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    Tal saab leping 30. juunil läbi ja seda pole veel pikendatud ja seetõttu polnud teda ka FA-le antud alles hoitavate mängijate nimekirjas. Kui leping on läbi, siis on siiski võimalik kõigil temaga rääkida, ka Wengeril. Aga ei näe küll jah, et temast Arsenalis enam asja saaks.

    Aga Cech on alles 33, Buffon on nt 4 aastat vanem. Kui tema tuleks, oleks minu silmis insta nr1 ja võib seal mängida mitu aastat veel.


      Algselt postitas nismo44 Vaata postitust
      Tal saab leping 30. juunil läbi ja seda pole veel pikendatud ja seetõttu polnud teda ka FA-le antud alles hoitavate mängijate nimekirjas. Kui leping on läbi, siis on siiski võimalik kõigil temaga rääkida, ka Wengeril. Aga ei näe küll jah, et temast Arsenalis enam asja saaks.
      Alates 1. jaanuarist oli kõigil väljas pool Suurt Kihnu Vürstiriiki olevatel klubidel võimalik Diabyga rääkida. Alates 1. juunist on ka Suure Kihnu Vürstiriigi klubidel võimalik Diabyga rääkida.
      The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


        Jah, ma ei mõelnudki seda, et varem keegi ei saanud, vaid et Arsenal saab veel ka. Et see lepingu lõppemine ei pruugi 100% tähendada, et ta juba klubist jäädavalt lahkus.


          Algselt postitas marv3llous Vaata postitust
          Sosistage seda hetkel veel hästi vaikselt aga ... Petr Čech is a Gooner!
          Sellist p*ska pole mõtet vist ikka postitada. Eriti mingite Itimeeste sahinate taustal. Palju tõenäolisem on, et manku ostab (edit: Llorise) ja Cech liigub sinna (Shit Lane-le).




                Kas on viga minus, või JuriMi postitus mis sisaldab Twitteri linki ei näita midagi?

                Aga ma postitan ise ühe toreda pildi siis vahelduseks.

                Victoria Concordia Crescit


                  Täna ca tunni ja 50 min pärast näidatakse ametlikult uut vormi.

                  Oli see twitteri post tühi ka minul, aga vist üritas seda sama pilti panna.


                    Algselt postitas marv3llous Vaata postitust
                    Kas on viga minus, või JuriMi postitus mis sisaldab Twitteri linki ei näita midagi?

                    Aga ma postitan ise ühe toreda pildi siis vahelduseks.

                    Ma postitasin täpselt sama pildi mis sina.. Weird shit, et see ei funka.


                      Victoria Concordia Crescit



                          On Cech’s future:

                          “I think that Petr at 33 years of age still has at least 3 or 4 excellent seasons in him. Whichever top club, all the clubs in the Champions League, he has the level, the experience to play for any of these clubs. A guy like Petr Cech adds value, whether it is Manchester United, Real Madrid all the clubs. Each time he played this season, he played 15 times, he was absolutely remarkable. His professionalism, he loves football, he’s an enthusiast, he is a perfectionist and the club where he goes will have a great opportunity ahead of them.”

                          “I know that it is talked about a lot (Cech to PSG), I am far from France but I keep up to date via internet. It is obvious that Petr Cech has added value, not that Sirigu is a poor goalkeeper, but I think that Cech is even better than him. Petr knows Ligue 1 well, the problem is when you come from the English league, with all the pressure that comes with it, the quality, the aggressiveness and the rigour that comes with this league, without criticising the French league, but it is true that the competition in France is a little lighter compared to the English league.”

                          “I also think that his family is very happy in England. A player is happy when his family is happy. And Petr adds a lot of value to the state of his family. I think he would prefer to stay in England. If there are discussions, I wouldn’t know. I think that his first aim is to stay in England.”

                          “He wants to be in England more. However at the age of 33, you also have to look at the value of the contracts that are offered. The advantage of a club like Arsenal is that it is a club at a very high level. With a style of play that Petr likes, it is also in London, don’t forget that. And finally it is a club with big ambitions for the forthcoming seasons.”

                          “Does Tottenham have the same ambitions that a club like Arsenal has? Petr has three main aims. To enjoy himself, to win titles and to beat the all time Premier League clean sheet record, he is three away from that. To win titles, I think Arsenal are better placed than Tottenham. The Champions League, I think it is more Arsenal than Tottenham no?”
                          Victoria Concordia Crescit


                            Algselt postitas Katk Vaata postitust

                            Kes sellel alumisel pildil on keskmine meesterahvas?


                              Algselt postitas andreasr Vaata postitust
                              Kes sellel alumisel pildil on keskmine meesterahvas?
                              Rafa Benitez isiklikult ju ...

                              Victoria Concordia Crescit


                                Ivan Gazidis isiklikult kinnitas eile, et me räägime Chelsea ja Cechiga.
                                Victoria Concordia Crescit

