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    Vastab teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

    Algselt postitas saar

    ma ei viitsi ütelda.
    hmmm, kas selline tropp on tõesti olemas?


      Vastab teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

      Algselt postitas erts

      hmmm, kas selline tropp on tõesti olemas?
      Selle eesli 300st postitusest on 295 stiilis \"ei taha ütelda\". Kõige pikem postitus on cs 10 sõna.
      League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


        Vastab teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

        Seni pole siis ükski võõrsil mängivatest meeskondadest suutnud mängu võita. Loodan ja usun et harakad suudavad selle fakti kohe esimesel päeval ümber lükata.


          Vastab teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

          Newcastle\'lt loota oli seda muidugi optimistlik. Eelmise aasta toredat traditsiooni jatkates lasime viigivarava lyya taas viimasel minutil. Vahemalt ei saanud peksa, hea seegi.
          “The state of our pitch wouldn’t have affected Liverpool — with their game the ball is in the air most of the time.”
          The Special One


            Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

            issand milline idioot

            Newcastle United made it known yesterday that they will sell Kieron Dyer to any club prepared to offer £8m for the England midfielder, who refused to start on the right wing at Middlesbrough on Saturday.

            Some senior figures within St James\' Park hope Dyer will never play for Newcastle again
            GEORGE: No, no, no! Nothing happens /-/ RUSSELL: Well, why am I watching it?
            GEORGE: Because it's on TV RUSSELL: Not yet..
            (Seinfeld, The Pitch)


              Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

              Algselt postitas vaikiv mees

              issand milline idioot

              Newcastle United made it known yesterday that they will sell Kieron Dyer to any club prepared to offer £8m for the England midfielder, who refused to start on the right wing at Middlesbrough on Saturday.

              Some senior figures within St James\' Park hope Dyer will never play for Newcastle again
              ja lisaks oli Dyer suhtunud põlgusega kaptenipaela kui Alan selle platsilt lahkudes talle usaldas Dyer olevat selle kahe näpu vahel edasi visanud Jenasele, see omakorda Aaron Hughesile, kes siis paar viimast minutit seda kandis

              väga imelik käitumine igatahes... ja ta veel tahab koondises põhimeheks saada? sellise suhtumisega küll mitte...


                Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

                tõesti mingit kudumit peab hellalt oma süles hoidma..


                  Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

                  Dyer going nowhere


                    Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

                    Koigepealt muidugi tore, et nii operatiivselt postitatakse uudiseid. Teiseks - Dyer voib ennast toesti polema poanna kui ei viitsi mangida Sir Bobby poolt soovitud kohal. Pealegi oleks ta oma kiirusega ja olematu taklamisega aarel parem kui keskel. MIs sest, et tsenderdada ei oska, akki triblab labi. Yleyldse oleks tore kui ta ara laheks ja tagasi vaadates paar aastat on ilgelt kahju, et teda 25 milliga maha ei myynud.

                    Ahjaa - Bergi arvamust tahaks ka kuulda!
                    “The state of our pitch wouldn’t have affected Liverpool — with their game the ball is in the air most of the time.”
                    The Special One


                      Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

                      But he runs all day!

                      When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                        Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

                        Algselt postitas Hughes
                        Dyer going nowhere
                        Minu andmed räägivad teist keelt. 100% kindel allikas.

                        Nagu näha, on Newcastle\'i fännidel probleeme omaenda klubi mängijate nimede õigekirja tundmisega...


                          Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

                          Woody Reali. ehk siis mida perset nufc teeb?!?! ainus vend kes neil kaitses mängida oskab müüakse maha u 13.4 milli £ eest.nojah.
                          buy the ticket, take the ride.


                            Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

                            Algselt postitas H.M Murdock

                            Woody Reali. ehk siis mida perset nufc teeb?!?! ainus vend kes neil kaitses mängida oskab müüakse maha u 13.4 milli £ eest.nojah.
                            13,4 milli eest müüks nii mõnigi oma vanaema kah maha...
                            Jalgpallihaigla liige
                            Member of SAFC Supporters Community Estonia/Finland


                              Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

                              Algselt postitas skint

                              Algselt postitas Hughes
                              Dyer going nowhere
                              Minu andmed räägivad teist keelt. 100% kindel allikas.

                              Nagu näha, on Newcastle\'i fännidel probleeme omaenda klubi mängijate nimede õigekirja tundmisega...
                              Muide, ta nimi kirjutatakse tihti fännide poolt sihilikult just sellises vormis.


                                Vastus teemale \'SAFC vs NUFC\'

                                On aeg meelde tuletada 68 lehekülje postitusi. Tollal vastas Jaan. Kas ka nüüd?

                                Newcastle - The New Leeds
                                • After a few years of underinvestment the board decide to spend big money on players after minor success in one season, leading to a champions league place.
                                • Everyone praises them for their attacking play and young exciting squad. The future looks bright.
                                • Failure to strengthen in key positions leads to unnecessary defeats. For us it was left back and right midfield for them it is right back and another centre back to play with Woody.
                                • Poor signings in the wrong positions such as Robert and Viana cost the club a fortune. For us it was Fowler and Johnson.
                                • Woodgate is their equivalent of Rio Ferdinand, bought at a time when they need to secure champions league qualification. It is though that the outlay will be worthwhile as champion’s league money is so great. That elusive pay day never comes as they fail to qualify.
                                • A string of negative stories about their players in the press – the gang rape case, Bernard involved in his own rape case and Bellamy supposedly hitting a woman in Town have a negative effect on the team and changes the perception of the team in the press, although admittedly not to the same extent.
                                • After a good European run they fail in the semi finals, promising to be back next year.
                                • The club then states that there will not be much money for transfers in the summer. This turns out to be a massive understatement.
                                • Robson is surprisingly sacked for not getting into the champions league and a stop gap manager is brought in.
                                • The failure to qualify for the Champions league for a second consecutive season sees them offload players to keep up with debt repayments. Woodgate again reflects Rio as he is sold to Arsenal or Chelsea.
                                • Bellamy and Dyer leave too for roughly what was paid for them. Viana, Bramble, Robert all leave for next to nothing as they need to reduce the wage bill.
                                • It emerges that Freddie Shepherd has been spending £400 a month on a club Zebra to have in his office. He leaves with a big pay off and the said Zebra under his arm.
                                • A new man comes in, a professor no less to sort things out. Sadly his amazing plan seems to consist of getting rid of the Zebra and reducing wages. However, as the players are difficult to sack he sees it as more effective to sack the tea lady who is on £4.50 an hour.
                                • Professor leaves with a pay off. Meanwhile Shepherd takes over at Hartlepool saying he has learnt from his mistakes.
                                • Trevor Birch takes over for a short while to find a buyer. Aziz claims repeatedly that a takeover is just around the corner and finds time to post on a fans forum, despite keeping up his job as information minister to Saddam Hussein.
                                • The new board consist of a group of local business men who look like they are from the league of gentlemen, advised by none other than Michael Knighton, football chairman extraordinaire.
                                • Relegation a year later sees Given, Shearer and Jenas are forced to leave as the club is yet again forced to cut costs.
                                • Nobody will take the dead wood on massive wages off their hands- Bowyer and Bridges play out the remainder of their careers in the reserves but on £25000 a week. Bowyer still hasn’t leant to read.
                                • Who knows what the future holds?
                                When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!

