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Conte arvamus pole üldse kallutatud, mkm.
Shearer punditina on nagu väike laps, midagi väga tarka õelda ei ole lihtsalt mängu ajal ning analüüsid on nõrgad. Tema arust on ainult Agüero PLis world class. Tundub tark poiss eksole, peaks tema nõu kuulda võtma küll.
Halsey arust oli see ka ok olukord ning kerge viga mille vilistas ainult karjumise pärast ära.
Nõnna palju, kui ma olen kohtunike arvamusi silmanud, siis lühidalt öeldakse, et shit happens ja vile oli õige.see ei ole minu süü, et sa okaspuu oled
"joon palju ma tahan, aga ikka ta ei saa minust aru"
"Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple."
Algselt postitas StokMulle tundus ka, et Alonso käsi ei peaks Bellerini näos olema, aga Conte arvas, et Inglismaal ei ole selline asi viga, vbl Itaalias, Shearer arvas, et not a foul, he's just being aggressive ja tagatippu Mark Halsey arvas: For me the Chelsea player had his eye on the ball and used his arms for elevation and it's a perfect goal.
Huvitav kommentaar ka sealt. Ei oska täpsemalt kommenteerida, aga võib-olla tõesti siis inglise liigas käivad asjad teisiti.
For me irregular goal, however reading some comments and knowing Atkinson's style, it seems as in England this goal was accepted without too much questioning. But LotG are LotG.
Algselt postitas SleepWalking Vaata postitust
Ei saa aru, kuidas saab keegi arvata, et on okei lüüa kõigepealt vastasel pilt eest ja seejärel pall väravasse. Ei saa. Pärast kõiki neid videokordusi?!
Disclaimer. Jah, ma suudan seda muust mängust eristada. Ka juhul, kui väravat poleks loetud, oleks venelased võitnud.
Algselt postitas StokMulle tundus ka, et Alonso käsi ei peaks Bellerini näos olema, aga Conte arvas, et Inglismaal ei ole selline asi viga, vbl Itaalias, Shearer arvas, et not a foul, he's just being aggressive ja tagatippu Mark Halsey arvas: For me the Chelsea player had his eye on the ball and used his arms for elevation and it's a perfect goal.
Algselt postitas Daz Booob Vaata postitustNõnna palju, kui ma olen kohtunike arvamusi silmanud, siis lühidalt öeldakse, et shit happens ja vile oli õige.
INCIDENT: Marcos Alonso scores Chelsea's opening goal.
SCENARIO: Alonso and Arsenal defender Hector Bellerin both jumped to attack the ball in the six-yard box with the Chelsea man winning the battle and heading home. However, as he jumped, he caught Bellerin with his arm, knocking the full-back to the ground. Arsene Wenger called it a "100 per cent foul." The goal stood.
DERMOT'S VERDICT: Correct decision
DERMOT SAYS: They've both jumped with their arms in the air and both are focused on the ball. Alonso never looks at Bellerin once. It was natural contact. It would have been more of a surprise if it had been disallowed"Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF
Algselt postitas Raitsu Vaata postitustJa ka Dermot Gallagher liitub nende arvamustega.
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