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    Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

    Shearer 200

    Edit: ma ei tea, mis koodekeid see fail tahab, minul igal juhul ei läinud tööle... aga ei viitsi nuputada praegu.


      Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

      mis seal siis ikka.
      nagu näha oli minu positiivse iseloomuga postitusest mingisugune kasu siiski olemas.

      Loodetavasti on see rõõmus sündmus positiivse loomuga laks ka \"riietusruumile\".
      Ja tänud video eest Jussinen. minul \"runnis\" kõige tavalisema meediapleieriga nii mis lust.
      14. september 2006, Tallinn


        Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

        Täna kell 15.30 siis Fa Cupi IV ringi loosimine, ennustan, et saame kas Sunderlandi või Leedsi, suurklubi peaks ju ometi pisikesest Wiganist üle olema, samas on karikasarja teed imelikud muidugi ja kindel on see, et saame võõrsilmängu.

        Njah, jalgpallijumal ikka kohe tahab meid näha gigantkillingu ühe osapoolena, et siis Cheltenham/Chester võõrsil, kes veel ei tea.


          Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

          nufc.com mittekülastajatele selline tore info:

          Boosting the away following at the Stadium of Light on Sunday up towards the 5,000 mark were a number of Vics followers from the Tyneside area, coincidentally making their debut watching Northwich.

          And while a couple of interlopers in the away end were sniffed out and removed, an unidentified number of other Mags enjoyed a mirthsome afternoon out for their tenner - despite a 3-0 win for the home side.

          Renditions of \"you\'ve only got six points\" from the Vics sections may have betrayed a certain amount of local knowledge, but the non-league fans came up with repeated choruses of \"going down, going down\" all by themselves.

          It took a second half chorus of \"stand up for the Newcastle\" for the village idiots in the adjoining stand to latch on to the fact that all was not what it seemed.

          And a closer inspection of the green and white colours being paraded by some alleged Vics may have revealed that representatives of their Blyth and Lisbon branches had made the trip.

          Particularly hilarious were the non-Toon related chants from the home section - and there weren\'t many.

          \"Can we play you every week?\" sang the mackems - well, at current rates of progress they could get two games against the Vics in League Two come season 2008/09....

          However, chanting \"You\'re sh*t and you know you are\" against a side a mere 97 places below them without a hint of irony has to take the biscuit.

          Sadly for the Vics and former Mag duo Paul Brayson and Stuart Elliott, there was to be no fairytale goal or scoreline - although the latter almost had the final word with a thundering late effort from distance.

          And credit to them both for refusing to swap shirts with home players at the end, at least in public.

          At least some North Eastern football fans showed up though, even if it was black and whiters - the published attendance figure of just less than 20,000 seeming a tad on the optimistic side.

          Full marks to the PA man for confirming at half time that the Burton v Man U score was 0-0. The fact it hadn\'t then kicked off was purely incidental.

          PS - In view of the recent appalling crowds for Smoggy home games, can we assume that the locals will be outnumbered by Nuneaton fans at the Riverside replay next week?
          “The state of our pitch wouldn’t have affected Liverpool — with their game the ball is in the air most of the time.”
          The Special One


            Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

            Selline lugemine sport.telegraphist:

            Newcastle\'s £90m debt

            Graeme Souness\'s future may be in doubt as Newcastle manager, but can the club find the £5 million they might need to pay him off and get a replacement - it cost £1.65 million to bring Souness from Blackburn - let alone the £20 million needed to replace an ageing team?

            Newcastle, the second-best supported club in the country with 50,000 fans every home game, rarely make a profit, they have just lost their best asset, Michael Owen, for most of the rest of the season, they will probably not play in Europe next year, and mid-table mediocrity beckons. Their debt is around £90 million.

            The only people doing well at St James\' Park are the directors.

            Sixty-four per cent of the club is owned by the Hall and Shepherd families and the one executive director, Freddie Shepherd, is also the major shareholder. Two of the four non-executive directors are members of the Hall family. Last year Douglas Hall was paid £496,000, and Shepherd £552,000.

            They also get handsome dividends. Although the club have recorded retained losses of £48m as at June 30 last year, the directors declared a total dividend of £3.95m, the same as the previous year. Net debt at June 30 was £66.7m, including £47m of senior loan notes secured against future season ticket sales and corporate hospitality receipts.

            Add to this the net £20m spent on players last summer. Owen cost £16m, twice what Liverpool offered Real Madrid, Luque cost £10m and Nobby Solano £1m. Take away Jermaine Jenas, sold for £7m, and this still leaves outgoings of £20m.

            This means the average net debt position is probably close to £90m. This is matched by the value of £93m put on the stadium.

            The playing staff is valued by the directors at £40m. For 2004-05 turnover was £87m, of which £50m went on salaries, £23m on other operating expenses £23m and £14m on writing down the value of players in amortization. With interest of £4m a year there was a loss, but dividends were still paid, and this means Newcastle have a net asset value of 22p per share. The share price is 47.5p and it has gone as high as 60p.

            But who would want to buy the club? Hall and Shepherd would probably be looking for 60p a share, valuing the club at £75m. This maybe one for rich Russians, but not for others.


              Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

              Noh, see on ajakirjanike spekulatsioon ja arvutus. Siin ei ole küll midagi, mille üle erutuda. Mis sest, et liitmistehted õiged vastused annavad.


                Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

                Algselt postitas Jussinen

                Noh, see on ajakirjanike spekulatsioon ja arvutus. Siin ei ole küll midagi, mille üle erutuda. Mis sest, et liitmistehted õiged vastused annavad.
                Huvitav, kas me Leedsi teemase ka mõne sellise postituse ajaloost leiame?
                "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


                  Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

                  See piletite vastu laen tuli kunagi staadioni otsatribüüni ehitamiseks, mille tulemusena kapatsiteet 36,000 pealt 52,000-ni hüppas. TUletan meelde, et leedsi puhul oli tegemist tulevase auhinna- ja teleraha ja muu säärasega.

                  Fakt, et paks-Freddy on tõbras, pole muidugi midagi uut. Samas ei maksa tõesti liigselt erutuda kahjurõõmu-pededel. Erinevalt Leedsist on tegemist ikkagi klubiga, kelle palgastuktuur on kontrolli all ja kulud on enam-vähem kontrolli all.

                  Ainuke võimalus krahhiks on kukkumine divariks, aga kuna Premieris on väga masendavaid satse, palju hullemaid, kui meie, siis pole see eriti reaalne.
                  “The state of our pitch wouldn’t have affected Liverpool — with their game the ball is in the air most of the time.”
                  The Special One


                    Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

                    Hullem on see, et \"tõbras paks-Freddy\" ei leia raha peatreeneri väljavahetamiseks. Pigem korjab seda järjekordsete dividendide väljamaksmiseks Vägisi paistab, et Sounessi tulemused ei ole enam olulised, oluline on ta minema saada ilma lisaraha välja käimata. Ja see ei kipu kuidagi õnnestuma...


                      Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

                      14. september 2006, Tallinn


                        Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

                        Palju vaja on veel???


                          Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

                          Sounessi sõnad pärast tänast mängu: \"I chose to be in this job and things don\'t always go your way. But I\'ll keep going. As a manager you have to be optimistic and think things are going to get better.\"

                          Tule jumal appi...


                            Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

                            Varsti esitatakse klubi poolt ilmselt Newcastle\'i vastavale ametkonnale ühekordse Sounessi-nimelise jahiloa taotlus... need \"siin ma olen ja siit ma ei lähe\" stiilis avaldused ei jäta nagu eriti muud võimalust enam. On ikka idioote ilma loodud
                            armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle


                              Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

                              Algselt postitas vincent

                              Varsti esitatakse klubi poolt ilmselt Newcastle\'i vastavale ametkonnale ühekordse Sounessi-nimelise jahiloa taotlus... need \"siin ma olen ja siit ma ei lähe\" stiilis avaldused ei jäta nagu eriti muud võimalust enam. On ikka idioote ilma loodud
                              Lugesin kolm korda su posti labi ja motlesin,et mis kuradi juhiloa taotlus esitatakse
                              Graeme tahab pappi ju kui ta ise minema laheks siis ta ei saaks seda ja mees teab,et peale sellist spelli Toonis vaevalt ta mingi korraliku tookoha leiab!


                                Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

                                No peale selliseid avaldusi ka vaevalt ükski täie aruga klubiomanik teda tahab endale ristiks kaela. Praegune käitumine meenutab olukorda, kui oled kogemata pe..etpidi naela otsa istunud, aga püsti ka ei tõuse lootuses, et äkki su tagumik voolib aja jooksul naelateraviku ümaramaks...

                                edit: hmh, aga ehk siiski on ka Souey jaoks koht olemas siin maamuna peal. Konkurents pole kaugeltki nii tappev, särgid kuldsed ja klubi bossi nimi Money... peaks nagu kärama küll
                                armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle

