahvas kusil avalikus kohas ka mängu vaatab?Inimesed, olge valvsad! Ma armastan teid ikka veel! Minu armastus – see on jube ja õudne, seepärast te peategi olema valvsad.
Twenty-six of the 33 Chilean miners who were trapped underground for two months have arrived in the UK ahead of a visit to Manchester United.
The men, who were rescued in October, will be guests of honour at Old Trafford for the game against Arsenal on Monday night.
Algselt postitas esmufc10Will they meet Andy Cole?Algselt postitas sully07Surely they prefer Da Silva?Algselt postitas INF-AMOSApparently they are being taken on the United tour but for sensitive reasons they are avoiding the dug out.Algselt postitas MikeUpNorthSurprised Wenger didn't invite the miners round to be honest.armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle
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