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    Aga muidugi KEEGI ei taha relegatsiooni langeda. Sunderland oma kvaliteedilt "ei vääriks" ka seda... Aga "ei väärinud" ka QPR hooaeg enne seda.
    Kui mängida alla oma võimete, siis on selline äratus pigem õiglane.
    Karikas sinna kõrvale panna, varjutaks ehk tulevikuks selle ebameeldiva.
    //Muidugi vara arutada. Kolm rasket (2 legi poolfinaali) mängu on veel ees ning vastane on kindlasti vähemalt Chelsea tasemega. Seega tuleks end korduvalt ületada.


      Selhurstil võidetud nüüd 30 aastat järjest ... laupäeval siis Crystal Palace - Newcastle 0:3 (0:2)


        Viimase üleajaminuti väravaga viik kätte - nii peabki lõpuni võitlema, nice.


          Boriniga läks õnnetult


            Borini sai juba haiglast välja. Veresuhkur oli madal.




                Ei tea mida jura sa ajad, mina nägin vs Arsenal ja söötis Debuchyle, väga kõva vend on muidu


                  Head Uut Aastat ja Powerit Hooega!)
                  The One and Only


                    Millal NUFC stabiilseid mänge hakkab näitama? Iga mäng on peaaegu insult/infarkt kooskõlas.. ime et veel fänne on
                    The One and Only


                      Algselt postitas decrakas Vaata postitust
                      Millal NUFC stabiilseid mänge hakkab näitama? Iga mäng on peaaegu insult/infarkt kooskõlas.. ime et veel fänne on
                      Enne ei hakkagi, kui Pardew asemele tuuakse korralik treener. Soovitavalt mitte britt.


                        Remy Capella? Teab keegi midagi rohkem sellest vennast? Asendus Cabayele?


                          Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                          Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                          väike ülevaade
                          The One and Only


                            Algselt postitas Graeme Vaata postitust
                            Remy Capella? Teab keegi midagi rohkem sellest vennast? Asendus Cabayele?
                            Mängib pisut kôrgemal keskväljal, kui Cabaye. Ründaja all vôi vahel ka äärel. Samas vist Cabaye on ka pisut kôrgemale Newcastle`is liigutatud, kui ta Lille`i päevil mängis ja hetkel seda koondises teeb.

                            Aga paar aastat kirjutati üks pikk kirjatükk Francefootballweekly.com-i ajakirjanike poolt, kus toodi välja 50 noort Prantsusmaal pallivat (toona pallinud) tulevikutähte, kelle seas oli ka Cabella. Ma arvan, et tükike sealt Cabella tutvustamiseks kannatab ka hetkel siia postitamist:

                            Rémy Cabella is the kind of player who gets your attention. And it’s not just his
                            carefully arranged and frequently terrible haircuts that draw the gaze. Cabella
                            glides past defenders with the arrogance of a player fully aware of his own
                            talent and keen to show it off to the world. Fans of Hatem Ben Arfa or Jérémy
                            Menez would recognize his flair. But Cabella has the potential to be better than
                            both, because make no mistake, there is a veritable well of substance behind
                            the style.

                            Cabella does not possess great overall speed, but he disguises that by knowing
                            when and where to run to maximum effect. He has excellent game awareness
                            for a player so young and isn’t the kind of player who always regards a wall
                            of opposition defenders as a challenge of his technique to dribble past all of
                            them (although when Cabella’s on song it’s within his capabilities). His love
                            for dribbling hasn’t prevented him from developing an excellent, varied range
                            of passing, and he regularly demonstrates a keen eye for when and how to
                            release the ball. Even when the move does not come off, the intention is
                            generally the right one.

                            And while he is prone to drifting in and out of games, particularly when
                            deployed on the wing, it is rare that he does not make a decisive contribution.
                            It is this more than anything else that promises a dazzling future for the
                            Corsican. Being able to just make things happen on the pitch is a gift few
                            players are blessed with, one of the great unteachable qualities of the sport.
                            During Younès Belhanda’s absence at the 2012 African Cup of Nations, Cabella
                            went beyond what was expected of him and played a key role in keeping
                            Montpelier’s title challenge going.

                            What could hold him back? Should he start to believe the hype around him,
                            and there is a lot of it for a player yet to make himself a regular starter
                            with Montpelier, his thus far continuous progress could be checked. A more
                            immediate concern is the fact that, despite being lucky enough to be playing
                            at a time when players of his kind are afforded greater protection than ever,
                            his slight frame and cocksure manner make him something of a magnet for the
                            boots of less scrupulous defenders.

                            Often young players are told that they will become better players once they
                            become more mature. For a player like Cabella, however, what on-pitch
                            maturity he needs is largely already there. It is the self-confidence and zest of
                            youth that makes him dangerous, as well as his talent. If he can retain that,
                            and provided his foibles remain harmless (silly hair, yellow boots, repainting his
                            car in the blue and orange of Montpelier), then there is no reason for him not
                            to develop into one of the stars of French football. It seems only a matter of
                            time before his impressive efforts with the French under-21 side are transferred
                            to the senior team.


                              Ütleme siis otse välja, see oli küll üks pask otsus. Mitte ükski nendest mängijatest polnud Harti nägemisel ees, pigem olid need omad City mehed. Kahju.
                              "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF


                                Väga huvitavalt võeti see värav ära, pole sellist ämbrit kohtunikult ammu näinud.
                                Corner taken quickly...

