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    Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

    eelmine hooaeg meistritiitlit ei tulnud, tsempionite liigas ka nagu ikka.
    arusaadav ju. rotid lahkuvad uppuvalt..


      Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

      päris raske on pakkuda teile uut kaptenit... pakun, et paela võiks anda Michael Jordanile - ajuvaba, mis nimega vend teil mansas on
      see ei ole minu süü, et sa okaspuu oled

      "joon palju ma tahan, aga ikka ta ei saa minust aru"

      "Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple."


        Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'


        Arsenal 4 Sheffield Wednesday 1

        This week\'s manager, Pat Rice, didn\'t look that impressive in his mugshot in the programme. Somewhat red and waxy, he looked like one of those anatomical diagrams where they flay the top layer of skin to show the muscle structure. Still, he was breezy and optimistic as only someone who has a truly temporary job can be. Lord knows who\'ll take over from Pat Rice if he buggers off to Leeds/QPR. I suspect our next caretaker manager will really be the caretaker. (\'Oi you lot, get off that grass.\')

        The latest management tactic of locking us all out of the ground on the pretext of some dubious \'power cut\' gave everybody a much needed half hour to digest the thin programme, a new \'Gooner\' and the news that Arsene Wenger was finally on his way. Tonight, you felt, could be the dawn of a new era. That feeling lasted about a millisecond, or as long as it took for the Owls to make an attack.

        The Wednesday supporters, complete with drummer and that peculiar half naked fat bloke who seems to follow them around, were clearly enjoying the dizzying heights of being the early season pacesetters. Their manager, that hapless gnome David Pleat, clearly had a firmer sense of reality than most of his supporters when he said on the afternoon when they topped the Premier League, \"Three more points and we\'ll be safe from relegation,\" without the slightest trace of irony.

        The biggest buzz in the ground was the announcement that Vieira was on the bench. On the pitch, however, excitement was at a premium as Arsenal appeared to be experimenting with what only can be described as a flat back nine.

        The first half was terrible. John Hartson was announced as, \'a Welsh powerhouse\' and managed with his rudimentary knowledge of the offside laws to look as mobile as a Welsh shithouse. Wrighty ran around looking petulant and Linighan was confirming what we always thought, that he really does have right angles on his head. Anything that went near his noggin came off at the most peculiar directions. Only Merson, playing the best football of his life, seemed to know what was at stake.

        Inevitably, we went one down. The Wednesday, hunting in packs, harried, hustled and made the Arsenal look as slow as a we really know they are. Seaman was forced to make a blinding point blank save, but the Owls were back a minute later when Andy Booth slid one past Seaman and had the benefit of the far post to guide it in. Wednesday also hit the bar. Half time, and we did likewise.

        Second half, Pat Rice, on a hiding to nothing, pulled off Ray \'Pizza\' Parlour and on came Patrick Vieira to a few ironic cheers. God, we all thought, he looks like fucking Carlton Palmer.

        The only sound for the next forty minutes was the sound of people eating their own words. Within seconds it was obvious that even half fit, that Vieira, is on a different planet. No, make that universe. The man looks like being a contender for being the first midfielder to appear for the home side since 1980. He can pass, he can run like the wind and the sight of a jam packed English midfield didn\'t seem to phase him one iota; he just threaded the ball through and ran on to receive it back further on. MY GOD. WHAT\'S THAT NUMBER 4 DOING IN THE BOX? I felt like weeping for joy.

        Everybody woke up. Platt, finding someone alongside him who didn\'t look and play like a poodle, began to blossom. Hartson, now being dogged instead of stupid, gathered a long ball, held up play, passed it across the area and Platt whammed it in with a ferocious daisy cutter. Wright then did one of his impossible acrobatic shots that we all felt was completely stupid and unrealistic and made us all look like chumps by getting it to hit the bar. What do we know? Shortly after, Merson, full of fire, was brought down by
        Des Walker and we had a penalty. Des walked the long walk after getting his second yellow card. Wright put it to Pressman\'s right just beyond his wiggling fingers and the Arsenal were leading.

        Stefanovic, who had already been stamped on by Wright, went off and Wednesday\'s shape went from Cindy Crawford to Pauline Quirke. Wrighty had a tug at Regi Blinker\'s dreads and Winterburn was having a row with some foul mouthed Wednesday git in a wheelchair. He\'ll probably get hauled up for that one, will Nutty. Shame.

        Wright\'s second goal was inevitable. Ten minutes to go and Wednesday were in tatters. Even their sodding drummer had shut up. Simple really, Dixon, Merson, Wright, bang. Wrighty on a hat trick is a fearsome beast and his simple side foot a minute from time brought the house down.

        4-1 and the best second half for years. Goals, rucks, singing and a genuine sighting of that rarest of beasts: a true midfielder. European union? Can\'t wait.

        Man of the Match: Patrick Vieira.


          Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

          New challenge = tahaks ikka Meistrite Liiga ka ära võita. Kõik muu, mis Inglismaal võtta andis, on käes ja ju siis jõudis lõpuks kohale ka arusaam, et Wengeri käe all Euroopas edu saavutamine on välistatud. Suhteliselt lihtsalt loobuti muidugi, arvestades eelmise hooaja sündmusi, kus klubi ikka väga korralikult Vieira südametunnistusele rõhus. Ehk Arsene lootis siiski veel sama võimsat Paddyt näha kui enne vigastust. Selle lootuse hinnaks kujunes siis ca £10m.
          Minu nimi on jyriöö, aga sõbrad kutsuvad mind tavaliselt külla.


            Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

            Tony Adamsi aastatagused (07/08/2004) kommentaarid on siin

            \"I think Patrick\'s only got a year or two left at the top level. Looking at the way he runs, basic physiology will tell you that. I believe one leg is three centimetres longer than the other. As a result, I don\'t think he\'ll be playing into his 30s, at the top level anyway. Remember, you\'re talking about world-class players here; keeping up with the best, with a new raft of talent as it comes through.\"

            \"Arsène [Wenger] would be thinking, \'OK, you can probably do another three years but what are we going to get for you then?\' If you study the ProZone stats, his stamina isn\'t great, he doesn\'t cover the distances, but where he makes up for that is his mental understanding of the game. In his position, his technical ability is second to none.\"

            Honest stuff. And it doesn\'t end there.

            \"Actually, the loss of Dennis [Bergkamp] would worry me more than the loss of Patrick. The way Dennis plays and what he\'s done for the club, he\'ll be virtually impossible to replace when he retires.\"


              Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

              Lugedes Adamsi (auto)biograafiat, tuleb nentida, et mees ei räägi alati just kõige arukamat juttu.
              Vigastamata Vieira on ikka jube jõud keskväljal. Sest ma usun, et ka Juve jalgpallitegelinskid oskavad vaadata, kuidas mees jookseb ja palju ta seda teha jõuab.


                Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                Algselt postitas Nurmekas

                Lugedes Adamsi (auto)biograafiat, tuleb nentida, et mees ei räägi alati just kõige arukamat juttu.
                Vigastamata Vieira on ikka jube jõud keskväljal. Sest ma usun, et ka Juve jalgpallitegelinskid oskavad vaadata, kuidas mees jookseb ja palju ta seda teha jõuab.
                Ja miks sa arvad kust see hinnalangus tuli siis
                Jutt käib et Vieira tervislik seisund arvestati hinda sisse.


                  Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                  AFP football briefs on Friday

                  Baptista to join Arsenal: report
                  MADRID: Sevilla and Arsenal have agreed a deal for Brazilian
                  midfielder Julio Cesar Baptista to join the London club, Spanish
                  press reported on Friday. Arsenal will pay 20 million euros for
                  Baptista to fill the gap left by Juventus-bound Patrick Vieira.

                  ootame ametlikku teadet siis jälle ...


                    Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                    Algselt postitas SleepWalking

                    Baptista to join Arsenal: report
                    MADRID: Sevilla and Arsenal have agreed a deal for Brazilian..
                    Tüütu on see spekulatsioonihooaeg, no?
                    We have to disorganise their organisation so we have to be very creative.


                      Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                      Aga JAR JAR PINKS sõlmis uue 6 aastase lepingu aastani 2011 ja Gael uue lepingu aaastani 2010.


                        Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                        Algselt postitas fittibaldi
                        Tüütu on see spekulatsioonihooaeg, no?
                        jah, ma vihkan suve.
                        lugesin pisut valesti eelmist uudist, seal oli tõepoolest sõnad \"spanish press\" ... mis tavaliselt piiravad pisut erutust.


                          Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                          Christanval trialil ( hetkel lepinguta vigastusetealdis kaitsja ) ja Vito mannone palgatud (17 aastane väravavaht Atalantast).
                          Mõlemad mängisid 4-1 võidus Barneti üle. Christanval terve mängu , Mannone 2 poolaja.


                            Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                            väravad siis:
                            Hleb (2)
                            kapten Henry (15p)
                            Bergkamp (30)
                            Hleb mängis paremal, nii nagu võiski eeldada ning oli kuulu järgi üsna hea.


                              Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                              kes #4 kohta mängis?
                              «Kuule, konn, kas vesi on soe?»
                              «Mina istun siin, muide, nagu konn, aga mitte nagu termomeeter!»


                                Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                                Keskel olevat mänginud Pires ja Flamini, Hleb vaskul äärel, Bentley paremal. Kusjuures, seljas oli Hlebil särk numbriga 8. Peab vist enda oma jõe põhjast üles otsima ja meelde tuletama, mis nimi seal oli.

                                Hmm.. vaatan praegu sleepi posti. Erinevad allikad, erinevad silmad.
                                Edit 2. Oma silm on kuningas, vaatasin veelkord väravate klipi üle- leib ikka paremal.

