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    Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

    Algselt postitas manitaaz

    Algselt postitas MaRtin_12

    Suht ilusad, noh, vaadatavad väravad.

    Arsenal on hoos, see on hea uudis.
    Kas Persie mängis eelmine mäng?


      Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

      Algselt postitas MaRtin_12

      Algselt postitas manitaaz

      Algselt postitas MaRtin_12

      Suht ilusad, noh, vaadatavad väravad.

      Arsenal on hoos, see on hea uudis.
      Kas Persie mängis eelmine mäng?
      lällu läks katki.


        Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

        van Persiel on varbaluu katki,aga Cole on vähemalt tagasi nüüd sarnasest vigastusest


          Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

          reyes andis ikka päris ead söödud


            Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

            klubb 9 ikkagi


              Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

              natuke ajaloost ka siis -

              1986 a lõi Arsenali eest 20 aastane ründaja Martin Hayes, oma 2 hooajal, liigas 36 mängust 19 väravat. Peale seda hooaega sai ta vigastada ja langes tõsisesse alavormi ning ta karjäär lõppeski, üritas küll tagasi tulla aga tulutult. küsimus jääb ülesse, mis oleks saand siis kui ta oleks ....? eksles peale arsenali madalamates liigades pikka aega.

              1985 11/2
              1986 36/19
              1987 27/1
              1988 17/1
              1989 12/3



                Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                On Mart Poom...
                “I think it was a team performance. I can’t speak highly enough of Mart Poom in the way he is around the place and as a professional for his trade, he’s outstanding.\"

                Arsenal resv - Leicester resv
                How does Freddy Kruger wipe his butt?


                  Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                  noorhärra Walcott on kuulu järgi täna Londonis läbimas arstlikku läbivaatust ning saamas vaata-et-veel enne päikeseloojangut Arsenali omaks.

                  ja Ashley on vigastatud jälle (tõsi, tegemist pole eelmise vigastuse kordumisega), mistõttu evertoni vastu mängib ilmselt oma esimese liigamängu kerrea gilbert.


                    Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                    Eilsed ülesvõtted olümpiaks valmistuva Londoni velotrekilt:

                    viimaselt pildilt on siis näha ka uue staadioni asukoht - ülal vasakul Arsenali metroojaam, ülal paremal näikse tükike Highbury\'st.


                      Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                      Eelmisel laupäeval tekkis paljudel küsimus, et mida tegi Martin Keown Arsenali vahetusmeeste pingil. Nüüd siis on Mirror pakkunud välja omapoolse versiooni:


                      By John Cross
                      MARTIN KEOWN is back training with Arsenal - teaching the Gunners\' new midfield hardman how to tackle and get stuck in.

                      The former Arsenal and England defender has taken £3million signing Abou Diaby under his wing.

                      Keown, 39, did similar work with Patrick Vieira and Thierry Henry when asked by Arsene Wenger to help them adjust to the physical side of the Premiership.

                      Diaby, 19, signed from French club Auxerre, has a similar build and stature to Vieira but is not a tough tackler - and Wenger wants to add that to his game.

                      Keown, whose last deal ended with Reading last summer, asked to come along to the Arsenal training ground to keep himself in shape and may be considering a move into coaching.

                      One Arsenal insider said: \"Martin joins in the small-sided games and he\'s as committed as ever. Arsene has been happy to use that sort of experience in the past and has been very clever to tap into the knowledge and help.

                      \"But Diaby was really flying into challenges and there was Martin saying: \'Go on, get stuck in. People say that Diaby is an unproven talent but they said that about Arsene Wenger when he first arrived.\"

                      Diaby, talking in the latest official Arsenal Magazine, revealed: \"Chelsea had contacted me before I moved here but the fact that Arsenal have a French manager in Arsene Wenger means a lot to me. The way the club conducted themselves in the negotiations was also impressive. I am really pleased to be here.

                      \"I know of Thierry Henry and Robert Pires, as well as the other French lads, but I thought to myself that this is the best place to be and I\'m sure they will help me to settle.

                      \"I\'ve met Henry and a couple of the others - they have been really good to me. It is a great feeling to be so warmly welcomed.\"


                        Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                        Theo Walcott has signed!


                        Jube riskantne lugu on maksta 16-aastase eest £5M (+võimalik £7M) aga samas parimal juhul tasub investeering ennast kuhjaga. Theo saab särgi numbriga 32.

                        Arsène Wenger \"Theo Walcott is a very young player, but has already shown in his performances for Southampton that he is a talented player with huge potential. I also like the fact that he is a versatile player who is incredibly dedicated, shows great determination to succeed and is blessed with electric pace. We are delighted Theo has signed for the Club and will make a fantastic addition to our squad.\"

                        Theo Walcott \"I\'m so pleased to be joining Arsenal, a club I have admired for a long time. Coming to Arsenal will give me the opportunity to work with world class players every day and play football at the highest possible level. It\'s a strange day, because I’m also very sad to be moving from Southampton. I’m leaving many friends and some great coaches who have been so important to my career so far, but I leave with many great memories from the club. I’m now really looking forward to meeting my new team mates and working hard as an Arsenal player.


                          Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                          Arsenal Premierleague võitjaks 2011!


                            Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                            Äkki siiski pisut varem juba


                              Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                              Noh, jah.
                              Ei midagi sellist, mis Arsenali juba sellel aastal aitaks.
                              Neid noori ja andekaid on siin juba piisavalt.
                              Positiivne on muidugi see, et tegu on inglasega, mitte elevandiluuranniklase või prantslasega (kuigi tänapäeval nende kahe vahele joont tõmmata on juba kohati keeruline).
                              Ootaks mingit tegijamat kaitsjat hoopis äkki (kuigi too teine noor šveitslane on keskkaitsjana end tõestanud päris hästi).


                                Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                                Theo puhul minu arust vägagi halb otsus... iseasi muidugi kui palju ta ise ses kaasa rääkida sai. Kuigi pole kummagi tegemistega muul määral kui statistika kursis, siis ei usu küll, et Walcott niipea paremaks kui näiteks Lupoli saab - ja Lupoli on juba 18 ning kus on tema võimalus väravalöömisega tegemas? Parimal juhul Carling Cupis, aga enamasti vaid reservides. Niiet poiss peab kannatust varuma... või antakse talle tõesti vaid rahva ja meedia survel varem võimalus ja mänguaega, kuna ta on inglane ja selline kõva prospekt nagu kunagi oli Ruuni? Ju vist.

