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    Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

    Algselt postitas eestimees

    henry kõrvale tuleb ka keegi osta sest henry ei saa ka ju kogu age kolle lüüa
    milleks? dak-i pakutud 451 skeemi ta ei mahuks
    ja isegi kui Walcott ikka mänguaega ei saa, võib pikk must poiss Henry 5min enne lõppu välja vahetada

    Algselt postitas Nurmekas

    Pigem vast Reyes vasakule ning tšehh keskele või ründaja taha kuskile?
    Ning usun, et AW ikka aeg ajalt kasutab ka vana head 442 - Togo metsaline paaris Henryga.
    aga ülaltoodud reyes- rosicky-gilberto- cesc- hleb järgi nii ongi, Reyes vasakul ja Rosicki üsnagi keskel, aga tõepoolest aeg-ajalt kindlasti ka selle hooaja lõpus juurutatud 4411 Ljungberg in-the-hole või vahelduseks 442, et teised ründajad ei peaks kogu aeg pingil passima nagu viimasel ajal

    GEORGE: No, no, no! Nothing happens /-/ RUSSELL: Well, why am I watching it?
    GEORGE: Because it's on TV RUSSELL: Not yet..
    (Seinfeld, The Pitch)


      Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

      Algselt postitas vaikiv mees

      milleks? dak-i pakutud 451 skeemi ta ei mahuks
      ja isegi kui Walcott ikka mänguaega ei saa, võib pikk must poiss Henry 5min enne lõppu välja vahetada
      Pigem vast Reyes vasakule ning tšehh keskele või ründaja taha kuskile?
      Ning usun, et AW ikka aeg ajalt kasutab ka vana head 442 - Togo metsaline paaris Henryga.


        Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

        Ma ei näe vajadust tagasi tulla 4-4-2 süsteemi juurde, meeskonnas on hetkel selline materjal, kus mis sobib rohkem 4-2-3-1 (4-5-1) jaoks. Ise näeksin Arsenali järgmisel hooajal enamvähem sellisena:


        Sügisel Wenger kiskus juukseid peast, kui Lehmann oli puuga pähe löödud ning tundus juba kindel olevat, et suvel esimene ost on korralik väravavaht. Kevadel Lehmann jällegi oli kogu Gunnersi üks parimaid ning uus puurivaht ei tundunud enam just kuigi vajalik olevat - nii need ajad muutuvad.

        Campelli lahkumisest on samuti räägitud, kuid arvatavasti seda siiski ei juhtu. Kuid fakt on see, et endine Spursi tagaliini lukk on olnud viimased aastad kaugel tasemest, mida temalt oodatud on. Ning üks tegur, mis Campbelli müüki pooldaks, on ta palk.
        Laureni asemel näeksin samuti meeleldi uut verd. Eboe kevad oli sedavõrd hea, et võib algaval hooajal Kameruni vennikese pingile jätta.


          Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

          Algselt postitas Blue Rock


          Campelli lahkumisest on samuti räägitud, kuid arvatavasti seda siiski ei juhtu. Kuid fakt on see, et endine Spursi tagaliini lukk on olnud viimased aastad kaugel tasemest, mida temalt oodatud on. Ning üks tegur, mis Campbelli müüki pooldaks, on ta palk.
          Laureni asemel näeksin samuti meeleldi uut verd. Eboe kevad oli sedavõrd hea, et võib algaval hooajal Kameruni vennikese pingile jätta.
          toure unustasid...100% peaks kindel olema et toure ja senderos jätkavad põhimeestena, imelik oleks ka kui oleks vastupidi ju...eboue peaks olema ka kindlasti põhimängija


            Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

            Üks tuleb, teine läheb. Aitäh mälestuste eest, Robert.


              Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

              Üks Arsenali viimaste aastate põhitegijatest siis tänaseks lahkunud. Väidetavalt olla klubi pakkunud talle viimasel hetkel veel 1.a.+1.a. tehingut (2 aastane leping, mida klubil on õigus teatud klauslitel 1.a. lõpus lõpetada), kuid eks määravaks sai ikkagi rosicky tulek. Kuus suurepärast aastat (OK - esimene oli suht kesine), mille jooksul ta lõi lugematelul hulgal olulisi väravaid, olles sageli resultatiivsem kui enamus premiershipi klubide põhiründajaid. Tema pallivaldamine ja täpsed söödud (palju neid Henry\'le jooksu peale sööte küll aastate jooksul ka oli?) jäävad hästi meelde. Parimat, Bobby!

              Millal Wenger viimati prille kandis?


                Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                eks ta avastas, et oma silmad pole enam kuningad, kui otsustavate intsitentide märkamiseks läks


                  Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                  Algselt postitas eston maravilha

                  eks ta avastas, et oma silmad pole enam kuningad, kui otsustavate intsitentide märkamiseks läks
                  forever fooling, free and using, sliding down the slide that breaks a will


                    Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                    uus nr. 7?


                      Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                      habemega nali Sleep maga edasi


                        Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                        Algselt postitas malagar
                        habemega nali Sleep maga edasi
                        ma küll ei teadnud, et Andrei arsenalis mängib


                          Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                          Noh mitte ainult Andrei


                          Ja lisaks neile pärlitele praktiliselt terve sky sportsi mängijate andmebaas pluss veel üks erakordne frukt
                          http://www.arsenal.com/player.asp?thisNav=first+team&plid=60093&c lid=4421&cpid=703


                            Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                            Supa Mark has joined Arsenal

                            Novot, ei olnud see midagi habemega. Vähemalt mitte minu jaoks.


                              Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                              Would you pay £100k to watch him?
                              Tom Dart

                              Arsenal are launching the most exclusive - and expensive - football season ticket in Britain

                              How much would you pay to watch a Premiership game? Match prices - at between £17 and £54 a game last season, about the same as a night in a West End theatre - seem pricey to most. But a select few are signing up for a season ticket that, over three years, will cost £100,000. The past 15 years have seen football broaden its appeal from an overwhelmingly lower-class preoccupation to a game relished by pauper and prince alike. (Prince William supports Aston Villa.) And this month, while most Arsenal fans were travelling to their Champions League final defeat via Eurostar, scheduled flight or ferry, there was also a stream of private jets zipping back and forth to Paris, transporting the team\'s considerable contingent of millionaire supporters.

                              It is for this very elite group that the gentrification of the national game reaches its apogee next season: simultaneously, Arsenal FC is inaugurating its Emirates Stadium - and its glittering new Diamond Club, Britain\'s most exclusive line in season tickets. Limited to 80 people, Diamond Club membership costs £25,000. You then pay a further £25,000 a year for a minimum term of three years, making this a £100,000 commitment - or £33,000 a season.Two-thirds of the places are sold, mostly to ultra-wealthy local businessmen who are long-time supporters.

                              So plush is the Diamond Club that its other benefits almost overshadow the pair of guaranteed seats. How about the free meals at Raymond Blanc\'s new stadium restaurant? The typical fare includes essence of tomato soup, smoked salmon (wild or organic) with beetroot salad, Atlantic cod with chorizo jus, duck or guinea fowl confit, cheese soufflé and excellent wine. A little more, you\'ll agree, than a Pukka Pie and a Coke. \"I think it\'s unique,\" says Keith Edelman, the Arsenal managing director. \"The concept\'s based around our brand values: tradition with vision. We wanted that old English club feel. But we wanted it to be for people who are mad Arsenal supporters. We\'ve got top City people, top lawyers, top bankers - all our fans.\"

                              After (valet) parking inside the new stadium and entering from the lifts, you could almost be in Highbury. Marble floors with a cannon motif and a replica of the famous face from Highbury\'s Clock End stand will greet you. The bar is topped with Italian onyx marble personally selected by Danny Fiszman, a director who - appropriately - made his money in diamonds.

                              As for the decor, woodwork no longer just means the frame of the goal: here it is dark oak and marquetry. There are coffered ceilings with 1930s-style lighting.
                              Members will sit in padded leather booths under illustrations of great moments from Arsenal history. The trophy cabinet, too will evoke past glories; sadly for these cashed-up Gunners it will not this year contain the European Cup.

                              Members\' seats are, as near as possible, level with the halfway line. On European away-days, the Diamond geezers and gals have the opportunity to travel on the players\' plane. Once a year, they can use the club for parties. Blanc will provide a chef from his Oxfordshire two-Michelin-starred restaurant, Le Manoir aux Quat\'Saisons. The bar staff will come from the Ritz. Arsène Wenger, the team manager, will host an annual cocktail party.

                              David Reiss, founder and owner of the Reiss fashion chain, is already an enthusiastic member. \"I\'m not a fair-weather supporter. I\'ve been a passionate Arsenal supporter all my life,\" he says. \"I\'ve got to the stage where I can afford certain luxuries. I\'ve never been one to aspire to boats, planes, all that stuff. I can\'t think of anything that would give me more satisfaction than following my team in the most luxurious surroundings and also being part of a private club. You are becoming a member of one of the most exclusive clubs in the world.

                              \"As far as I\'m concerned it\'s something which is going to be in the family now - certainly my son, and hopefully it will follow through to his kids. [Against Juventus in the quarter-finals] the entertainment value was priceless.\" In his 1968 classic The Football Man, Arthur Hopcraft wrote of the terraces: \"They are hideously uncomfortable. The steps are as greasy as a school playground lavatory in the rain. The air is rancid with beer and onions and belching and worse.

                              \"The language is a gross purple of obscenity . . . in this incomparable entanglement of bodies and emotions lies the heart of the fans\' commitment to football. The senses of triumph and dejection experienced here are never quite matched in any seated section of a football ground.\" These days, though, even the cheapest seats at clubs such as Arsenal offer good facilities. The game fissured long ago, when players started to earn in a week what most of their admirers take home in a year.

                              Leading clubs draw up to 50 per cent of their match-day revenue from the most expensive 20 per cent of tickets. Higher prices for the elite seats in the new Emirates Stadium have allowed Arsenal to freeze the cost of general admission tickets.
                              \"The big change in football is that it\'s become more attractive to all categories of society,\" Edelman says. \"You find that when you meet other chief executives of companies, if you\'d have said football before they\'d have all kind of gone, \'Humph\'. Now they\'re all fascinated. The reach of football has changed dramatically.\"
                              The Emirates Stadium will hold 60,000 fans - 9,000 of whom will be in what Edelman terms \"privileged\" seats. Manchester United will be the only Barclays Premiership team with a larger ground.

                              Arsène Wenger says that his main sphere of influence over the new stadium has been: \"Basically all organisation of the technical area, the pitchside. More than that there was general desire within the board to push the club forward.
                              \"They deserved big credit because they had the audacity and the courage to push this project through. You want to push this club higher up, and in 10, 15 or 20 years we\'ll feel we have made the right decision.\"

                              The bill for the Emirates project is more than £400 million - about half of Wembley\'s price tag. The debts that Arsenal must service are high, but Edelman says that the cash from European football is not essential. The new stadium will improve Arsenal\'s ability to compete with other clubs for star signings.

                              Wenger says: \"I feel the most important thing is to make the right decisions as the manager of the club. To get the right players in at the right time. But what (the Emirates Stadium) does allow is this club to go a step higher up and fight with Manchester United and Chelsea in a few years\' time financially. \"If you have decided to get a player you can get him because you have the resources available. Therefore it is a vital step for the club for the future.\" The Diamond Club will be Raymond Blanc\'s first London restaurant. \"I couldn\'t resist it, being an Arsenal fan,\" says Blanc. \"There is a swagger about Arsenal which is very French.\"

                              He says that the Diamond Club\'s ambiance will be one of \"quiet modernity. I will not be avant garde with the food. You don\'t need to give caviar and the most highly complex food to give pleasure. The food offering will be exciting, will always be seasonal, fresh, often organic. The best ingredients, cooked simply.\" So quality is assured - apart from on the pitch, of course. Unpredictable business, football. Not even Chelsea\'s millions buy them victory every week.

                              For more information about Arsenal\'s Diamond Club, contact Zoe Frost on 020-7704 4184.


                                Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                                Ajee, juba helistan. Mis puutub piletihindade külmutamisesse, siis päris nii see siiski pole. Igatahes peavad paljud hooajapileti omanikud uuest hooajast rohkem maksma. Ning väga raske oli nö aste alla hooajapiletit saada. 17 naela on on ka naljanumber, või siis pigem Junior Gunnersite piletihind. Aga mis parata, seni kuni klubil läheb hästi, võib selliseid hindu lubada, metropolis asumine aitab ka kõrgetele hindadele kaasa. Aga korra hooaja jooksul võib seda luksust ikka endale lubada Ehk joppab ja võidan pileti esimesele kodumängule AG-l. Kindel see!

