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    Newcastle'i treener lahkus, vallandati või jätkab?Autor: Gunnar Leheste
    03.09 200809:54 Jalgpall
    Foto: ReutersMis saab Kevin Keeganist?Newcastle Unitedi jalgpalliklubi juhtkond kinnitas, et vastupidiselt kuulujuttudele pole nad oma peatreenerit Kevin Keeganit klubist minema löönud. Treenerite liidu teatel pole mees ka ise tagasi astunud.

    "Newcastle United võib kinnitada, et juhtkond kohtus treeneriga eile (üleeile) ja täna. Kevin tõstatas mitmeid küsimusi ning nende üle arutati," vahendab Eurosport klubi kodulehel seisnud teadet.

    "Klubi tahab jätkata oma pikema perspektiivi strateegiat ning märkida, et Kevin on selles protsessis äärmiselt tähtis, seda praegu ja ka tulevikus. Kevin Keeganit ei ole vallandatud."

    BBC kirjutab, et Newcastle pole siiski selgeks teinud, kas Keegan jätkab peatreenerina või mitte. "Newcastle ütleb, et pole teda vallandanud. Treenerite liit väidab, et pole lahkunud. Keegi aga ei ütle, et Keegan jätkab," rääkis BBC Radio korrespondent Jonathan Legard.

    Vihased Newcastle'i fännid kogunesid protestiks St James Parki ette skandeerima "Vallandage juhtkond!", väljendades niiviisi rahulolematust Keegani vallandamise üle ja nõudes vastuseid.

    Daily Maili andmetel toimus üleeile peatreeneri ja klubi juhtide osalusel koosolek, kus juhtkond avaldas rahulolematust Keegani suutmatuse üle meeskonda korralikult komplekteerida. Kuna klubil ei õnnestunud enne üleminekuakna sulgumist ühtegi mängijat meeskonda lisada, arvatakse, et Keegan võis seetõttu ka ise tagasi astuda nagu ta tegi seda klubiga 1997. aastal ja Inglismaa koondisega 2000. aastal.
    Mis on ühist Tallinna jõulukuusel ja Cristiano Ronaldol? Mõlemad kipuvad ümber kukkuma, aga süüdi on alati teised!
    Ott Järvela


      Algselt postitas budulojus Vaata postitust
      Daily Maili andmetel toimus üleeile peatreeneri ja klubi juhtide osalusel koosolek, kus juhtkond avaldas rahulolematust Keegani suutmatuse üle meeskonda korralikult komplekteerida. Kuna klubil ei õnnestunud enne üleminekuakna sulgumist ühtegi mängijat meeskonda lisada, arvatakse, et Keegan võis seetõttu ka ise tagasi astuda nagu ta tegi seda klubiga 1997. aastal ja Inglismaa koondisega 2000. aastal.

      See on küll hea nali.
      Mismoodi on võimalik meeskonda kolplekteerida kui kui juhtkond ise müüb ja ostab mehi nii nagu tahab.Milneri müük ja Oweni ning Bartoni müügikatse.
      Jah Milneri eest sai hea papi ja Owen võib varsti lihtsalt minema jalutada ja taheti maha lükata.Ma saan aru,et tahetakse finantse korras hoida aga siis ei tasu ka midagi head oodata hooajalt kui asendusi nendele meestele pole.
      Keegan tahab lihtsalt,et tema perset ei torgitaks ja saaks meeskonda komplekteerida nii nagu ise paremaks peab aga mitte,et Wise ja teised ahvid talle pinda ei käiks ja üleminekuid ei organiseeriks ilma tema nõusolekuta.

      Oweni oleks pidanud juba varem maha müüma ja asenduse otsima.
      Mees uuele lepingule alla ei kirjuta ja sellest ajast saati kuna ta liitus meiega on ta oodanud päästeinglit kes ta sealt minema viiks.Pole vaja sellist venda,eriti veel kapteniks.
      Ta pole kunagi tahtnud NUFC-i eest mängida.Vaikselt põeb oma Poolist lahkumise kompleksi.

      Vaja on lahti saada Wise-st,Owenist ja Ashleyst,sest paistab,et ta ei saa klubiga hakkama.

      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


        boycoutt the club!


          Algselt postitas SleepWalking Vaata postitust
          Sjuke hädine värk, aga mida tavalisest tööpäevast oodata. Kahju, et järgmine kodumäng veel mägede taga, vaat siis saaks nalja.

          SACK THE BOARD!!!

          Kolm aastat tagasi õnnestus Tafkaga ühel sellisel mängujärgsel tirilimpskil osaleda, oi oli tore! -- skandeerimised, laulud, kätest-kinni-puntras-mahaistumised, politsei, koerad, hobused. Üks omapärasemaid jalgpalliga seotud power-üritusi minu elus...
          Jalgpallihaigla liige
          Member of SAFC Supporters Community Estonia/Finland


            Algselt postitas aiFo Vaata postitust
            Tõesti kahju, et Circus has left the town. Or...?
            Ja läinud ta ongi. Tuline kahju, tõesti. Tema ajal kohtuti Arsenaliga kolm korda ja kõik mängud jäid 3-0.


              Ei tea kas Hulli mängu vaatab ka Ashley koos fännidega?

              Pole lihtsalt sõnu,jälle on kõik perse keeratud.
              Punkt iiiile oleks kui Wise saaks pukki nüüd.


                Tervitaksin Kenti
                Inimesed, olge valvsad! Ma armastan teid ikka veel! Minu armastus – see on jube ja õudne, seepärast te peategi olema valvsad.


                  Naljanumbrid ???
                  Kas te arvasite, et Keegan toodi NUFC-i treeneriks ... ?


                    Ashley ei julge iial teha mingit julgemat otsust, mis teda veel ebapopulaarsemaks teeb. A la nagu ta valis lihtsama tee 6 kuud tagasi kui messiase nimetas. Seega Wise'i ei nimeta ta küll mingil juhul, siis oleks suhteliselt pretsedenditu et oma fännid oma treenerit buuavad juba esimese mängu ajal.

                    Samas palju NUFC-il neid messiaid jäänud on (peale Sheareri obv). Ehk et pigem mingi kõlava nimega treener a la Deschamps. Need Poyet kuuldused tekitavad minus hirmu, aga õnneks on ta veel nii kogenematu, et vaevalt Ashleyl munandeid leidub.
                    "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


                      Newcastle goes through more managers than Max Mosley does prostitutes.
                      Hello! I´m mentaly ill.


                        Lammutamine käib ikka täiega ...

                        NEWCASTLE assistant Terry McDermott and reserve team coach Adam Sadler have left the crisis-hit club.

                        Their departures follow that of boss Kevin Keegan last Thursday.
                        McDermott had been taking first-team coaching since early last week when the differences between Keegan and the board that led to his resignation.
                        Ex-Magpies player McDermott had a long coaching association with the club dating back to Keegan's first stint in charge in 1992.
                        He also worked under Kenny Dalglish, Graeme Souness, Glenn Roeder and Sam Allardyce at St James' Park.

                        Former youth team goalkeeper Sadler worked at the club's academy until being promoted by Roeder in 2006.


                          NUFC ei suuda isegi kodus võita,kas tõesti on jamad teil nii suured et mõjutavad mängu?
                          Mis on ühist Tallinna jõulukuusel ja Cristiano Ronaldol? Mõlemad kipuvad ümber kukkuma, aga süüdi on alati teised!
                          Ott Järvela


                            kõigi eelduste kohaselt käib sid james parki ümber paras triangel. ashley on ilmselt juba linnast põgenenud (mängul näidati ainult tühja pinki), fännid piiravad staadionit ja politseihobused on positsioonidel.

                            Jalgpallihaigla liige
                            Member of SAFC Supporters Community Estonia/Finland


                              BBC teatab, et klubi läheb müüki.
                              League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


                                Algselt postitas oku Vaata postitust
                                BBC teatab, et klubi läheb müüki.
                                Mike Ashley statement issued on Sunday:

                                "I am putting the club up for sale"

                                "I have enjoyed sport since I was a boy. I love football. I have followed England in every tournament since Mexico '86. I was there to see Maradona and his hand of God. I know what it means to love football and to love a club. I know how important it is to other people because football is so important to me.

                                "My life has been tied up with sport. It was the passion that I felt for sport that helped me to be successful with my business. That success allowed me to mix my passion and my business.

                                "I bought Newcastle United in May 2007. Newcastle attracted me because everyone in England knows that it has the best fans in football. When the fans are behind the club at St James' Park it makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. It is magic. Newcastle's best asset has been, is and always will be the fans.

                                "But like any business with assets the club has debts. I paid £134 million out of my own pocket for the club. I then poured another £110 million into the club not to pay off the debt but just to reduce it.

                                "The club is still in debt. Even worse than that, the club still owes millions of pounds in transfer fees. I shall be paying out many more millions over the coming year to pay for players bought by the club before I arrived. But there was a double whammy. Commercial deals such as sponsorships and advertising had been front loaded. The money had been paid upfront and spent. I was left with a club that owed millions and part of whose future had been mortgaged.

                                "Unless I had come into the club then it might not have survived. It could have shared the fate of other clubs who have borrowed too heavily against their future. Before I had spent a penny on wages or buying players Newcastle United had cost me more than a quarter of a billion pounds.

                                "Don't get me wrong. I did not buy Newcastle to make money. I bought Newcastle because I love football. Newcastle does not generate the income of a Manchester United or a Real Madrid. I am Mike Ashley, not Mike Ashley a multi-billionaire with unlimited resources. Newcastle United and I can't do what other clubs can. We can't afford it.

                                "I knew that the club would cost me money every year after I had bought it. I have backed the club with money. You can see that from the fact that Newcastle has the fifth highest wage bill in the Premier League. I was always prepared to bank roll Newcastle up to the tune of £20 million per year but no more. That was my bargain. I would make the club solvent. I would make it a going concern.

                                "I would pour up to £20 million a year into the club and not expect anything back. It has to be realised that if I put £100 million into the club year in year out then it would not be too long before I was cleaned out and a debt ridden Newcastle United would find itself in the position that faced Leeds United.

                                "That is the nightmare for every fan. To love a club that overextends itself, that tries to spend what it can't afford.

                                "That will never happen to Newcastle when I am in charge. The truth is that Newcastle could not sustain buying the Shevchenkos, Robinhos or the Berbatovs. These are recognised European footballers. They have played in the European leagues and everyone knows about them. They can be brilliant signings. But everybody knows that they are brilliant and so they, and players like them, cost more than £30 million to buy before you even take into account agent commissions and the multi-million pound wage deals.

                                "My plan and my strategy for Newcastle is different. It has to be. Arsenal is the shining example in England of a sustainable business model. It takes time. It can't be done overnight. Newcastle has therefore set up an extensive scouting system. We look for young players, for players in foreign leagues who everyone does not know about. We try and stay ahead of the competition. We search high and low looking for value, for potential that we can bring on and for players who will allow Newcastle to compete at the very highest level but who don't cost the earth.

                                "I am prepared to back large signings for millions of pounds but for a player who is young and has their career in front of them and not for established players at the other end of their careers. There is no other workable way forward for Newcastle. It is in this regard that Dennis and his team have done a first class job in scouting for talent to secure the future of the club.

                                "You only need to look at some of our signings to see that it is working, slowly working. Look at Jonas Gutierrez and Fabricio Coloccini. These are world class players. The plan is showing dividends with the signing of exceptional young talent such as Sebastien Bassong, Danny Guthrie and Xisco. My investment in the club has extended to time, effort and yet again, money being poured into the Academy.

                                "I want Newcastle to be able to create its own legends of the future to rival those of the past. This is a long term plan. A long term plan for the future of the club so that it can flourish.

                                "One person alone can't manage a Premiership football club and scout the world looking for world class players and stars of the future. It needs a structure and it needs people who are dedicated to that task. It needs all members of the management team to share that vision for it to work.

                                "Also one of the reasons that the club was so in debt when I took over was due to transfer dealings caused by managers moving in and out of the club. Every time there was a change in manager millions would be spent on new players and millions would be lost as players were sold. It can't keep on working like that. It is just madness.

                                "I have put Newcastle on a sound financial footing. It is reducing its debt. It is spending within itself. It is recruiting exciting new players and bringing in players for the future.

                                "The fans want this process to happen more quickly and they want huge amounts spent in the transfer market so that the club can compete at the top table of European football now. I am not stupid and have listened to the fans. I have really loved taking my kids to the games, being next to them and all the fans. But I am now a dad who can't take his kids to a football game on a Saturday because I am advised that we would be assaulted. Therefore, I am no longer prepared to subsidise Newcastle United.

                                "I am putting the club up for sale. I hope that the fans get what they want and that the next owner is someone who can lavish the amount of money on the club that the fans want.

                                "This will not be a fire sale. Newcastle is now in a much stronger position than it was in 2007. It is planning for the future and it is sustainable.

                                "I am still a fan of Newcastle United. We, my kids and I, have loved standing on the terraces with the fans, we have loved travelling with the away fans and we have met so many fans whose company we have enjoyed. We have absolutely loved it but it is not safe anymore for us as a family.

                                "I am very conscious of the responsibility that I bear in owning Newcastle United. Tough decisions have to be made in business and I will not shy away from doing what I consider to be in the best interests of the club. This is not fantasy football.

                                "I don't want anyone to read my words and think that any of this is an attack on Kevin Keegan. It is not. Kevin and I always got on. Everyone at the club, and I mean everyone, thinks that he has few equals in getting the best out of the players. He is a legend at the club and rightly so. Clearly there are disagreements between Kevin and the Board and we have both put that in the hands of our lawyers.

                                "I hope that all the fans get to read this statement so that they understand what I am about. I would not expect all of the fans to agree with me. But I have set out, clearly, my plan. If I can't sell the club to someone who will give the fans what they want then I shall continue to ensure that Newcastle is run on a business and football model that is sustainable. I care too much about the club merely to abandon it.

                                "I have the interests of Newcastle United at heart. I have listened to you. You want me out. That is what I am now trying to do but it won't happen overnight and it may not happen at all if a buyer does not come in.

                                "You don't need to demonstrate against me again because I have got the message. Any further action will only have an adverse effect on the team. As fans of Newcastle United you need to spend your energy getting behind, not me, but the players who need your support.

                                "I am determined that Newcastle United is not only here today, but that it is also there tomorrow for your children who stand beside you at St James' Park."

                                Mike Ashley. Sunday 14th September 2008.

                                Aga mulle Ashley stiil meeldis Loodetavasti saavad oma pettumustest üle nii Ashley kui ka fännid ...

